It's not just speculation. Demographics mean cities are going to become a higher and higher percentage of the population, worldwide and especially in developed nations. Demographics are also shifting younger voters to be more diverse and more liberal. Eventually (and perhaps not as far in the future as we may think) we may eventually see the flipping of several states. Georgia and Arizona got close this time.
Again you equate the demographic of the urban to be of more value than the demographic of the rural which should just have to live with what the majority rule is...sorry, doesn't work like that and again that is exactly why the pure democracy was rejected at the nations founding. The only ones that see it as a problem is you marxist regressive liberals which congregate in the same area and expect to rule over all the states nationally.
It's a bad system when you have to hope the unlikely events never happen. You don't know what will happen in the future.
So, just like the global warming fantasy we should all go into a hysteria about things we don't know will ever happen but, think they will, and alter the constitution on an emotional whim? One is as dumb of an assertion as the other...
We saw a record number of electoral vote defections this year, in the future someone could figure out how to buy off electors and there wouldn't be anything you could do about it.
Yea, most of the defections were Hillary electors :chuckle:...well it has been over two hundred years with this system and that has NEVER happened yet so, lets trash the system for something that fits the regressive liberal sensibilities? Nah...
Your problem is twofold:
1. You like the system because it's giving you the result you want by overriding the majority of citizens of the united states. That's a bad reason to support any system.
That is not my problem, it is yours given the system America has had in place for over 200 years is the standard. What you desire is going to require a super majority to change, and you simply don't have it not at the state or federal level.
2. You hold up the founding fathers as almost super human in designing our system of government. This is problematic because the founders were clearly flawed human beings who didn't respect the rights of many other human beings. We've also actually changed the constitution many times over the years when we decided it was broken. Change doesn't equal destroy, you do understand that right?
I think you mean the framers, the founders found the country, the framers framed the constitution, which was debated vigorously before being ratified. The form of government along with the voting system was also adopted by a super majority every time it was voted on which was 4 different revisions all of which deposed the idea of pure democracy/majority rule. I don't believe the framers were superhuman but, I do know that these men were educated men, great thinkers, readers, and students of history & philosophy and were keenly astute to the reasons why governments rise, fall, and were perverted over time just like how liberals are trying to pervert this government now. The constitution has only been changed when there has been a super majority that found it necessary so, get your super majority and there you have it, until then...
The electors used to be chosen by the state legislature.
I would say this amendment was a perversion that has destroyed the integrity of the constitution and with that I would say why have a senate at all? The point of the senate was to have representation of the states in congress, that is why they were appointed by the legislature of the state, we already have directly elected representatives from the people in the house of representatives, so I am not sure what the purpose of the senate is any more. :idunno:
And it used to be the second place finisher in the electoral college became the vice president. Now we have a hybrid system that's almost the popular vote, but not really. We may as well stop the pretenses and make everything straightforward and fair.
You mean fair to the urban liberals in California, or New York, Chicago, Miami and to hell with the rest of middle America right? I have a better idea :idea:, if and when you crazy libs do get that super majority you go ahead and change the constitution but, first you have to muster a majority in the states, which you are severely lacking currently...nobody wants socialism but, you regressive liberals, change is coming though, and I am sure you will not like it. Oh well...