Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Canada recently brought in 25000 Syrian refugees at the beginning of 2016, vetting them in a period of weeks...

iirc, those well-publicized 25,000 refugees were already in the pipeline

on a different note, it was admirable that Justin managed to keep his shirt on during the photo-ops at Pearson :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
Depends on if I have a room open, and if they can pay rent. I don't typically allow people to stay long-term for free unless there's a good reason.

Why do you fake Christians get such a rise out of sting operations making fun of the goodwill of others?

Funny, i didnt see any goodwill. I see pickpockets.


New member
Hall of Fame
Canada recently brought in 25000 Syrian refugees at the beginning of 2016, vetting them in a period of weeks, not years, and included the Prime Minister going to Toronto Airport to greet the first planeload.

Good for them. This isnt Canada. If you like how they do things better, move there.

I would rather terror be prevented BEFORE it happens, rather than after and im not so stupid i cant see what happens in the rest of the world.


New member
Hall of Fame
Why do you fake Christians get such a rise out of sting operations making fun of the goodwill of others?

Youre an atheist, you wouldnt know a real or fake christian.

The PRIMARY role of government is protection of the CITIZENS of the nation, not other nations.


Well-known member
Youre an atheist, you wouldnt know a real or fake christian.

You need to adhere to a creed to understand the contents of the creed in question? I don`t have to be a Marxist to evaluate whether someone is a Marxist, nor do I have to be a Buddhist to determine whether someone follows the Buddhist principles and views of reality.

I`m a Christian, and I believe rexlunae`s characterization of you is correct.

I would rather terror be prevented BEFORE it happens, rather than after and im not so stupid i cant see what happens in the rest of the world.

Meaning you want to let the refugees that try tp escape from the very same terror rot, because you consciously or sub-consciously value american lives over theirs. Tell me, how many terrorist attacks have the US suffered from citizens of the banned countries? The answer is 0. The right wing Christianity of this site has reduced "faith in Christ" to a mere cultural marker for American tribalism, and judging from other threads, an increasingly white supremacist American tribalism and imperialism.
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New member
You need to adhere to a creed to understand the contents of the creed in question? I don`t have to be a Marxist to evaluate whether someone is a Marxist, nor do I have to be a Buddhist to determine whether someone follows the Buddhist principles and views of reality.

I`m a Christian, and I believe rexlunae`s characterization of you is correct.

Meaning you want to prevent refugees that escape from the very same terror rot, because you consciously or sub-consciously value american lives over theirs. Tell me, how many terrorist attacks have the US suffered from citizens of the banned countries? The answer is 0. The right wing Christianity of this site has reduced "faith in Christ" to a mere cultural marker for American tribalism, and judging from other threads, an increasingly white supremacist American tribalism and imperialism.

Very apt post :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
helping someone get their own housing by using someone else's money?
I don't know what your point is. I already said that there could be hypocrisy if someone who advocates for refugees and can afford to contribute refuses to do so. And these protests aren't about funding anyway. The ban isn't because of budget concerns and the protesters aren't out there saying that someone else needs to pay more money to allow more refugees in.


New member
Hall of Fame
That's where the biggest hypocrisy lies...the wealthier the leftist, the fewer of "those people" they want to have to live around or see on "their" streets. But the ones who just want to give money with no thought (or no cares) of where potentially violent "refugees" might be housed are stupid.
Then maybe this guy should have found some "wealthy leftists" to ask.


Good for them. This isnt Canada. If you like how they do things better, move there.

I would rather terror be prevented BEFORE it happens, rather than after and im not so stupid i cant see what happens in the rest of the world.

Chance of being killed by refugee terrorist in United States is one in 3.6 billion
- Thursday 26 January 2017

The chance of a being killed by a refugee terrorist in the US is one in 3.64 billion, according to a new report that studied the tangible risk posed by immigration.

The statistic was revealed as news emerged of President Donald Trump's plan to issue an executive order suspending immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, and ban refugees from entering the US for 120 days.

..... However, a Cato Institute study, “Terrorism and Immigration: A Risk Analysis”, found little evidence to suggest this would be an effective policy.

The report said the chance of being killed by a terrorist attack perpetrated by an illegal immigrant was one in 10.9 billion per year.

