toldailytopic: Wild Wednesday. What are some of the wildest things you have ever done

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 24th, 2010 09:18 AM

toldailytopic: Wild Wednesday. What are some of the wildest things you have ever done in your life?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.
Lets just say that I have ample reason to thank God everyday for the forgiveness His Son purchased for me.


New member

Oh, I just can't :shut:

No no, go nuts; I'm willing to bet anything you can say publicly on TOL will pale in comparison to my own self-deprecation concerning this "event"...:eek:

Knight said:
Is that how you met Persephone66?

Can't say I've actually ever met anyone from TOL, to my knowledge. Though I'd bet having a beer with P66 would be a fantastically interesting experience! That said, I still have no idea how the night progressed, nor who (or what) persuaded/forced me to dress as a Catholic school girl. There are, however, intermittent pictures throughout the night documenting some of the antics (e.g., a picture of me at urinal in a mini skirt).

But hey, I'm of the mindset that if you were a fool enough to do it in the first place, you better be man enough to live it down!


Well-known member
Gsweet said:
I have gotten rather intoxicated as an undergraduate, and woken up a mile away from where I started dressed as a Catholic school girl.

hahahaha, this is very close to becoming a permanent part of my forum signature. The mental images this creates are priceless.


I have gotten rather intoxicated as an undergraduate, and woken up a mile away from where I started dressed as a Catholic school girl.

Sounds like a typical night off for me, though I prefer Japanese schoolgirl outfits. :p And I haven't been intoxicated in years.

Hmm, in all honesty though, I can't really think of anything I ever did that I would really consider wild. Done a lot of stupid things. Maybe some things that might be inappropriate to talk about. But nothing really all that wild.

Wait! I got something! I teach in a public high school. :jawdrop:


New member
I went to Europe with 3 other women and we rode bicycles and camped out in England, Germany, Austria, and the Nederlands. Cooked our own food, rode hours on end, had sore knees, butts, and pretty good muscles from all the riding. We road rain or shine, and met the most wonderful people. It was fun and dangerous at the same time. Ever ride an 18 speed bicycle just inches from the bumper of a Brittish "lorry" ? That's and eighteen wheeler to us. Believe me, you are just a bug to them!

Camped out on the Prince of Wales land, had a herd of horses run through our camp, and sometime after the horses, a herd of military guys doing double-time marched through our camp- they arrived very soon after we had gotten out of the nearby brook where we had been washin' up, if ya know what I mean. It was so remote, we had no fear of being seen at the time! Good thing we got out when we did or they would have gotten an eye-full, ha ha ha!

Chalmer Wren

New member
I broke into our zoo and rode on an ostrich at 3:00 in the morning in the middle of winter. (well I hung on to his neck anyway).

I once jumped off the roof of a car going about 70 mph into the sunroof of another car on the interstate.

I also jumped off a bridge at the Lake of the Ozarks that was over 80 ft high (even with tennis shoes, it still hurt)

No wonder you believe in God. He keeps saving your hide.

Chalmer Wren

New member
1) getting a tattoo instead of a wedding ring
2) skydiving
3) taking a taxi in the Bahamas
4) Loosing 55 pounds
5) started smoking at 14
6) quit smoking at 17


Well-known member
I can identify with the taxi ride in the Bahamas. I took one in Jamaica. After we survived, we hired a personal driver for the rest of our trip, who agreed to drive the way we wanted him to.

Once, while on diets, my friend and I were to ice skate for exercise ... but the rink was closed due to a competition night... so, of course, we went to a nearby Friday's for a visit instead. Each had several drinks - cause we were dieting from food.

When we were leaving my friend said that she did not feel like she should drive ... I told her I felt fine, but, yet, I was not accustomed to driving her car that was a straight shift; so, I drove behind the wheel - while she operated the gas and clutch. We both had dibs on the brakes. Actually we did pretty well ... but I had to remind her to accelerate a few times, because she would let us get too slow for the expressway speed limits.

Her husband was not happy when we drove up seated side by side. I'm glad this was in the olden-days before all the DUI laws ... and I'm glad those days of drinking are over for me too.

Chalmer Wren

New member
As fun as that looks.... I don't think I would ever skydive. I'm not much for heights.

A realistic perspective is so beyond comprehension when your that high up. You can't really gauge your height because every frame of reference is so far away. Once you're in the air its actually a pretty calming, I dare say spiritual, experience. Jumping is the hard part. When you lean out that door your brain has a sort of hiccup. Leaning out of the door of an airplane is so ridiculous that your brain just doesn't accept the reality being presented to it. Your brain, suspecting some kind of error, takes 3 or 4 seconds to reset itself. This is when you have to take yourself by surprise and jump, because once your brain reboots and realizes your actually about to try to beat the plane to the ground, it freaks out, decides your a moron, and activates shriveling coward mode.

I highly recommend it. Conquering that innate fear, existing briefly in a world absolutely hostile to the human condition, and feeling so totally at the mercy of nature yields a sort of inner peace and stimulates the 'oneness' with the universe feeling that mankind always seems so fascinated with.


Well-known member
1) getting a tattoo instead of a wedding ring
2) skydiving
3) taking a taxi in the Bahamas
4) Loosing 55 pounds
5) started smoking at 14
6) quit smoking at 17

1) Hitch-hiked from Athens to London with only $100 in my pocket.
2) Skydived with my dorm mates at PLU.
3) Climbed w/ a buddy to the roof of our 8 floor dorm at UW from the outside, from balcony to balcony, while drunk, to catch the sunrise.
4) Started smoking @ 12, quit @ 13.
5) Got 6 people in my Porsche 914 (3 inside, 3 on top of the t-bar)and drove through campus when they forgot to lock the gate.
6) Dropped in unanounced on an old sailing buddy living outside London who had no idea I was living in London.
7) Grew pot in our dorm at a Christian college.


New member
My crazies that come to mind?

Gotten within 200 vertical feet of 100,000 watts of fm transmit power on one of the huge antennas, up 1400 foot on a radio transmitter tower. For those who don't know, that's enough to darn near cook you.

More crazy, but doesn't sound it - did a tower job on a rhon 20 tower that was thirty years old, rusted, twenty feet over it's height rating, didn't have torsion control guy wires, was over -wind loaded with antennas, dropping off what had to be seventies vintage tv antennas (yes, there was moonraker up there. don't ask) - in the middle of a housing division.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I would never.

As I reread that, it looks insulting. It wasn't meant to be. I apoligize if it seemed that way.

It was actually serious. If you know anybody in, they have probably shared with you stories of long spells and no sleep.
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