toldailytopic: Why did Jesus need to die?


Well-known member
You think He sacrificed His son without it being absolutely necessary?? If so, I hope you don't have children!

Since you haven't provided any reason, scriptural or otherwise, that I must conclude that God giving his son was his only option, then there is no reason to believe differently than what I believe. It's not like he was going to lose his son forever, as the term "sacrifice" usually implies. The bible says he gave his son, to be mistreated by the very ones he came to redeem.


New member
Since you haven't provided any reason, scriptural or otherwise, that I must conclude that God giving his son was his only option, then there is no reason to believe differently than what I believe. It's not like he was going to lose his son forever, as the term "sacrifice" usually implies. The bible says he gave his son, to be mistreated by the very ones he came to redeem.
Krsto. Do good fathers have their sons stripped naked and their flesh ripped off of them without it even being necessary?




:idunno: Son this isn't necessary, I just wanted it???

AH!! Krsto why aren't you begging God to help you admit that it was necessary?? Because it is so bad what happened to the Lord that it might prove you deserve hell? You already know you deserve hell whether you admit it or not. Sin dethrones God! Eye for an eye. Hell for spitting on your Creator! Don't reject the cross of the Lord. It is not the historical fact of it that saves us but what it reveals about God's character and His attitude toward sin. If you can't have faith in God's attitude toward sin as shown in the shredded flesh and violently punctured body of the infinitely honorable and precious Lord Jesus then there is no way you can be right with God or honest with yourself. If you can't admit that nonexistence would be way to good for a filthy wicked sinner like yourself (and myself too you hell-deserving sinner) then you must not fear God or care about anyone except maybe in your mind.


New member
nobody seems to be playing the Joker card? where's satan while Gods sacrifcing himself?

An what about the eternal punishment for them who are his follows, Isn't that what all strive to do.. everybody wants to save everyone else from satan an the eternal death? isn't that what the whole things about??? that last sacrifice made no ground.

yet it seems the undertow is.. God is SACRIFICING HIMSELF/HIS son to buy back his talked about in the OT. why should the all powerfull God needs to do such a thing? an enter an agreement as if there is some sort of partnership happening with the Father of lies- who has convinced God that he is ruling the vessles that God created souls for?

You might Have two very confusing inqires happening here? an its not lightly to be netrilized without a little extra thought.
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New member
nobody seems to be playing the Joker card? where's satan while Gods sacrifcing himself?

An what about the eternal punishment for them who are his follows, Isn't that what all strive to do.. everybody wants to save everyone else from satan?

yet it seems the undertow is.. God is SACRIFICING HIMSELF to bye his people talked about in the OT

You Have two very confusing inqires happening here? an its not lightly to be netrilized without a little extra thought.

Are you talking about the ransom metaphor?


New member
Yes God Bought Satans Shares in the company, an the shares are still the same.floating in eternity still in danger of being consumened.


New member
Exactly. Doesn't Abraham prove that to us? He was justified by faith. Faith in what? Faith that God would do what he said he would do, which was to give him as many descendants as there are stars in the sky or grains of sand at the beach, even though he was being told to stab the son through whom all this would come.

Ummm yeah. Sounds familiar.

If Jesus blood was that powerful to control God, then they should have saved some in a vial and held God hostage for something. :party:


New member
Yeah I can't figure out if we disagree or what about. You seem to think I was saying Jesus' death could force God to forgive us? I never said meant anything like that. Sorry if i'm not explaining my beliefs very well. I said the decision to offer forgiveness to us forced God to have to provide His son as our atonement. That is a serious decision. It was God's choice, but He could not just forgive and do nothing to uphold the law. He could not set aside retributive justice (punishing the criminal) without upholding public justice (doing something equally or more effective than punishment would have been) through the Lord's atonement.

It's not like the atonement tricks God into having to forgive us or anything. I can't figure out where you're coming from. It is not like the Narnian "deep magic" from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe when they sacrificed Aslan. God had to do something to make it morally ok that He was forgiving so many criminals. When the right time came He gave His son to make it ok that He had been (and continues to be) so forgiving. It was God's love and mercy that initiated the sacrifice. It was not like the Lord's atonement was god's way of letting our His personal anger or anything like that. I don't know if any of this helps.

