Trump Harris debate


Active member
It occurred to me that Harris' performance yesterday was not intended to sway any of the Republican faithful. That's unsurprising. And it wasn't intended to sway any of the undecideds. That is surprising. It was tailored to the Democrat party faithful, which means they're worried about the enthusiasm level. I believe that they're afraid that Democrat turnout will be at record lows. And they absolutely need a close race in order to hide the cheating.
It was certainly intended to suggest to Republican women and any women on the fence that a Trump administration will be "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant". It was not intended to sway Trump's base, that Kool-Aid has already been drunk. I think it was intended to sway those undecideds who were looking to make a decision on Harris.
Your debate in these situations should always be intended to enthuse your base. for the Democrats, most of that enthusiasm started when Biden left. Biden's debate performance was abysmal. Trump's was close to that last night. Biden was old and confused, Trump old, irrational and angry. With any luck we will have seen the last of him on the political stage after the election.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Everybody on social media is outraged by the blatant bias of the moderators and their refusal to fact check the many many lies that Harris told. In the very few places where I participate, I've reminded people that we should expect nothing else from them. They are socialists Marxists communists - they're following the playbook that they use as a bible - Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Their followers don't care if they lie. I'm going to repeat that.

Their followers don't care if they lie.

Expect nothing else, brush it off the way that Trump should have last night, and stay on message. Inflation immigration crime global turmoil - the Democrats own these. Remind the voters of what the country was like, what the world was like in 2019, and what it's become after 3 and 1/2 years of the Harris administration.

That's another thing. Trump needs to stop saying the word Biden. He needs to stop referring to the current president. He needs to stop referring to Harris's boss. He needs to make this wholly Harris's mess. He needs to refer to it as Harris's administration every single time.

Inflation? Harris's administration

Global turmoil? Harris's administration

Skyrocketing crime rates? Harris's administration

Open border? Harris's administration

15 million foreign nationals swelling our welfare ranks displacing our homeless veterans clogging our hospitals and now our schools? Harris's administration

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Very disappointed that Trump has not incorporated into his lexicon the points that Tulsi Gabbard made against Harris in the 2020 primary debates and the points that Joe Biden made against Harris in the same 2020 primary debates.

Especially her record as a prosecutor in California and the negative impact it had on the black population. An especially fertile moment last night was when Harris was whining about Trump noting that she identifies as black when it's convenient. This would have been a perfect opportunity for Trump to remind the voters that she had in laughed during the sentencing of an innocent black man that she sent to jail by suppressing evidence. That she was responsible for the incarceration of a thousand black Californians for marijuana convictions when she laughed about whether she smoked marijuana herself. That she had used black Californians as slave labor during their incarceration and kept them longer than their sentences required.

In fact that's a talking point that the right needs to get out there. Harris's ancestry includes White slave owners in Jamaica. The right wing needs to remind people that she was just following her heritage when she used blacks as slave labor when she was in power in California. 😁

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Very disappointed that Trump has not incorporated into his lexicon the points that Tulsi Gabbard made against Harris in the 2020 primary debates and the points that Joe Biden made against Harris in the same 2020 primary debates.

Especially her record as a prosecutor in California and the negative impact it had on the black population. An especially fertile moment last night was when Harris was whining about Trump noting that she identifies as black when it's convenient. This would have been a perfect opportunity for Trump to remind the voters that she had in laughed during the sentencing of an innocent black man that she sent to jail by suppressing evidence. That she was responsible for the incarceration of a thousand black Californians for marijuana convictions when she laughed about whether she smoked marijuana herself. That she had used black Californians as slave labor during their incarceration and kept them longer than their sentences required.

In fact that's a talking point that the right needs to get out there. Harris's ancestry includes White slave owners in Jamaica. The right wing needs to remind people that she was just following her heritage when she used blacks as slave labor when she was in power in California. 😁
The deciders of this election live in battleground, swing states. The only thing that matters to the outcome of this election are those voters in those states. So the base in those states and their independents /undecideds hold the future in their hands. I'm certain former President Trump knows this cold. So any possible apparent deficiency in his debate performance could be due to him tailoring his performance toward exactly the voters he needs to persuade to win.

That's what I'm hoping anyway.


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Gold Subscriber
It was certainly intended to suggest to Republican women and any women on the fence that a Trump administration will be "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant". It was not intended to sway Trump's base, that Kool-Aid has already been drunk. I think it was intended to sway those undecideds who were looking to make a decision on Harris.
Your debate in these situations should always be intended to enthuse your base. for the Democrats, most of that enthusiasm started when Biden left. Biden's debate performance was abysmal. Trump's was close to that last night. Biden was old and confused, Trump old, irrational and angry. With any luck we will have seen the last of him on the political stage after the election.

I'm hearing rumors that the woman moderator in the debate was a sorority sister of Harris.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not going to cut and paste all of them. It's what we expected. The left lied.
The left cheated. They didn't care if they got caught. Their supporters don't care if they get caught. This just reaffirms what we all know by now - the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.



Well-known member
Harris was all about warm milk, fuzzy blankets, and promising to be the fairy-god-mother of all her babies. On the other hand Conservatives see the Democrat agenda is against God's will. To us their behaviors are certainly extremely nefarious. Where Harris looks like a puppet to the whims of the Party and her supporters we know the record of Donald Trump. He knows business, understands the roles of leadership, wants to make American great again, and understands how the unfettered invasion of foreign migrants can place an extreme burden on our citizens and will rapidly destroy our nation. The Trojan Horse has been built and now it is being filled. Very sad day if Dems keep the power of Congress and the executive branch. Heaven have mercy and please don't allow the Dems to mess with the Supreme Court for their benefit. Amen


Well-known member
Did you notice how the Moderators already had names of people who rebuked the things the President said. One example ... was about the eating of pets. Of course no one called the police if their pet was gone to say I suspect my pet was cooked. I can't prove it but I have a strong belief! So the moderators/fact checkers found an official to say they had received no complaints or charges. Sign: so, that person was used to call Trump a liar. I just pray people are thinking and seeing through the continued political attacks from those who just hate Trump.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Worth revisiting this
Caution language

The system is rigged

Trump fought against the rigged system as a candidate back in 2016. He fought against the rigged system for 4 years as president. He's fought against the rigged system for four years as a target of a corrupt DOJ and Democrat prosecutors. And he's currently fighting against a rigged system, most recently and most obviously during this latest debate. And they're not even trying to hide it anymore.



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Gold Subscriber
Ah, a rumor on the internet. Must be true.
I keep hearing rumors that Melania is just waiting for him to lose, go to the pokey and divorce him.

Much like the rumors that illegal aliens are eating pets and park wildlife and sacrificing them for rituals...