Trump has already done more for U.S. workers than Obama in 8 years as president.


New member
WASHINGTON (AP) — Air conditioning company Carrier Corp. said Tuesday that it had reached a deal with President-elect Donald Trump to keep nearly 1,000 jobs in Indiana. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence planned to travel to the state Thursday to unveil the agreement alongside company officials.

Trump confirmed the meeting on Twitter late Tuesday, promising a "Great deal for workers!"

Trump spent much of his campaign pledging to keep companies like Carrier from moving jobs overseas. His focus on manufacturing jobs contributed to his unexpected appeal with working-class voters in states like Michigan, which has long voted for Democrats in presidential elections.

The details of the agreement were unclear. Carrier tweeted that the company was "pleased to have reached a deal" with Trump and Pence to keep the jobs in Indianapolis.

A transition official confirmed that the president-elect and Pence, who is ending his tenure as Indiana governor, would appear with Carrier officials Thursday. The official insisted on anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the trip ahead of an official announcement.

Trump said last week that he was "making progress" on trying to get Carrier to stay in Indiana.

In February, Carrier said it would shutter its Indianapolis plant employing 1,400 workers and move its manufacturing to Mexico. The plant's workers would have been laid off over three years starting in 2017.

the next 4 years will be a nightmare for liberals if Trump continues on like this.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Our governor elect already said he was going to sign the anti-union bill, ironically called "right to work". There is not a super majority for it in the legislature, as RINOs that gave me constitutional carry take money from big labor. It will actually take a few years to undo decades of damage and no growth.


the next 4 years will be a nightmare for liberals if Trump continues on like this.

You have to admit Jeffrey that after 8 years of Obama's policies, there is only one way to go from the bottom of the proverbial barrel.

Our governor elect already said he was going to sign the anti-union bill, ironically called "right to work". There is not a super majority for it in the legislature, as RINOs that gave me constitutional carry take money from big labor. It will actually take a few years to undo decades of damage and no growth.

Pence sold out Christians by not signing a religious liberty bill for fear of a national boycott, what makes you think that the spineless slug won't back down on an anti union bill as well?


I remember when Trump said Obama will go down as the worst president, and Obama got on camera and replied
"At least I will go down as a president"




Appears Donny made a deal to save some, but not all the jobs, by granting some decent sized tax breaks to Carrier. Not very free market is is?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He bribed them to the tune of $700k yet, Rump's campaign rhetoric described such tactics as failed liberal ones.

Go figure. :idunno:

What I thought was more notable was that Carrier was not leaving for cheaper labor costs they were leaving because of the overbearing regulations that have been imposed during the Obama presidency. That is a far more telling factoid of what is killing jobs in this country than labor costs, it is over taxation & over regulation that is choking the life out of American business'. This is the same paradigm that has caused a great portion of California business' out of the state, most namely aerospace which is almost nonexistent anymore and was a California staple prior to the Clinton Administration and has been vacating California since. Now we are seeing the same thing nationwide, business' moving offshore due to over taxation and oppressive regulations. Hopefully Trump & Pence understand the cue that lowering taxes on business will help but, the disassembly of the regulatory environment will produce jobs & a thriving economy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He bribed them to the tune of $700k yet, Rump's campaign rhetoric described such tactics as failed liberal ones.

Go figure. :idunno:

$700 per worker to keep american jobs here?

sounds like a bargain! :thumb:


you can cite something comparable that bammy's done?

No...because this was assisted by the republican governor of Indiana know, the Vice President. :think:

It was a political maneuver first...job saver second.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
looks like trump's a better liberal than bammy when it comes to saving jobs! :banana:



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
trump is trump

only a fool would try to put a label on him

unless that label was "businessman"

or President :banana:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Shhhhh, the Trump lemmings are drooling all over themselves thinking that they have a conservative in office, don't ruin the fun for them.

you think trump's a conservative? :freak:


Thanks for admitting that Donald Trump is by no means a conservative. Can I quote you res?