Trad, do you dislike black people?

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Well-known member
It really doesn't please me you are a racist moron, Trad.


Rather it greatly disappoints me, and I wonder if you will ever change.

I wouldn't expect it. He's been a full-on racist here at TOL for almost a decade. He gets a kick from it. Also, he has a stunted ability to understand things.

But then, he's apparently not a self-proclaimed Nazi and admirer of Hitler like he used to be, so who knows, maybe he can find some way to reverse his racism. Thing is, it goes beyond his believing it; he enjoys it. Besides that he has superiority issues, he thinks calling black people "ni**er" is fun.

A well placed n-word can be pretty funny. I'll give you an example:

I return to my apartment a while back and there, in the courtyard, are 3-4 black people and a white guy who clearly don't belong there. One of my neighbors promptly chases them off.

My roommate (a northern white guy who's pretty much never encountered racism until he moved to the South for his education) comes in, and I excitedly say: "There were [n-word here]'s at the apartment earlier!"

He looks at me and busts out laughing because I just used a racist word. He was like: "[My name here] shouldn't use that kind of language!" Or something like that.

He then quickly says: "How many were there? They weren't inside of the apartment, were they?" Or something like that.

I then bust out laughing because my non-racist roommate unwittingly sounded like he just asked me how many [n-word here] were at the apartment earlier, and he seemed to be very concerned to make sure that there were none of them in the apartment.

He sees me bust out laughing and I explain what he basically had just said. The look on his face...

Man, that was funny. :rotfl:

Philosopher kings.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
If waddles, quacks and swims I call it a duck.

If you use the n word to offend, promote white power and say you don't like black people, you are a racist.

Try to split hairs on technicalities and claim your not, makes you a stupid and ignorant racist who thinks he is clever.


1.prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:
"a program to combat racism"

•the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.​

Yes, and I'm a mean heartless woman....according to some on this board. I've noticed a few things about Trad. He's smart as a whip...really smart, not just pompous smart, and enjoys watching people striving to figure out his nuanced and satirical statements. So, if you all want to boo and hiss at his horrible "racist" beliefs, have fun. All I can say is each one of you, who attack him so vehemently, look down on more people than Trad does....and for some very ridiculous reasons. Your pride is a hundred times worse than anything I've seen from him.
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New member
If waddles, quacks and swims I call it a duck.

If you use the n word to offend, promote white power and say you don't like black people, you are a racist.

Try to split hairs on technicalities and claim your not, makes you a stupid and ignorant racist who thinks he clever.

He, Trad, is an automaton! He has an affliction which precludes empathy. I believe Glorydazed has the same affliction.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't expect it. He's been a full-on racist here at TOL for almost a decade. He gets a kick from it. Also, he has a stunted ability to understand things.

He is a left wing socialist democrat.

He is voting for Bernie Sanders. Make no mistake about it.


Posters biding their time jumping others, through a standing that is all imagery and no worth :rolleyes:

I invite some to look up 'white sepulchers' in the New Testament. You will see your downfall immediately.


New member
What about albinos?

Too white?

Check out his detailed description of what it is he dislikes in his latest post in the thread calling all moderators.

It's not the skin; its behaviors he sees as exclusively belonging to black people. The skin is just an easy identified to be aware of likely behavior coming.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Check out his detailed description of what it is he dislikes in his latest post in the thread calling all moderators.

It's not the skin; its behaviors he sees as exclusively belonging to black people. The skin is just an easy identified to be aware of likely behavior coming.
He left out the greasy hair products.


Well-known member
It's the gingers you've got to look out for...

Red power!

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