A lot of people use the word in hyperbole, especially on the Internet. I do not. I mean it very literally, and based on a specific set of comparisons, including the tactics he uses to gain power and incite anger in his followers, and the specific rhetorical tactics he uses.
You use it because you have not educated yourself on Hitler or the Nazi party to any extent obviously. Just as when conservatives use it to describe Obama it is you grasping at straws to analogize a man you detest. I believe you detest Trump as badly as I detest Obama, the left, and all that they stand for, which is in my mind what they have always stood for... anti-constitutionalism, anti-liberty, anti-private property, anti-self protection (guns), et al., basically the left are nothing more than a Saul Alinsky brand of marxists that hate this nation and all that it stands for, it is nothing new, there are just more of them. It is easy to sell that nonsense when there are few good jobs, a waning economy, and an entire generation that has never experienced a government that is smaller and an economy that is bigger, robuster, where everyone is living the American dream and yes, I am old enough to experienced both, now & then that is...why do you think Trump's mantra was "Make America Great
Again"? Stick around you might just like what you see in the next 8 years...:chuckle: I will address your points one at a time...
1. He demagogues against marginal groups to incite his followers to anger. This includes immigrants, racial minorities, BLM and those who seek to advance the rights of black people, and Muslims. Sure, it's true that he isn't talking about just rounding up people and murdering them. But then, that wasn't Hitler's first plan for the Jews, either. At first, Hitler just wanted to expel the groups of people that weren't considered German enough.
I know this may come as shock to you but, the "immigrants" as you say are "
illegal immigrants", that would mean that they don't have a legal right to be here, furthermore a country is defined by it's borders and the laws that govern immigration, if you think that is harsh look at Mexico's immigration laws and the penalties for violating their border, so there is that. BLM is a radical fringe group which deserves to be marginalized for the radical racist hate group that it is, they are no more working to advance rights of black people than the Klan was attempting to push caucasian rights. In case you are not informed it is radical sects of the Muslim faith that take great issue with the west and have attacked us on on our soil many times in recent history, I know that is an inconvenient truth but, the job of the president according to our constitution is to protect it's people and identifying the enemy of the state comes with that, if people of the muslim faith in this nation are aligned with the enemy they should be rooted out, and the ones that are not should help in that effort which they don't or won't but, speaking freely the about problem is the first step to fixing it. I know liberals hate that, it doesn't fit with political correctness which is also on the list to be vanquished. Finally, if someone is in this country illegally than they should worry that the law will finally prevail, I don't go to a foreign country to work, collect benefits, or vote and not have the expectation that I will someday be ousted either, America should be no different, we have laws...enforce them.
2. He practices the tactic of the Big Lie (
http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/), described by Hitler in
Mein Kampf, and discussed by Joseph Goebbels as well.
How convenient that you don't want to address the laundry list of lies Obama or any of the minions on the left that have perpetrated over the past eight years. Even a casual google search on Obama's lies much less Hillary's will give you hours of information to glean on the subject of lying. This site has compiled a list of quoted lies told by Obama...enjoy.
3. Related to the Big Lie, he publicly denounces the free press when they report on him accurately. This is also a tactic borrowed from the Nazis.
There is nothing free, or even truthful in the press that is why Trump has went around them to get out his message verbatim using social media which just chaps the media's backside. The left wing imbedded media has been defanged, and has no credibility to act as a gatekeeper of information anymore. It is about time they were called out on their lies & overt bias in disseminating information, with the media it is about creating narratives not reporting facts, and if they were free or even fair our nation probably would not be so screwed up. The media has been derelict in its duty to keep government officials...all government officials in check, they did that to themselves, and nobody but leftists are listening to their nonsense anymore.
4. He undermines confidence in democratic processes and norms.
Democratic processes and norms? that is really funny given your president has been ruling through executive fiat for the past 6 years since he lost a majority to rubber stamp his crazy left policies. Really, liberals have no way they can claim they are remotely democratic or that they can even spell the word compromise, that is why they have been losing ground nationally for years now.
5. An authoritarian personality cult. While many politicians portray themselves as transformative, Trump seems to suggest that this will occur without reference to any specific policy, but by virtue of his potency as a leader.
As opposed to ruling with a pen and a phone as not being authoritarian right? Ruling through executive order is not setting policy it is issuing edicts. Do you see a theme here when you attempt to analogize Trump or Obama? You really got nuthin...
6. Trump has talked about "opening up libel laws" to silence critics.
If the statements are slanderous and he can prove it in a court of law that would be libel, no?
