Trump Assassination Attempt #1

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I haven't seen any mention of a drone. Surely they would have at least one drone above a site like this for surveillance. Does anybody know?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Almost as if they knew ahead of time what was going to happen 🤔


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Of course there's more to the story and many of us are certain we know aspects of it and why they're being covered up. But it's a story that will never be told by the propaganda wing of the Democrat party. No this is a story that will be told by the likes of Joe Rogan and Ben Shapiro, who have demonstrated an ability to prioritize truth over bias.



Well-known member
Such a sad state of affairs.
The recourse for American loving God fearing citizens is to show up and vote.
Pray pray pray strong prayers.

Over the years I've done lots of different things:
Flag and poster waving at street corners. Felt sorry for my friend and fellow black Republican for passers by were the most offensive toward her.

Several times I've walked neighborhoods for candidates and the Rep Party to pass out info.

Once, I formed a committee to pass our registration forms for people who needed them. They filled them out and mailed them in themselves without our asking their political views. Over board to be fair and non judgemental.

Was on the board of a conservative group for several years until health issues began.

Same situation of health issues for helping pro-life centers.

We always fly our flag and put out candidate signs in our yard. I think we are the only ones to do this in our neighborhood.

I had these luxuries because I had retired. Oh, that people younger than me come out in droves to do such things. And Oh, Right now I'm accepting that the shooter was a loner. I haven't been keeping up with it like I should, but surely our Congress men will investigate as best possible.


Well-known member
I forgot to mention I've worked Republican Party booths, along with others, at local community events. Talking to fellow conservatives and even to non Reps who wanted to have discussions. My last event, I'm proud to say, our booth was over run with interested citizens and the Dem booth was hardly checked out. Yet, Dem candidates WON at election time. Very sad ... and no wonder people are suspicious. Dems must have figured out ways that we are yet to discover. Not the old type stuff I did.


Well-known member
I had not heard about the shot which disarmed the shooter. Good for that policeman. Just opens up more questions doesn't it?