
ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When I was driving school bus I went off my route once and approached a bridge very much like that. I knew I could clear it but I also knew that it would be close. I remember inching under it being nervous as a kitten. Didn't want to have to explain to the dispatcher why I had gone off my route.

way 2 go

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Just 25 Days of Diesel Supply

The US has just 25 days of diesel supply, the lowest since 2008, according to the Energy Information Administration. At the same time, the four-week rolling average of distillates supplied, a proxy for demand, rose to its highest seasonal level since 2007. While weekly demand dipped slightly, it’s still at highest point in two years amid higher trucking, farming and heating use.


The diesel crunch comes just weeks ahead of the midterm elections and has the potential to drive up prices for consumers who already view inflation and the economy as a top voting issue. Retail prices have been steadily climbing for more than two weeks. At $5.324 a gallon, they’re 50% higher than this time last year, according to AAA data.
some more context

Screenshot from 2022-10-26 19-47-19.png


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
When I was driving school bus I went off my route once and approached a bridge very much like that. I knew I could clear it but I also knew that it would be close. I remember inching under it being nervous as a kitten. Didn't want to have to explain to the dispatcher why I had gone off my route.
Makes sense. The duty of the driver is to avoid wrecks.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Us school bus drivers always figured that our duty was to get the little monsters off the bus so that we could do donuts in the parking lot.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Trucker delivers load, runs out of hours, parks truck and goes to sleep. Awakened by crazy woman throwing rocks at his truck. Confrontation ensues, she attacks him, he shoots her dead. Trucker calls 911, reports incident, is arrested, charged and jailed.



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Trucker delivers load, runs out of hours, parks truck and goes to sleep. Awakened by crazy woman throwing rocks at his truck. Confrontation ensues, she attacks him, he shoots her dead. Trucker calls 911, reports incident, is arrested, charged and jailed.

Hmmm. Going over what details I can find, I'd say he should be put to death for murder, since it was entirely unnecessary to kill her to defend himself from her.

Throwing rocks at a truck, let alone charging at someone, is not justification to shoot someone dead. When she charged at him, he should have closed and locked his door (according to him, he hadn't even gotten out of the truck, only cracked his door open to tell her to stop), and called the police, not shoot her then call the police.

Just because she's crazy doesn't mean she deserves to be killed.

In fact, the VERY FIRST thing he should have done was call the police, then crack a window open slightly and tell her that the police are on their way.