Anybody who supports a President who has referred to his followers as "the dumbest group of voters in the country" is in no position to pass judgement on a group whom "The Donald" believes to be "the smartest group of voters in the country!"I find it very astonishing and a wee bit curious how the loss of a single election has driven so many citizens of this country to the brink of some form of insanity. What we've been seeing is way beyond the NORMAL reaction of a large group of people. We can only conclude, it's some form of "Mass Delusion/Hysteria." The 'far-left' Media has perpetuated this 'social mental illness' by continuing to through fuel on the fire. The symptoms of this "Disease" has been; rabid obstruction, violence in the streets (Antifa/Black Lives Matter), and perpetual rancor towards the President and those who voted for him and support him. Our society is experiencing an unheard of 'Social Anomaly' and a very disturbing phenomenon.
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