Trump IMMEDIATELY Backpedals On Wall And More…

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Stop acting like children, seriously :AMR:
Because there's nothing less interesting than serious children. :plain:

Democrats are a vengeful lot, organization———-this loss has been a humiliation and they will get even…….They still have the dishonest press and some of the crappy radio stations, CNN, PMSNBC,NPR lousy, lying papers NYT, LA times, Boston Glob and the sub human elements.
Looks like ol David here is ready to Duke it out in TOL proper.

More seriously (than the kids even) Trump said what he needed to say to win. That's why when he was asked if he thought his rhetoric went to far during the campaign he said, "No. I won." What he does with that win, where, how often and to what extent he amends any number of promises/positions is anyone's guess. But you won't find a president who doesn't shift and change post election. It's all part of the circus.

Greg Jennings

New member
They basically are trying to say Trump is 'back peddling' based on the fact that they are going a less costly route and building double fencing along the border- double fencing implies electrified fencing, and taller fencing since it requires less material.

It could also be built relatively fast- Trump is thinking frugally in terms of money and timing- a brick and mortar wall is not necessary unless one is expecting an invasion.

These progressives will jump at anything like dogs in heat. They should go think long and hard why people got tired of them and voted for Trump in the first place :wave2:

Why are people upset about this? It does the same job as a wall and costs billions less

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I want the wall. If he doesn't build The Great Wall of America, I will be royally angry,

You do realize the Confederate States of America, or whatever they were called, wants no part in your equal pay scam.


New member
maybe we could get a deal on that one hadrian left in england, since the scots have been so peaceable lately


Is that colonel Sanders standing by the wall?


New member
So we cannot take Trump at his word?

And yes, I do have a bias, a bias in favor or rational thought. Trump provided none of that during the campaign. His name calling like a 5th grader got people to vote for him. A comment on him and the American people in general who somehow thought this foul mouthed braggart was for real.
He has no clue what the job entails. It is a bit more difficult to run the most important country in the world than to bankrupt a casino.
But he is likely to spend less time running the country when he has to sue the women who claimed he sexually harassed them. Another one of his promises that got his base all ginned up.

If nobody crosses the border anymore illegally, what difference does it make if it's technically a wall? That's what trump was promising. The wall was a rhetorical device to get across a point. Results speak much louder than following something to the letter.


New member
Ah, a name caller, no wonder you like Trump. But:
1. he promised a wall, not a fence, and have Mexico pay for it.
2. he is going to sue the women who accused him
3. he is going to deport millions
4. he is going to ban Muslims from entering the country
5. he is going to throw out Obamacare
6. he will abolish the Department of Education
7. he will fix all our roads, bridges and airports
8. he will reduce regulatory agency power, especially EPA and I assume you can all all government departments to that.
9. he will increase our military
10. he will provide massive tax cuts
11. he will appoint very conservative Supreme Court justices
12. he will require foreign countries to pay for US protection
13. he will drain the Washington swamp, i.e. get rid of insiders and lobbyists

Are those promises all semantics?

The goal of each promise will be fulfilled.

Jose Fly

New member
This is going to be fascinating to watch if Trump fails to keep most of his major campaign promises....

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Well....maybe a fence that we pay for 100%.

Lock up Hillary? Probably not.

Drain the swamp by cutting back on lobbyists and special interests? Nah...Trump is already stacking his team with lobbyists and corporate interests.

Repeal Obamacare? Maybe "amend" is a better approach.

Deportation forces that round up illegals? Meh....not so much.

The funny thing is, one of Trump's early messages that I thought was accurate was how he told Republican voters that the GOP had been screwing them for years...promising all sorts of actions on issues they cared about, but once they got in they just made themselves and their corporate buddies very rich and forgot about all those promises.

And now we see signs that Trump is doing the exact same thing. So I'll be watching....will conservatives fall for the con again and not care, or will they finally wake up and hold the GOP accountable?


New member
They basically are trying to say Trump is 'back peddling' based on the fact that they are going a less costly route and building double fencing along the border- double fencing implies electrified fencing, and taller fencing since it requires less material.

It could also be built relatively fast- Trump is thinking frugally in terms of money and timing- a brick and mortar wall is not necessary unless one is expecting an invasion.

These progressives will jump at anything like dogs in heat. They should go think long and hard why people got tired of them and voted for Trump in the first place :wave2:

You are just one more fool who has yet to bother to look into Trump's financial history.

The man has never been known for being frugal in anything he does.

Because he is so impulsive - even his darn Twitter account had to be taken from him, lest he continue the damage of his impulsive nature.

His one strength in this: if it can be called one; is his recurrent pattern to this very day.

On the one hand, back when he first broke away from his father's neck of the woods to pursue his own, he just as quickly soon began to completely destroy what he was building even as he was building it.

On the one hand.

On the other hand, because he had started out on his father's deep pockets, he had been able to hire "the best people" who then would have to undue, excuse away, lie about, cover up, buy more time, etc., regarding his messes.

He then fires those people or they walk on him and he starts over.

It is why he appeared so clueless throughout his campaign as to the specifics of how he was going to pull off his many outlandish promises.