It's true that whereas Hitler was a determined political animal, Trump often seems nearly apolitical. This may make Trump's personal politics relatively unimportant, as he's likely to acquiesce to whoever wields the most influence over him. Still, where Trump's politics are discernible, they seem very Hitleresque to me. And it may be that America's institutions are resilient enough to handle a Nazi head of state better than the Weimar Republic could. But I don't really want to find out.
So really you have no idea how the man will govern at this point and nor do I but, after dealing with 8 years of lies, corruption, and executive tyranny in lieu of public discourse I am willing to give the man a chance. You haven't made a point here just a vague speculation with no evidence to back it up.
Now that is a trivial description. What kind of emperor stands for election? What kind of emperor spends so much time fighting Congress to accomplish anything? What kind of emperor allows their policies to be overturned by independent courts?
The kind of emperor which cannot find compromise on any policy he offers, using a democratic process (your words) and attempting to go it alone ruling through executive order, using government departments as weapons just like any good tyrant does. That is the legacy of this president, and all those piles of executive edicts, not legislation, will be wiped out just as quick as they were issued which is a good reason to use the democratic process, to find compromise for
all people instead of going it alone, forcing policy, and having everything that you have accomplished knocked down like the house of cards it is.
You don't have to like Obama. But he's no emperor. He's the twice-elected President, and by a real majority both times.
Here we go, another liberal which does not understand the constitution, the difference between pure democracy (which this government isn't) and representative republic. He was elected twice to be sure by the same system that has been in place since this country was founded and the constitution was ratified, he won the majority of States which is the standard much to your chagrin, it is not a mob rule system, and unless you libs can muster a super majority (very doubtful)to change our constitution it will never be mob rule i.e. popular vote. There are reasons that the founders of the nation designed it that way and there are numerous extraneous writings in the federalist papers as to why, you can start with federalist 10.
Hillary Clinton won more votes than Trump by a wide margin.
Irrelevant, nationwide popular vote is not the standard in our country and never has been, I know that whole constitution thing is great inconvenience for you liberals but, that is our system of government, if you want mob rule than move to any banana republic and you will get just that.
Democrats made advances in both houses of Congress despite being the ruling party. Only the broken electoral system allowed Republicans to hold the White House and Congress. Democrats do face a structural strategic problem, in that their supporters live close together, and when it comes to US elections, living further apart matters. But the notion that the election represents a popular rebuke to them is silly. A rebuke in some states, perhaps, but then, the Rust Belt has been tracking more conservative recently, so it isn't exactly new.
You really have yourself fooled don't you? the facts are that Under President Obama, Democrats have lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid's watch and have never been in this much of a minority nationwide since the 1920's wake up dude! The electoral system is not broken it worked exactly how it was supposed to, again, it is not mob rule pure democracy but, a representative republic which means the states have a say as well as the people that dwell in them, even if the populace of a state is very small they still have a voice in the presidential election, San Francisc, New York City,Seattle, Los Angeles, et al do not have the right to decide the president of an entire nation because they hold the largest population, you have to win the majority of states & their electors as well. That is the system for over 200 years get over it already, you have to sell your message to rural Nebraska as well as San Francisco to win. If you are still in denial about the state of the democratic party maybe this article will help, going even further left won't help the democrat's position that is for sure.
The one advantage for the Democrats in "losing" this election is that they will be the party out of power in the next election. The party out of power tends to do better. And I'm honestly curious to see what the Republicans do with a number of the programs that they've wanted to undermine so badly for so long. As rhetorically popular as it is, it's going to be politically difficult for them to repeal Obamacare, because that will involve a lot of people losing their insurance.
If moving further to the left is the strategy being out of power may be a permanent problem for them, unless democrats can reconnect with average Americans instead of crony elites they are doomed to fail going forward, the people are on to their scam. When people's tax burden goes down, regulations on business are lifted and the economy blooms for them with jobs & prosperity the libs will be hard pressed to resell the same message, just how I am reading it anyway. I don't know how Trump & co intend to repeal & replace Obamacare but, it has to be done, this attempt at fixing healthcare has been an economic disaster so, it will be replaced but, with what is anybody's guess at this point, I think that in the end we will all be better for it because it won't survive in it's current form because nobody can afford it.
As far as the social and environmental messages of the Democratic Party goes, neither of them are expendable. And the Democrats are, generally, on the right side of both.
Speaking from a far leftists POV of course, certainly not from the other half of the country that is opposed to that nonsense. You cannot force your worldview on an entire nation when half of it's occupants disagree, keep your ideology to yourself or amongst your likeminded lemmings, the nation has just rejected it... except for urban coastal liberals of course.
