Democrats mock Americans who are offended by voter fraud, claiming they have no proof. The fact is that democrats cannot prove the hundreds of thousands of late-night ballot dumps for Biden were from legitimate voters but democrats claim they do not have to prove the ballots were legitimate. Democrats claim the burden of proof is on those who oppose fraud to prove the ballots were illegitimate. That is hard to prove and may be impossible to prove as long as democrats and leftists refuse to allow investigators to examine the ballots and the machines that counted them.Lindell shook off one bondage (crack addiction) for which I congratulate and commend him, but the fact is that Lindell still has the hallmarks of addiction and he has transferred them onto Trump, hence his obsessive, irrational and absurd claims about the election and his deluded belief that he has the proof that will overturn it and put Trump back in the White House.
The fact that voter fraud has become hard to uncover does not mean it did not occur. The fact some fraud is caught and some have gone to prison for fraud proves that people commit voter fraud in spite of democrat claims to the contrary.