Ok, the kicker for me is the phrase, "forced God". Other than that we seem to be mostly together.

I get jaded by other people's comments and start assuming the whole world is together in their thoughts and I'm the lone stranger. Errr ranger.

Which is usually but not always the case.


New member
There is no "logical to you" vs "logical to me" or "logical to God" - logic is logic, like truth is truth. A contradiction is a contradiction no matter who is thinking about it. A proposition means what it means no matter who is thinking of it. Our logic is the same as God's logic because God gave us the only kind of logic there is, His. anything else would not be logic but insanity.

If there is no gravity then it is logic for things not to fall. You reason based on wrong ideas and get the wrong answers, but it doesn't mean logic is broken, it just means you started with the wrong ideas - logic still works. Put junk in - get junk out. Put good stuff in - get good stuff out. It's logical as long as you aren't being contradictory.

The point is, God existed before CREATION. So His thinking, environments, reasoning is different for different reasons and realizations.

It's logical for a 14th century ship builder to take a sword and watch it sink in the lake. Then take wood and watch it float. Then conclude that an iron boat would sink in the water. That's very logical.
But based on new awarenesses that logic goes away.

With God, If He existed before time, and creation, and matter, then being outside of time, HIS perception is so much more different than ours, what is logical to Him, won't be to us.

For example, when is it right to commit Genocide? What is logical about that?

God saw the logic.


New member
Krsto. Do good fathers have their sons stripped naked and their flesh ripped off of them without it even being necessary?

Is God so unpowerful He couldn't save His son AND FORGIVE SINS?

I stick with omnipotent God.

Would a good KING sacrifice His son for the Kingdom?


New member
Consider this, God forgave sins before His son's sacrifice.

It wasn't about the blood.

It was about making us believe we could come HOME!

Why did sin separate man from God?

IT DIDN'T! Remember after Adam sinned God sought him out to rectify the sins.

The prodigal son came home filthy, ritually unclean, the clean father embraced and feasted Him. That's what God is waiting for. Man is shamed by His sins, God tries to show, it's ok, just come home.

nobody seems to be playing the Joker card? where's satan while Gods sacrifcing himself?

An what about the eternal punishment for them who are his follows, Isn't that what all strive to do.. everybody wants to save everyone else from satan an the eternal death? isn't that what the whole things about??? that last sacrifice made no ground.

yet it seems the undertow is.. God is SACRIFICING HIMSELF/HIS son to buy back his talked about in the OT. why should the all powerfull God needs to do such a thing? an enter an agreement as if there is some sort of partnership happening with the Father of lies- who has convinced God that he is ruling the vessles that God created souls for?

You might Have two very confusing inqires happening here? an its not lightly to be netrilized without a little extra thought.


Well-known member
Krsto. Do good fathers have their sons stripped naked and their flesh ripped off of them without it even being necessary?




:idunno: Son this isn't necessary, I just wanted it???

AH!! Krsto why aren't you begging God to help you admit that it was necessary?? Because it is so bad what happened to the Lord that it might prove you deserve hell? You already know you deserve hell whether you admit it or not. Sin dethrones God! Eye for an eye. Hell for spitting on your Creator! Don't reject the cross of the Lord. It is not the historical fact of it that saves us but what it reveals about God's character and His attitude toward sin. If you can't have faith in God's attitude toward sin as shown in the shredded flesh and violently punctured body of the infinitely honorable and precious Lord Jesus then there is no way you can be right with God or honest with yourself. If you can't admit that nonexistence would be way to good for a filthy wicked sinner like yourself (and myself too you hell-deserving sinner) then you must not fear God or care about anyone except maybe in your mind.

Good grief naatmi. Our Father in heaven has allowed his children to go through far more than Jesus went through, and he asks us who are going through trials and suffering at the hands of God haters to consider them but light and momentary compared to the glory that we shall experience on the other side. I'm sure Jesus felt the same way about his passion and he's the one who had to go through it, not God (though it could be argued that at some point, such as when he felt abandoned, he might not have had assurance it would all turn out for the better.)

