Trump Harris debate

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Another link that's going to carry it live. I'm on the road and hope to be stopped before it starts but can't be listening to it while I'm driving


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Another link that's going to carry it live. I'm on the road and hope to be stopped before it starts but can't be listening to it while I'm driving

Lots of deer carcasses on the road these past couple weeks and other critters like porky's and skunks. Almost hit an escaped cow earlier tonight and there's been a black bear sighting in the area in the past few days. And I tell people I live in New York 😁

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Quit watching turned on the radio. He's allowing her to get under his skin. He needs to hammer her on her record instead of letting her suck him into responding to her silly nonsense.

He seems too defensive.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
She's repeating Biden's lie about Charlottesville. She is modified it a little bit. Hopefully Trump won't rise to the bait

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
First commercial break. Harris is lying repeatedly baldly obviously. It occurred to me recently that it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if she's caught in her lies by Trump or Trump supporters. She's not talking to them. She's talking to the sheeple. She's talking to the cult members of the left wing. And they don't care if she's lying


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First commercial break. Harris is lying repeatedly baldly obviously. It occurred to me recently that it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if she's caught in her lies by Trump or Trump supporters. She's not talking to them. She's talking to the sheeple. She's talking to the cult members of the left wing. And they don't care if she's lying
Kamala: "Some very fine people on both sides."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thank goodness closing arguments coming up. So far I don't think either of them have won


Well-known member
I have to agree with what commentators are saying because I watched. The moderators did fact check him not her. Her questions were phrased in a way to foster a "sweet" response. Trump spent time defending himself ... when she basically just feed milk to children/her voters.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
By the normal rules of debate Harris lost. She lied constantly, she engaged in ad hominins constantly, she avoided answering specific questions asked her by the obviously biased moderators.

But by the rules currently in effect she won.

Harris won this debate.

She achieved the goals that she set out to achieve. And she prevented Trump from achieving the goals that he had set out to achieve. She needled him she goaded him she triggered him into responding to her instead of focusing like a laser on her flaws. She knew she couldn't run on her record and so her goal was to prevent Trump from attacking her record.

He should have brushed aside her attempts to distract him instead of responding to them. He should have remained focused like a laser on immigration, crime, inflation, global instability. Furthermore he should have refused to get sucked into any discussion about abortion. He should have stated his position and then pivoted to immigration crime inflation global instability.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It occurred to me that Harris' performance yesterday was not intended to sway any of the Republican faithful. That's unsurprising. And it wasn't intended to sway any of the undecideds. That is surprising. It was tailored to the Democrat party faithful, which means they're worried about the enthusiasm level. I believe that they're afraid that Democrat turnout will be at record lows. And they absolutely need a close race in order to hide the cheating.