Trolls and Attention Whores

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Well-known member
And, by the by, I doubt that if TH insulted you, that you would even perceive the insult so given. His backhands are wicked cleverly deployed. ;)


Once TH tried to backhand me and I said "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you backhand (me) bounces off me and sticks to you. Like say, your hand. The back of it."

Or wait, no, that was just in my mind... I was dozing off, thinking about it.

Actually I think I said "Times INFINITY..." and he froze right in his tracks like a deer caught in the headlights. He still might be like that... Frozen in his tracks. Like a deer. In the headlights.

I might have froze a little bit too. Just for a sec I mean. It was chilling.

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Hall of Fame

It actually wasn't me who first took issue, but that aside, if you'd prefer to take issue with the folks who took issue with Serpentdove lying rather than taking issue with serpentdove's lying... So be it. :)


you were the first one I couldn't ignore
I was having fun with this
I could see rainee wasn't


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Examine yourself. A casual review of your previous posts indicates you brought it all on yourself. If you wanted to be less maligned you would have taken the irenic high road in your posts from the start. You did not, choosing to join the fray and behaving just as uncivilly as some of those you now decry. You cannot have it both ways. Think about it. :squint:

And, by the by, I doubt that if TH insulted you, that you would even perceive the insult so given. His backhands are wicked cleverly deployed. ;)


I think it is even more interesting that she was able to get to Town Heretic


New member


OK so you don't appreciate humor. all I can tell you is that a room full of people being inspired to laugh at themselves by a good humorist is completely different from a comedy club.

Well I guess sometimes it takes a drunken neurosurgeon to understand what head knowledge is.

You cannot teach the heart. You just have to get your habitual head out of its way and give it a chance to experience. The body already understands the value of fitness but once again it is the habitual head and shallow emotions associated with justifying an associative intellect that prefers complaining to movement.

We've forgotten these things as a whole. This is why objectively educated people are very rare

The nature of the provocation was nonsensical and filled with twisted data as well as out and out misrepresentation.
If it was intended as humor it missed the mark.
It appeared that, in the beginning, most of us, enjoyed Rainee's posts.
She has a round about way of delivery but her thoughts were on target.
I gave her many positive reps.
But she has made some unwarranted remarks that I found hurtful.
She could clear the air if she wished and we could move on.

I respect the evidence of wisdom. To my mind TH is wise.
peace, bybee


New member


so it wasn't fun for you?

Get real! That whole episode was extremely unpleasant. Rainee instigated and continually fed the unpleasantness.
I hope she will return in a better frame of mind and continue to post in her own inimical way.
peace, bybee


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Get real! That whole episode was extremely unpleasant. Rainee instigated and continually fed the unpleasantness.
I hope she will return in a better frame of mind and continue to post in her own inimical way.
peace, bybee

look back
you can see that I was having fun
rainee wasn't

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think it is even more interesting that she was able to get to Town Heretic
I think it's odd that you think she did...I spend time whacking people who, by conduct or argument, warrant it. Doesn't mean they bother me much and some, like Stuu or N/A, do such a tremendous foot shooting job of setting up horrible calls I've grown a little fond of them.

Relax, Chrys. If it honestly bothers you then you shouldn't participate, but that doesn't give you license to throw eggs until your arm is sore and then complain about people with a few more in their basket or pretend an insult is ever less than one by warping someone else's participation into consent to be mocked.

Humor is frequently a serious business. :plain:

:think: Shouldn't you be gathering something?

...I confess I feel bad that I spoke to AMR.
Well, that's progress then. Who won the pool?
I feel guilty. I regret it, even. I am angry at myself for it.
A little thick with the ol lamentation spackle. And then there's--

The rest of you? Not so much.

After all, look at you.
It's just grand seeing you use an outwardly aimed pronoun. :e4e:

Now then, I guess Town Heretic missed being talked about yesterday?
You think I need you for that to happen? What, like a don't have a mirror and a play phone? :plain:

But I said what I wanted to say.
So this is a mass deja vu then. Odd. :think:

And he is surely not going to apologize
For trying to help you or for your offering personal insult for the trouble? Cause I may not have brushed up on my Mrs. Manners in a while but I'm fairly sure the former was called for and the latter isn't cricket.

or feel bad about doing what he should not have done when I am the only one saying his name.
Yeah, it's hard to believe anyone knew me before you got here. :D Hubris, thy maiden name is.

Of course if you are not believers then you can't have much of a purpose. And if you are not sound Christians you can't have much of a good purpose maybe.
You lecturing on purpose or civility is about as meaningful as a tourist infomercial from Kim Jong-il.

If your lives are empty - any of you - then you have to reach out and seek God's answers for you.
This would be a lot more credible and touching if you still weren't being a brat in between poses.

Carry on. :e4e:


New member
More attention whoring and trolling I see...

You just can't let things slide can you? What is YOUR purpose here rainee since you are asking others. Particularly what purpose does this thread have? Other than provoking other posters to gain more attention that is.

And silly me I've just fed the troll some more...


New member
TH wrote

I think it's odd that you think she did...I spend time whacking people who, by conduct or argument, warrant it. Doesn't mean they bother me much and some, like Stuu or N/A, do such a tremendous foot shooting job of setting up horrible calls I've grown a little fond of them.

The scary part is that this disciple of the New Age Critical thinking process sincerely believes he knows what he is talking about. It is a common attribute amongst what is considered the educated and one of the chief reasons they are so gullible and easily mislead by a skilled demagogue.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't think anyone here has a longer ignore list
I do know how to protect myself
did you know that you can't put moderators on ignore?
:think: Hmm. No, I didn't.

I suppose it stands to reason, since they might have a need to reign in and/or warn people who might otherwise be inclined to tune them out, but that's the first I've heard of it. Then again, I never use the ignore function so it's less pressing for me.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok Please.
Please stop.

Chrys I have grown to love you, yes? But please stop.

I have to tell y'all nothing goes on and on.
Not a rebuke, not anger,
I mean this is gospel truth from what God says.

He does not let things like these go on and on.

it is your thread
you can lock it at anytime
go ahead
do it
it is fun
it will upset some


New member
Do tell!

Do tell!

TH wrote

The scary part is that this disciple of the New Age Critical thinking process sincerely believes he knows what he is talking about. It is a common attribute amongst what is considered the educated and one of the chief reasons they are so gullible and easily mislead by a skilled demagogue.

Oh Little Nicky, you are so out of your league!


Well-known member
Hi Rainee,
Wow! What a stir has been a-buzz! And I've missed it - until now. I can't believe that anyone would ever get so up set with you that they would call you 'unmentionable names'. You and I have always had great conversations for MANY years. I agree with you ... their actions probably revealed what was in their hearts - at least at the moment.

For a few it may be what is permanently in their hearts ... for others they may have been over due for a moment of 'releasing' their animosity.

Suggestion, Rainee, stay away from controversial threads - I TRY to stay away from politics ... but don't always succeed. There are other areas I avoid. I stick to those of interest and usually TRY to close my discussion when I see that it is going in circles or that arguments are starting.

Please stay around at TOL. You can just join me on threads. I won't call you names ... if you won't call me names. See ya - so to speak.
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