And, they are not the cause of our economic problems.
False! Government regulation, taxation, and social giveaways (entitlements) are the root cause of our economic problems.
This country does have real serious economic problems, but neither part has much of a handle on them. Sanders was just about the closest, but I don't think anyone has exactly figured out how to build an economy where there can be enormous productivity without creating a lot of jobs.
I beg to differ, and productivity without working is just nonsense just look at the other failing socialist democracies that practice it say Greece, Italy, Spain all of which are a complete drain on the productive nations in the EU. Our nation has been the most prosperous nation on the globe because we don't practice socialism. The free market, capitalism, & liberty are the reasons why America is the most proserpous nation. The government was never supposed to exist to provide for you anything more than a nation where you could excel or fail on your own accord, not for the citizenry to be the funders of a nanny state that provides the needs of other citizens on the backs of others. That is why not being productive and expecting a government check from cradle to grave does not work...and never has.
I mean that your ideas of government & mine, or Trump's worldview & Obama's are as far as the east is from the west...they could not be further apart.
I'm just savoring finally getting a conservative to acknowledge that so much of what has been claimed about Obama is a knee-jerk. But really, my conclusion that Trump is a Nazi isn't (see above).
No, I did not say that so save the savor, what I did say is that comparing Trump or Obama to Adolf Hitler or the Nazi regime is knee jerk hyperbole & just demonstrably false.
I don't really disagree with you. It seems like they're gotten caught in a dilemma, where they seem to recognize the problem with money in politics, but they can't seem to focus on popular appeal instead of fundraising.
That is part of the equation, the other part is what you deny. Democrats have lost their historic base of the working class because they just like republican establishment types cannot sell their globalist, crony capitalist message to the masses any longer. If you cannot serve average working class/middle class citizens where they are advancing in life economically than the message is doomed for failure, the jig is up, and if Trump does not deliver the division will only intensify. The working class people could not give a rip about social or environmental politics if it does not fill their wallets... that in a nutshell is why the democrats have lost the working man, and election after election they lose ground.
Which is why an elderly Jew who wasn't even a party member managed to do so well in their primary.
Bernie never had a chance in the primary Rex, the entire thing was rigged against him before he gave the first speech, I cannot believe that you can even posit that nonsense. The other reasons Bernie did so well is people reject the liberal elites that are running the same globalist crony capitalist game that the republican establishment does...two sides of the same coin, and the fact that Hillary Clinton was damaged goods from the get go, she is a pathological liar, a currently unindicted felon that has numerous scandals that surround her...facts are facts, inconvenient though they may be.
And they also don't have much of an activist base.
:rotfl: Now that is rich...
It's a party of ever-fewer elites who don't seem to understand the importance of appealing to actual voters, and who think that being right is enough.
:rotfl: Your killing me here...You keep telling yourself that, the fact that you cannot sell this crap to anyone but, urban coastal elites and not to mainstream America or the working class should be a big clue.
When Obama was running in 2008, he had a real 50-state strategy. I saw him speak in North Dakota, a state he had as much chance of winning as Narnia. But he was an underdog, so he had to win his primary by appealing to the People directly.
Which is exactly why he won, he appealed to the people directly just as Trump has done but, after 8 years of economic stagnation & failed liberal policies that have cost many their jobs, health care, etc you cannot sell that mess anymore it doesn't work for average Americans and never will. Time to get a new direction and leave the fringe groups where they belong...on the fringe.
And we learn after she lost the election, that even after being surprisingly beaten in the Rust Belt states (especially Michigan) in the primary by Sanders, she had still taken these states so for granted that she hadn't bothered to visit them even once...because they weren't considered purple states. She certainly didn't earn any points for tactics.
Face it, Hillary Clinton is an elitist that had been drug so far left by Bernie in the primaries that she could never make it back to the center. I say that the democrats should continue to the left of left because it only pushes average Americans to the right.
They need to get people engaged in ways that actually work for the party. They need to get people involved in all levels of government, not just a few federal offices. And they need to actually tell people how their policies benefit everyone. It shouldn't be hard.
It is hard because the policies of the left don't promote growth, that is why it doesn't sell, and if liberals such as yourself continue ignore that fact, moving away from sanity, pushing fringe social and environmental nonsense, than expect to keep losing elections because once the working man gets more money back in his paycheck the left will be hard pressed to win over working middle class voters going forward. Liberals did not just lose an election they are losing the culture war.