Tolerance vs Godliness


Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101

The only thing that is not Christian is the literalist dogma that declares that all other structures of belief systems are invalid

Like.... the 1st Commandment? Israel repeatedly getting into trouble for idol worship? Those sort of things?


New member
Sibbie -
How many other "structures of belief systems" declare "Jesus as Lord" ? Would you mind naming a few?

As you know - most belief systems are closed - and are held captive by clergy - clergy like you, who want to limit the field of knowledge so they can declare that they alone have the inspired voice of God - even in light of the fact that there are two thousand different christian denominations speaking on behalf of the ONE GOD - all saying something different - yet they all claim it is not their understanding that is in question - no they and you all claim that you are only saying what God has already said - you leave out the part where God said what He said to a peculiar people, obstinate and very much uneducated - and for the most part illiterate - and assume that the people who do not have exactly the same doctrine from other parts of the world where they were in isolation - yet the same people reading the same book claiming they are speaking God's Words with no interpretation or understanding of their own thrown in - well reality free rhetoric strikes again.

Of course their recorded faith does not declare Jesus as Lord - but those honest truth seekers if they can get past your literalist hogwash do accept Jesus as Lord - they just do not have the literalist attitude you have - your adrenalin addicted literalist fire and brimstone hell letter perfect nothing but the Bible attitude.

With Christ's Love



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I hope you enjoy being comfortable now, because you certainly won't be, in the afterlife.:nono:


Merely Christian
Do you believe the Bible will burn your fingers if you actually pick it up to read it?

Who is the "Christ" in your signature?


New member
Like.... the 1st Commandment? Israel repeatedly getting into trouble for idol worship? Those sort of things?

And of course the people in one isolated geographical location with a pecular culture and development would be instructed in the same way a culture with a different culture and development.

God can choose to instruct different cultures in different ways - it is not up to you to decide that since God did instruct the children of Abraham not to worship Idols - that this is God's instructions in all cultures.

I gather you worship a God who simply ignored all of his creation outside of the small area you are familiar with.

I know you do - but you never thought of your thinking being wrong - assuming you can still think.

With Christ's Love



New member
Lighthouse - you are already in hell, as well as Nineveh, Sibbie and all who are worshiping this diabolical monster you believe is somehow related to the Lord Jesus Christ.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101


And of course the people in one isolated geographical location with a pecular culture and development would be instructed in the same way a culture with a different culture and development.

God can choose to instruct different cultures in different ways - it is not up to you to decide that since God did instruct the children of Abraham not to worship Idols - that this is God's instructions in all cultures.

Um... do you understand molech, ashteroth and baal were from different cultures?

I gather you worship a God who simply ignored all of his creation outside of the small area you are familiar with.

Like I've asked before, have you ever bothered to actually read the Bible or are you too fearful it might burn your fingers?

I know you do - but you never thought of your thinking being wrong - assuming you can still think.

Look, if a fool like you calls me foolish, I'm happy :)


New member
Um... do you understand molech, ashteroth and baal were from different cultures?

They were in the same isolated geographical location - and they were obviously not of God - they made child sacrifice, they had temple prostitution, their leaders were wicked and cruel.

You paint all religions in the same way as these that were in the same vicinity of the Nation of Israel - a shame and a travesty. \\
Part of the reason God made sure the Israelis had no Idols was to separate them from their ungodly neighbors - following the obvious false precepts of evil men.

If you actually get out of your conditioning and your adrenalin addiction you might see that Buddhism, Hinduism. Islam - all have a lot in common with the "real" message of the Lord Jesus Christ - and as well see that the differences are only in the literalist interpretation that does not allow for cultural differences. You do not even consider to seek counsel of God on this matter – it is never even been considered by you.

With Christ's Love



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101
They were in the same isolated geographical location - and they were obviously not of God - they made child sacrifice, they had temple prostitution, their leaders were wicked and cruel.

Not all were practicing child sacrifice. So by what do you judge which pagan idol is really God in desguise?

Lessee... you aren't going to be able to name any Egyptian, Roman or Greek dieties. Nor witchcraft or sorcery oriented religions. you aren't left with a whole lot.

You paint all religions in the same way as these that were in the same vicinity of the Nation of Israel - a shame and a travesty. \\
Part of the reason God made sure the Israelis had no Idols was to separate them from their ungodly neighbors - following the obvious false precepts of evil men.