He will now have to "hire the best people" so to speak, to pull off the impossible - clean up the kind of swamp he himself was raised in.

His old man was not controlled by Special Interests. Rather, his old man was the Special Interest doing the buying and selling of politicians.

The son was raised on that. Off he went to Manhattan to do just that, himself.

Each your having voted him into the White House in your willfull ignorance of who he really is - all that did was bring The Swamp Thing...home to the Swamp.

I doubt he has turned a new leaf.

I remain hopeful.

But with my eyes wide open.

But I am not the fool those of you who voted for him continue to prove you have remained.

Fool me once (and he has fooled many) shame on you; fool me twice (not this time Donald) shame on me.

Once more...the shame is on you.

I would suggest you each wake up and do some research on your Babylonian idol - complete with Tower.

The man has ever been the very poster boy of the very things that so disgust God about men and their "go to, let us build a city."

Time to be wise as a serpent, not blind as a lamb to slaughter.

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New member
This is going to be fascinating to watch if Trump fails to keep most of his major campaign promises....

Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Well....maybe a fence that we pay for 100%.

Lock up Hillary? Probably not.

Drain the swamp by cutting back on lobbyists and special interests? Nah...Trump is already stacking his team with lobbyists and corporate interests.

Repeal Obamacare? Maybe "amend" is a better approach.

Deportation forces that round up illegals? Meh....not so much.

The funny thing is, one of Trump's early messages that I thought was accurate was how he told Republican voters that the GOP had been screwing them for years...promising all sorts of actions on issues they cared about, but once they got in they just made themselves and their corporate buddies very rich and forgot about all those promises.

And now we see signs that Trump is doing the exact same thing. So I'll be watching....will conservatives fall for the con again and not care, or will they finally wake up and hold the GOP accountable?

His biggest battle will be with his own party.

There is simply too much money and equally massive egos at stake in DC.

Trump has come home.

Question is...will his Swamp Thing family allow him a place in what for all these years has been THEIR Swamp to great wealth and power at the expense of those the public most politicians at all levels of society continually prove they only claim to represent.

Still, his will be an Administration like no other.

Both good and bad.

Some great.

Some uniquely Trump.

Jose Fly

New member
His biggest battle will be with his own party.

There is simply too much money and equally massive egos at stake in DC.

Trump has come home.

Question is...will his Swamp Thing family allow him a place in what for all these years has been THEIR Swamp to great wealth and power at the expense of those the public most politicians at all levels of society continually prove they only claim to represent.

Still, his will be an Administration like no other.

Both good and bad.

Some great.

Some uniquely Trump.

It'll be interesting to watch, that's for sure.

Another question I have for conservatives is whether the national debt and deficits matter. Trump has proposed some pretty large spending increases (military, infrastructure, the wall) coupled with historically massive tax cuts. The federal government was already operating at a deficit before, and if these policies get enacted it's tough to see how that won't get much, much worse.

Does that matter, or is deficit spending and the national debt just something conservatives complain about when a Democrat is in office, but ignore when a Republican is in (as they did during the W. Bush presidency)?

And as I noted before, the Trump administration is already shaping up to be one big give-away to corporate America. Corporate tax cuts, tax cuts to the super-rich, deregulation of Wall St., gutting and/or elimination of environmental regulations, corporate CEO's running federal Departments (e.g., Dept. of Interior)....Is that OK with conservatives? Is that what they voted for?


New member
Fool, you will see Trump keep all of his promises, just watch

No child; I did my homework.

Yours is self-delusion.

You well know you did not look into his past as to who he has really been and how he got to where he was before he ran for office.

Not to mention that there is simply too much money at stake on both sides of the aisle as to the various issues he promised reform on.

He knew that going in. Because he himself has been a Special Interest just about his entire life.

Those puppet strings on the cover of those old "The Godfather" books - that is who Trump has been: a man pulling the strings.

He fooled you through words.

Just as his campaign manipulated Michael Moore's words to their own agenda, Trump's assertion that he was no Politician's puppet conveniently left out the fact that they had always been his.

And now he is competing with Special Interests who can buy him his wealth lock, stock, and barrel, and then some, as well as buy Politicians on both sides of the aisle, and barely touch their massive, corrupt wealth.

I have to believe you believed Trump was some sort of a next best thing to Jesus, but you...have been had.

The least you could do is "be wise as a serpent..."

If nothing else, bro, you owe yourself that much.

This is all I am actually pointing out.

But as usual such things end up making one the enemy of your kind.

Wake up!


New member
Hall of Fame
I want the wall. If he doesn't build The Great Wall of America, I will be royally angry, as, I am sure, many of his supporters will be. I don't want a fence. I want a wall so high that it touches the clouds. I want a wall so high that not even a single Mexican could possibly climb it.
Maybe when the wall is built they can start focusing on building camps for those in the county. :plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
At the same time, perhaps he is coming to his senses...we will just have to wait and see for a time.
Maybe partially that. Or maybe it's that during a campaign you over-promise and then when it gets real you tone things down and get more practical. Frankly, Trump back-pedaling on some issues is something I'm hoping for.