Trump Conspiracy Theory


Trump says if the GOP doesn't treat him with a certain amount of decorum and respect AND as the front runner that he is, he will break the pledge.

Good. The republicans don't deserve a win either.

Carl Rove has been wrong for a decade already. Why is his name even considered?

Unless republicans come out and call Obama what he is - a sleeper cel president that is enabling radical Islamic extremists to operate in the world, the republicans are a bunch of homos not willing to stand up and fight.

The idea that acting "presidential" is going to be a sign of strength is so 1970's. Look what happened to Romney Ronald McDonald. What a loser idiot he was. These fools are supposed to represent the people. How would you feel if you were the parent of the Benghazi heroes when you saw that weak puke candidate hold his tongue and not tell Obama what's what?

Instead of representing those families we get idiot weak sucks.

Props to Trump

He doesn't need commander n chief experience. Rubio. That's what we have five star generals for. All we need is for a white dude with the hutzpah to tell the jesse jacks and farakan charlatans to "tell it walking"

No more weak domesticated white presidents too afraid to be proud of themselves. Too polite and giving towards minority races. I say screw em.
I'm a half breed and I could care less. This country is a blessing. I was on skid row at 16. Today I've made millions of dollars. I've always looked at other races as my equals. Especially their women.


Might be forced out couple days.


Deal or not. . . Republicans are the ones supporting him. How sick are Republicans?

The opinions of the idiots who voted for Obama..


Trump can win, and you all are scared so you've resorted to slandering him the best you can.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
trump can only win in the polls
trump can not win a primary in any state
trump has a deal with hillary
trump is making the republican party look bad
that is the truth


If Trump falters, it is Ted Cruz. How does that make you feel? :loser:

I don't see that happening, and that's not out of my zeal for Trump. He's demonstrably resilient.

Trump has a very real possibility of winning the election, and people are in denial about it.
He's what this country needs, I just wish some people would take their head out the sand and realize it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Both will beat Hillary easily. That assumes she is not in jail.


Trump Conspiracy Theory

What is there about Donald Trump that would lead anyone to conclude that he would willingly play "second fiddle" to anybody else on the planet - particularly a woman?

If the Democrats were smart enough to subvert the the Republican efforts in the 2016 presidential election, why haven't they been smart enough to regain majorities in both the House and the Senate?

The Republicans have nobody else to blame but themselves!


Both will beat Hillary easily. That assumes she is not in jail.

Hillary is a criminal. There's that, and then there's her securing her vote by supporting BLM, who has opted to kill white people.

Her husband, despite being a Democrat, was a pretty decent president. I can't really say otherwise- honestly, nobody can really. He was alright.

She shouldn't be running. It's a bad joke- could you imagine Bill being the First Man?



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And here is something else to consider. Biden isn't running. Why in God's green earth would he not run? When Hillary get's indicted by the DOJ he can be nothing but the instant front runner. He knows if Hillary will be indicted... or not. And that's the point. Biden isn't running because Obama told him they won't be prosecuting Hillary.

But then it gets even deeper. Why, knowing how much Obama and Hillary hate each other, isn't Obama going after Hillary? Heck, he could knock her out of the race even if there wasn't anything to her many scandals. It makes no sense until one realizes that Valerie Jarrett is money in the current administration. And since Huma Abedin is so money on Hillary, it's really Huma they want in office and Hillary doesn't matter.

So the next question is, why would Trump do what he's doing? First, there is no downside. No matter what he says he gets good press. Second, he'll also gain a lot of friends in the DC donor class. So he's not getting a pay-off directly for doing this, but because he's getting at least a rating boost and at most huge influence in DC.

Now there is no doubt that Hillary couldn't ask Donald to run directly, but they didn't need to. The same handler class that Valerie and Huma belong to could make a strong business argument to Trump as outlined above.

And beyond this, they had no idea this election cycle would turn out the way it is. They had no idea that Trump would actually run for sure, or that he would be leading in the polls for something like most of 6 months straight (unprecedented in GOP presidential primaries), or that Carson would be in second for so long, or that people hated the establishment making the outcome we have today, or that the establishment would react the way they are. It's all about knowing what outcome they want in the end and doing whatever little nudge they can to get the ball in that direction a little farther. Most of these movers don't even know one another and they don't conspire to work together. But they all know what outcome they want and independently work relentlessly toward that goal.

The only way to combat this kind of movement is to know, individually, what the right goal would be, and everyone do what they are doing independently, together, to always move toward that goal. The secret is knowing the goal.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If the Democrats were smart enough to subvert the the Republican efforts in the 2016 presidential election, why haven't they been smart enough to regain majorities in both the House and the Senate?
You've swerved into a good question.

It's because they don't care about who wins elections. They care about getting results in their goals. And sacrificing offices has got them a lot of great results! It isn't just the house and senate they've won, it's piles of state reps, state governors, and a legion of lesser elected and appointed offices. None of that matters, because they know it's mostly what we've come to call "establishment" people. So despite the R by their name, the liberals can safely move the ball in the direction they desire and almost none of those people will try and get the ball to move in the other direction. It doesn't even matter if they actually move the ball as far as they want, what matters is if they keep the ball moving even a little in their desired direction.

The Republicans have nobody else to blame but themselves!
Blame themselves? What makes you think they aren't getting exactly what they want? Similar to public schools, the stupid is a feature, not a flaw.


I've pretty much had it with the shenanigans of political correctness and people otherwise acting like reactionary idiots- it's time to wake up.

Trump, throughout all he's done, is pouring his heart into this election. It is not a scheme, or a 'spotlight' moment- he is at his best, real spirit right now and that is something to recognize :)
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The Republican Party is becoming older, male, whiter and angrier - as exemplified by Donald Trump.

The American electorate is moving in the opposite direction and conservatives are delusional if they think Trump is going to lead them to the "Promised Land!"


New member
Conspiracy or not - it really doesn't make any difference. Trump is a wrecking ball against the Republican party, regardless of what Trump's motives are. The longer Trump remains a contender - the more damage that's done to the Republicans. In other words, Trump is the best friend of the Clintons any way that you look at the race and what Trump eventually does.

If it came down to a choice between Clinton and Trump, I would have to vote for Trump. I think that Trump would be a horrible president but better than Clinton. I'm hoping that Trump withdraws early enough to manage some of the damage already done, but I don't think that he will. I hope that I'm wrong.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Conspiracy or not - it really doesn't make any difference.

actually it does

don't ever underestimate the clintons
don't ever underestimate what they can get away with

they are owned by foreign governments

they will reward trump

he will get the wall contract