Name one idol that doesn't fall into the catagory of "false precept of men".

If you actually get out of your conditioning and your adrenalin addiction you might see that Buddhism, Hinduism. Islam - all have a lot in common with the "real" message of the Lord Jesus Christ - and as well see that the differences are only in the literalist interpretation that does not allow for cultural differences. You do not even consider to seek counsel of God on this matter – it is never even been considered by you.

Get your head out of false precepts of men and realize the Creator God does not banish people to nothingness, nor does He lable Christ a mere prophet, nor does He allow for the worship of animals. And above all He does not instruct His followers to murder Jews.

No, I don't seek your idea of a god.


New member
Sibbie - who cares about the thoughts of a person who worships the diabolical moster you do - well actually I do, and so does the Lord, and a lot of other people - we feel sorry for you and hope some day that you will come to your senses, and we are willing to help you.

I guess all I can do is leave the matter in God's hands - and pray for you, and try to share from time to time.

With Christ's Love


the Sibbie

New member
Originally posted by servent101

Sibbie - who cares about the thoughts of a person who worships the diabolical moster you do - well actually I do, and so does the Lord, and a lot of other people - we feel sorry for you and hope some day that you will come to your senses, and we are willing to help you.

I guess all I can do is leave the matter in God's hands - and pray for you, and try to share from time to time.

With Christ's Love


Originally posted by servent101

Sibbie -

As you know - most belief systems are closed - and are held captive by clergy - clergy like you, who want to limit the field of knowledge so they can declare that they alone have the inspired voice of God - even in light of the fact that there are two thousand different christian denominations speaking on behalf of the ONE GOD - all saying something different - yet they all claim it is not their understanding that is in question - no they and you all claim that you are only saying what God has already said - you leave out the part where God said what He said to a peculiar people, obstinate and very much uneducated - and for the most part illiterate - and assume that the people who do not have exactly the same doctrine from other parts of the world where they were in isolation - yet the same people reading the same book claiming they are speaking God's Words with no interpretation or understanding of their own thrown in - well reality free rhetoric strikes again.

Of course their recorded faith does not declare Jesus as Lord - but those honest truth seekers if they can get past your literalist hogwash do accept Jesus as Lord - they just do not have the literalist attitude you have - your adrenalin addicted literalist fire and brimstone hell letter perfect nothing but the Bible attitude.

With Christ's Love

Oh sure, try to be nice after spewing your hate everywhere! You're making yourself look worse...everybody's gonna feel sorry for you...I mean I do!

Please just pick one and stick with it. What's it gonna be? NICE or not-NICE?
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Resident Atheist
Sibbie and Nineveh,

I think if your deity really cared as much about what those clergypersons you mentioned in the first post were doing as you do, he'd step in and do something about it...

... that is if he's really there to do anything about anything...

Should I take the fact that the church is still standing and so are those clergy that he's not particularly interested in the issue?

And on the other line of discussion in this thread...

I've noticed a common theme in all you Enyartians' discussions about absolutes... Is there anything absolute for you people that does not involve sexual deviance?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

You absolutely vaporized during a debate with him?
Him who? Your deity? :chuckle:

As I explained to Knight, and several times publicly on the board since, I ended up in the hospital during the final rounds of the debate. I had other things on my mind than debating some two-bit shock jock about his twisted theological views.

How about you try answering the questions instead of playing presuppositionalist word games... :rolleyes:

That's, of course, assuming you can do anything but ape your master, Enyart... :chuckle:


Merely Christian
No, that would be Mr. Enyart during the 8th round. I must say... timing is everything :)

If I bothered to say those who are Godly in the Episcopal church have already removed the paganism on their website, thus doing the Lord's work, would you care?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

No, that would be Mr. Enyart during the 8th round. I must say... timing is everything :)
Not really. I always thought that love of your deity was "everything" to you people, not playing word games... perhaps I have been mistaken. :rolleyes:

If I bothered to say those who are Godly in the Episcopal church have already removed the paganism on their website, thus doing the Lord's work, would you care?
First, I haven't the faintest idea of what you mean and secondly, I couldn't care less what some group of religionists does to their website... :yawn:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

First, I haven't the faintest idea of what you mean and secondly, I couldn't care less what some group of religionists does to their website... :yawn:

So the answer is "No, I reallly wouldn't care what you replied in answer to my meaningless question."