The chance of being murdered by a tourist on the common B visa was 1 in 3.9 million per year, it added.

- chance of a being killed by a refugee terrorist in the US is one in 3.64 billion

- chance of being murdered by a tourist on the common B visa was 1 in 3.9 million per year

- chance of being killed by a terrorist attack perpetrated by an illegal immigrant was one in 10.9 billion per year

To have the federal government and the nation at large preoccupied with events whose probabilities can only be calculated in the billions demonstrates just how far out of touch "true believers" like "Angel4Truth" are with reality!

To put these irrational fears into perspective, consider the following:

- odds of being the victim of a shark attack are 1 in 11.5 million worldwide (one is 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning)

- odds of being killed by a dog is 1 in 18 million,

- chances a person will be killed by an asteroid are 1 in 200,000

- odds of being killed by hail, which is 1 in 734,400,000.

- odds of a person to dying from slipping in his or her bathtub is 1 in 11,469.

- a person’s chances of dying in an elevator are 1 in 10,440,000

- chance of being killed by a bear while visiting Yellowstone National Park is 1 in 2.1 million
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Trump knows what he's doing.

Let's look at this gem:

He made a claim that NBC minimizes terrorist attacks.

NBC struck back by recalling every single time they casted terrorist events.

A bunch of NBC watchers realize that vetting is necessary, and exchange sympathy for Trump supporters :chuckle:

He's been doing it with Twitter and otherwise the liberal media through the entirety of the race into his presidency.

Liberals are just too spastic to take a second and realize it :rotfl:

~You can't stump the Trump~


Canada recently brought in 25000 Syrian refugees at the beginning of 2016, vetting them in a period of weeks, not years, and included the Prime Minister going to Toronto Airport to greet the first planeload.

To date, there has not been one terrorist incident involving any of these Syrian immigrant BUT there were 6 Muslims killed in a mosque in Quebec City by a white supremacist last week.

Despite accusing the "dishonest media" of deliberately refusing to report terrorist incidents to promote their own pro-Muslim bias, the Trump Administration, in its infinite wisdom, has itself maintained total silence when it comes to this incident where Muslims were the victims of a terrorist act!

If Muslims had been the perpetrators instead of victims, does anyone doubt that "The Donald" would have made this incident a focal point for drawing public attention to promote his agenda?

Cool story bro

They are also not America, the #1 on radical Islam's hit list

Everybody has forgotten about that fact :plain:

Trump hasn't :)


Trump knows what he's doing.

Let's look at this gem:

He made a claim that NBC minimizes terrorist attacks.

NBC struck back by recalling every single time they casted terrorist events.

A bunch of NBC watchers realize that vetting is necessary, and exchange sympathy for Trump supporters :chuckle:

He's been doing it with Twitter and otherwise the liberal media through the entirety of the race into his presidency.

Liberals are just too spastic to take a second and realize it :rotfl:
"Trump" has accused anyone and everyone who happened to precede him in government as being incompetent and stupid - yet he introduce a presidential travel ban on immigration that has been overruled 3 consecutive times in one week

Before his supporters join him in attacking the judiciary, the original "so-called" federal judge from Washington and one on the committee were both Republican appointees.

Now we have the spectacle of General Flynn, Trump's national security adviser, stating that he can't remember as to whether he discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador prior to the Inauguration - despite the fact that VP Pence has already assured the nation that no such discussion took place.

US private citizens are expressly forbidden from negotiating with a foreign power under the Logan Act and apparently Trump's national security adviser was totally was unaware that the FBI was wiretapping his conversation over the Russian ambassador's phone.

The fact that Putin didn't reciprocate after Obama expelling 35 Russian diplomats has created deep suspicions that Trump's representatives brokered a deal with the Russians over sanctions, behind the back of the Obama Administration, prior to taking office.
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"Trump" has accused anyone and everyone who happened to precede him in government as being incompetent and stupid


America has spent enough time in the ground feeling bad about it's dominance and eating dirt for minorities- it's time to get up and stop being victims in our own home.

I'm sorry you don't understand that, I really am, but we are simply just DONE.
Enough is a enough_ that is why Trump is the President and the sooner you can wrap your little brain around that the better :wave2: