
ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes I flinched



Well-known member
Yes I flinched

When I was a kid a neighbor's cow got loose and was hit on the highway, killing a driver.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When I was a kid a neighbor's cow got loose and was hit on the highway, killing a driver.
I drove through a flock of wild turkeys yesterday, swerved hard to miss the nearest one, kept it under control. They are big birds. They'll break a windshield


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

Truckers are the backbone of the country. We stop moving, within three days, everything else stops working, and within a month, the country will collapse.
Basically agreed.

And for the love of Pete, if you're driving in a passenger vehicle then cooperate with our truckers! It's not hard to understand what they're trying to do, just watch them. They're hauling like 20 tons of material and they're either thinking of going straight, stopping, or turning, just watch them, anticipate what they're trying to do, and cooperate with them. We both want the trucker to do whatever he (or she, although it's like 19-to-1 a guy) is trying to do without any accidents, and bonus if you don't interfere with him in some unnecessary and thoughtless way.

His job is tough enough driving that thing. At least don't be a donkey and make him become a stunt driver to avoid crushing you and toppling over the trailer.

'Way of the road!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I drove through a flock of wild turkeys yesterday, swerved hard to miss the nearest one, kept it under control. They are big birds. They'll break a windshield
They are also literally bird-brained, dumb as a bag of rocks. Don't underestimate how dumb they are.

Don't be caught on the short end of this stick: "Who's dumber? Them? Or YOU, because you didn't think they were THAT dumb?"


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Was going down the road today, went by a scale house where two State Troopers in "Commercial Vehicle Enforcement" marked SUVs had just pulled out of and were making their way onto the highway, one in front of me a few cars, the other behind me, both in the left lane (I was in the right lane). The one behind me eventually passes me, and then gets in front of me, and the one ahead switches to the right lane as well, then turns off onto a side street while the one directly in front of me stays there. We come up to an intersection, the light turns green, and slowly we pull away, go through it, and eventually get to another intersection just before the exit I need to take (mix of intersections and interchanges along this highway), and the trooper is still directly in front of me, as I maintain a safe following distance.

Just after we roll through the intersection (there's about two to two and a half car-lengths between me and the trooper) someone in a white pickup decides he's going to squeeze between me and the trooper (as idiots do) to try and get ahead of me so he can turn or take the next exit, and of course, because he was so close when he did so (basically he cut me off), I put on my high beams and blew my air horn at him, and as I let off the horn, I see the state trooper turn on his lights through the pickup's windows and pull off into the shoulder, and I'm like, "awwwwww yissss! Someone's about to get pulled over!"

I know what's coming so I hang back for a moment, and watch as the pickup passes the trooper, who then immediately pulls out behind him and pulls him over. I change lanes into the left lane briefly, noting a third trooper behind me who followed me briefly onto the exit ramp but went a different direction than I did, as I moved back into the right lane and then took the exit.

Like, seriously, how are you so blind and dumb to cut off a big truck DIRECTLY BEHIND A STATE TROOPER and think it's going to save you time?

Made my day, though. I hope he learned his lesson.

Moral of the story? Leave room for big trucks when passing. And don't cut us off.