Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them...


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Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them. Here’s how they respond.

Well-known video prankster Joey Salads — who also performs self-described “mind-blowing social experiments” — said he conducted a mock solicitation on hidden camera at Los Angeles International Airport amid protests against Republican President Donald Trump’s temporary immigrant ban.

So, arming himself with spectacles and a “Feel the Bern” T-shirt, Salads went “undercover, as a leftist” to ask the question: Would protesters be willing to put their money where their mouths are and offer to let refugees live with them?

Approaching a group of protesters sitting on a ledge at LAX, Salads introduces himself as a member of an outfit that “just got approved by the commissioner of naturalization.”

He then asks if any protesters would be willing to “give donations or to possibly offer shelter.”

Salads’ first victim says, “I have no resources. Sorry.”

A second guy writes in a “small donation” on the clipboard, Salads notes in the video, but declines to offer shelter.

“I live with a man who is a Trump supporter,” one woman replies, “so I don’t think he’d go for it.”

“I’m very interested in helping,” one guy answers. “I’m a little apprehensive, and I also have a female roommate who’s, like, a very nervous girl … but I’m very interested.”

“How many refugees will you be willing to hold?” Salads asks him.

The guy says he has only a couch to spare.

When Salads tells him that would be enough — in addition to providing “food and water” — the guy wonders how long he’d have to keep that up.

“Until legislation passes,” Salads replies.

“I don’t know that I could commit to that,” the guy answers.

A female who told Salads she lives by herself and is “also apprehensive” did request to be added to an email list — but another who says she lives in a studio with her boyfriend indicates she doesn’t have enough space.

One guy standing on a ledge with signs around his neck gets a little miffed with Salads’ continued pressing: “I already answered you, OK?”


So libs, would you house some? If yes, for how long, would you do it for life?


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Hall of Fame
I don't think this shows hypocrisy. Maybe with the money, but most of those responses focused on housing and one person did say they'd donate. Another person said they had no resources, which could be true. We have no idea.

It'd be hypocritical if they were saying others should be opening up their homes, but that's not how refugee programs work as far as I understand. I guess you could still ask to see how far someone was willing to go but a negative answer doesn't show hypocrisy in my view.

If he wanted to show hypocrisy he should have asked if they would mind a refugee being their neighbor because it would get at the "Not in my backyard" mentality.


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I don't think this shows hypocrisy. Maybe with the money, but most of those responses focused on housing and one person did say they'd donate. Another person said they had no resources, which could be true. We have no idea.

It'd be hypocritical if they were saying others should be opening up their homes, but that's not how refugee programs work as far as I understand. I guess you could still ask to see how far someone was willing to go but a negative answer doesn't show hypocrisy in my view.

If he wanted to show hypocrisy he should have asked if they would mind a refugee being their neighbor because it would get at the "Not in my backyard" mentality.

Whats the difference between open your home and provide them a home?

I agree its hypocritical to force their hand into someone elses wallet when they arent willing to widely open their own.


Well-known member
Whats the difference between open your home and provide them a home?

Option B allows Leftists to feel good about using someone else's assets to further their cause, while conveniently leaving their own skin out of the game. Bernie Sanders has three impressive homes. Which ones will he use to house the needy, do you think?


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You don't see a difference between helping someone get their own housing and letting someone stay in your own home?

I see lots of differences. Why not let them stay in your and their home, since they are protesting them having to wait to be vetted before coming here, why not house them in YOUR home for 90 days and vouch for them?


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Hall of Fame
I see lots of differences. Why not let them stay in uour and their home, since they are protesting them having to wait to be vetted before coming here, why not house them in YOUR home for 90 days and vouch for them?
The protesters aren't saying there shouldn't be a vetting process.


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Hall of Fame
Which meets the need of homelessness more quickly?
I would assume someone opening up their own home but I'm not sure. If the housing search starts early in the process then it might not matter much. If there isn't available housing then people opening up their own homes would allow more refugees to come but I don't know if that has been a problem.


New member
You don't see a difference between helping someone get their own housing and letting someone stay in your own home?

That would be a question only a fair minded individual might ask and or answer, objectively.

You are not dealing with such on here.

Rather, with extremists.

Were the issue that those protesters had either expressed that they would take those immigrants in, or actually had taken them in, then the extremist Rights would have been whining about something within that as some other "foul."

Extremists - Left, Right, whatever are so because they are ever looking at things from within a one sided vacuum.

From within the self-delusion of "well, if it were me "I would/would not do such and so..."

As a result, such are ever the last to see the obvious - their one sideness.

Fact of the matter is that few actually know what they will and will not do when faced with an actual situation and not just some fool asking a question for the sole purpose of proving his own agenda.

Let alone, what another might do.


Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them...

Given that not one immigrant from the 7 nations listed on the ban has been charged with a terrorist act in America, perhaps our conservative friends could enlighten us as to why this is such a priority for the Trump Administration and why a system that already has been 100% effective would need to be reinvented !



New member
So libs, would you house some? If yes, for how long, would you do it for life?

Depends on if I have a room open, and if they can pay rent. I don't typically allow people to stay long-term for free unless there's a good reason.

Why do you fake Christians get such a rise out of sting operations making fun of the goodwill of others?


No, they are lying about whats happening.
Canada recently brought in 25000 Syrian refugees at the beginning of 2016, vetting them in a period of weeks, not years, and included the Prime Minister going to Toronto Airport to greet the first planeload.

To date, there has not been one terrorist incident involving any of these Syrian immigrant BUT there were 6 Muslims killed in a mosque in Quebec City by a white supremacist last week.

Despite accusing the "dishonest media" of deliberately refusing to report terrorist incidents to promote their own pro-Muslim bias, the Trump Administration, in its infinite wisdom, has itself maintained total silence when it comes to this incident where Muslims were the victims of a terrorist act!

If Muslims had been the perpetrators instead of victims, does anyone doubt that "The Donald" would have made this incident a focal point for drawing public attention to promote his agenda?
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New member
I don't think this shows hypocrisy. Maybe with the money, but most of those responses focused on housing and one person did say they'd donate. Another person said they had no resources, which could be true. We have no idea.

It'd be hypocritical if they were saying others should be opening up their homes, but that's not how refugee programs work as far as I understand. I guess you could still ask to see how far someone was willing to go but a negative answer doesn't show hypocrisy in my view.

If he wanted to show hypocrisy he should have asked if they would mind a refugee being their neighbor because it would get at the "Not in my backyard" mentality.

I agree disagreeing with a ban doesn't automatically mean your supposed to house them as well.


New member
Whats the difference between open your home and provide them a home?

I agree its hypocritical to force their hand into someone elses wallet when they arent willing to widely open their own.

??? as far as I can tell none of the protesters are advocating that homes should be provided to those blocked by the ban.


Well-known member
If he wanted to show hypocrisy he should have asked if they would mind a refugee being their neighbor because it would get at the "Not in my backyard" mentality.

That's where the biggest hypocrisy lies...the wealthier the leftist, the fewer of "those people" they want to have to live around or see on "their" streets. But the ones who just want to give money with no thought (or no cares) of where potentially violent "refugees" might be housed are stupid.