toldailytopic: Why doesn't God simply do away with evil?


New member
Dramatic conflict. God is rapt in the story of redemption. He marvels every time one of us has faith to believe. If He took away evil, there'd be no conflict, and a story without conflict is boring. God won't let Himself be bored.
You have stumbled into the truth. :cool:

Because removing evil, and the possibility thereof, would require that we be stripped of our freewill - no longer able to choose God or love him, but only doing as programmed to do. God doesn't desire mindless robots - but rather loving friends who choose him and his ways.
And I like that too.

Pure X:
"Evil" is our issue. Not "God's".
That seems relevant too.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
From a non spiritual argument, ( sort a) There is only one purpose for this type of existence of this cosmos., a prison in space and time, a place to hold captives

So.....We're in prison? :think:

:plain: Well that does explain a few things.


New member
Hall of Fame
Silent Hunter, the plan is relationship with mankind - that is what we were created for. That is why we have free will, because relationship isn't forced its entered into with ones own will.

Along with free will though comes the ability to refuse relationship with God and choose to do things that harm self and others - evil is allowed because not allowing it violates free will.

Ideally man sees evil and understands that Gods ideal is best and man seeks to have relationship with God which man can have because of Christ.


New member
God has a morally sufficient purpose for evil. Q.E.D.


Ask Mr. Religion,
I do not have privileges to respond to or send you a PM, or I would answer your questions. But, until I am granted privileges to respond to PMs, you will just have to accept that I am a Wesleyan and take it from there.



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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 25th, 2012 11:48 AM

toldailytopic: Why doesn't God simply do away with evil?

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I earnestly asked the LORD that question ... along with these:
Why are we still suffering if our Christ has finished his work?
Why haven't these things ended?

I believe in my heart that my Lord answered my question through the Holy Spirit by immediately revealing this truth to me.
He said: " (My name), I waited on you."

Immediately following that statement scripture and truth began to fall into place.
God is doing everything over time through processes. Processes that must continue until all his work is finished and perfected.

Yes, the Lord waited on me to be born ... and that means he is waiting on more children to be born. He wants as many as will to become his children eternally in his revealed kingdom.

Long suffering and evil continue along with birthing and dying, because God sustains the world and and all things and processes established in it ... until he ready to end his work.

I began to praise him for waiting on me ... on my children ... my grandchildren ... and I concluded that the trials of this life will all have been worth it when I appear with him in his kingdom. I began praying for the souls of my loved ones so that I would also live with them in a perfect world eternally.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
So your belief is that a universal salvation must occur before God eliminates evil, and that a universal salvation is God's means to eliminating evil?...Can you provide scriptural proof that universal salvation of all human beings is the criteria for God ending evil and wickedness?


Neg rep. She didn't say anything about universalism, and you know it. You are a perverted Bible twister. This isn't the first time, nor the 30th time you have done this. You know it isn't true, yet continue.

May God repay you for your works.