Trump: If I am assassinated there will be civil war


[Trump: :greedy: If I am assassinated there will be civil war Mirrorspectrum] "Donald Trump made an assumption about what could happen after his presumed assassination. He believes that it will spark a civil war.

Trump moved ahead of Hillary Clinton in the presidential polling averages for the first time this week, while the death threats against him became louder and more insistent.

New World Order experts believe Donald Trump’s anti-establishment views, in particular his promise to expose the truth about 9/11, mean he is right to fear being the highest profile politician since JFK to be assassinated.

The New World Order controlled evil in Washington not only kills foreign leaders who try to disrupt their master plan, they also take out their own. JFK warned that elite secret societies were running the world and that they had a plan to enslave every American man, woman, and child. This was enough to get the popular President killed.

JFK’s assassination sent shockwaves through an unsuspecting American society that are still being felt today. But would a presidential assassination pan out the same way in 2016? Would the people stand for having a popular President taken out by the shady elite again?

Secrets Exposed

Trump is threatening to blow the lid off the US establishment’s biggest secrets should he become President. Speaking at a campaign event in Bluffton, SC, in the formative stage of his campaign, Trump raised the issue of 9/11 – the federal government’s Achilles heel.

“We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center.” Trump told those in attendance. “It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, OK,” Trump continued.

“But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, OK? But you will find out.”

Trump was referring to the 28 pages of the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, which remain classified and withheld from the public on grounds of ‘national security’. The pages are thought to implicate the Saudi Royal Family in financing the supposed hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks..." Full text: Trump: :greedy: If I am assassinated there will be civil war 1 Ti 2:1-2 more
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The Horn

Serpentdove , can you cite any examples of children "killed " by either Trump or Hillary Clinton ?
I assume you're talking about being pro-choice . Abortions will happen whether you are pro or anti-choice . Period . In fact, anti-choice politicians are responsible for many abortions, because they've consistently voted to cut government funding for helping the poor in general, and poor pregnant women in general and their children .
Ironically, the hated Obamacare has actually PREVENTED so many abortions because it has made health care more easily available in general .

The Horn

Tom O, you can look this up for yourself easily on the internet . Yes, it should be obvious .
If the government provides better health care for poor women and makes it easy to obtain contraceptives, the abortion rate will automatically go down.
Take away funding to help th e[poor, amen it harder for women to get contraceptives , which the Republican party has consistently done, and a higher abortion rate is inevitable . Duh .


New member
He has to figure out what his plans are first.
This is important. In regards to many issues he hasn't addressed what he wants to do. Other candidates have many ideas outlined on their websites, but Trump's website is a bit skinny. Further, it is hard to pin point his actual political position because it is muddled by his aggressive rhetoric.
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