Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Much to Donald Trump's dismay, he has no authority over the 50 States state of emergency clauses found in their constitution, which prohibiting public gatherings during a deadly pandemic falls under.
I don't think that matters to discussion. This is simply about whether 'houses of worship (churches) are essential.
Two things: Many don't know that Donald Trump has no constitutional authority in overriding these temporary state of emergency bans. The second thing is that people of faith don't need a rainbow flag waver telling them what's essential.
Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Maybe because most people know that deadly airborne viruses don't stop at the entrance to a church?
Are you talking about a building or the people of God?
If that latter "no weapon forged will stand against it."
I'm talking about people of faith gathering in churches or in large groups anyplace else. If people of faith are immune to diseases, I wasn't aware of that.
Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post The CDC released a report this week highlighting the spread of the coronavirus at a rural church in Arkansas in March. Among 92 attendees, 35 developed confirmed cases of the virus and three died, according to the agency. Another 26 cases linked to the church took place in the surrounding community, the agency said, leading to one death.
Are you for or against telling people they can or cannot, and does it change according to consequences?
I'm for abiding by and if necessary enforcing common sense public health measures, and according to the vast majority of Christian churches that are willfully staying closed during this deadly pandemic, it appears that the pastors and church elders are too.
Originally posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
What are your thoughts on these pastors posting a disclaimer at their front entrance before services?
"Welcome to the church of the almighty dollar. Feel free to blow off the dust from the tithing plates, as they haven't gotten much use lately. BTW, for every 100 congregants, 1/3 of you will contract a deadly airborne virus that has no vaccine developed yet, and 3 of you will die..
Have a nice day!"
Haven't seen that quote posted yet. You?
I'm glad that you enjoyed my sarcasistic poke at pastors passing themselves off as Christian.