You keep pointing to Jesus' passion as evidence of the terribleness of sin and proof positive that your sin and mine is so bad that we deserve eternal conscious torment, but your math is off. By a country mile. One man, suffers for one day, so justice is served and not "winked at," for billions of people, whos justice if served would entail an eternity of suffering.

You do the math.

It's obvious the crucifiction is not about retributive justice.

It's also not about maintaining law and order as would be the case when a civil magistrate doesn't just give everybody a get out of jail free card. Nobody ever uses Jesus as an example to keep people in line. Nobody in the bible ever says "Remember Jesus suffering on the cross? That's going to be your sad state of affairs if you don't repent and obey God's law." Neither do they say, "Remeber Jesus suffering on the cross? That's just a small, finite example of your sad state of affairs for all eternity if you don't repent and obey God's law."

The bible teaches the wages of sin is death. Not torture. Not eternal suffering. Not a day of torture for someone else so we don't have to be either tortured for a time in this life or suffer for all eternity.

I gotta say naatmi, you have been scratching for justification of your doctrine and you have been very creative. I can appreciate out-of-box thinking but ultimately your rationale has fallen short.


Well-known member
The prodigal son came home filthy, ritually unclean, the clean father embraced and feasted Him. That's what God is waiting for. Man is shamed by His sins, God tries to show, it's ok, just come home.


Ya know Bro., for a Lone Stranger you sure come up with some gems. :)

I love how the parables just cut through all the legalistic, pharisaical, lawyeristic rationalizations and show the heart of our heavenly Father.

Thank you sir.


New member
Ok, the kicker for me is the phrase, "forced God". Other than that we seem to be mostly together.

I get jaded by other people's comments and start assuming the whole world is together in their thoughts and I'm the lone stranger. Errr ranger.

Which is usually but not always the case.


Yeah. No one forces God.

Even when I say "God had to" such and such, I don't mean anyone else made Him do it, I just mean God knew it was the right thing to do and no one will stop Him from doing the right thing.


New member
The point is, God existed before CREATION. So His thinking, environments, reasoning is different for different reasons and realizations.

It's logical for a 14th century ship builder to take a sword and watch it sink in the lake. Then take wood and watch it float. Then conclude that an iron boat would sink in the water. That's very logical.
But based on new awarenesses that logic goes away.

With God, If He existed before time, and creation, and matter, then being outside of time, HIS perception is so much more different than ours, what is logical to Him, won't be to us.

For example, when is it right to commit Genocide? What is logical about that?

God saw the logic.
If He fully explained it to us then it would make perfect sense to us.

1 + 1 always = 2 before and after creation, no matter who you are.

A valid categorical syllogism is valid regardless of whose mind processes it, or even a computer. and a contradiction is always a contradiction. Are you familiar with the difference between the truth of a logical argument and the logical validity of an argument? I think the difference might be causing a misunderstanding here.


New member
Is God so unpowerful He couldn't save His son AND FORGIVE SINS?
It is not a matter of power. When Jesus said "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me", He did not mean that it might actually be physically impossible or something. Jesus even said "do you think that I couldn’t ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?" The only thing that made it impossible was God's commitment to redeem us. It was God's choice to offer forgiveness that made it so the only right thing for Him to do was to go to such an extreme.

Would a good KING sacrifice His son for the Kingdom?
Jesus sacrifice was by His own consent ("do you think that I couldn’t ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?"). A good king would not murder an innocent person. But a good person has permission to give their life for others.


New member
Good grief naatmi. Our Father in heaven has allowed his children to go through far more than Jesus went through, and he asks us who are going through trials and suffering at the hands of God haters to consider them but light and momentary compared to the glory that we shall experience on the other side. I'm sure Jesus felt the same way about his passion and he's the one who had to go through it, not God (though it could be argued that at some point, such as when he felt abandoned, he might not have had assurance it would all turn out for the better.)

You keep pointing to Jesus' passion as evidence of the terribleness of sin and proof positive that your sin and mine is so bad that we deserve eternal conscious torment, but your math is off. By a country mile. One man, suffers for one day, so justice is served and not "winked at," for billions of people, whos justice if served would entail an eternity of suffering.

You do the math.
math.. You think you can calculate John 3:16 :nono: You have a deplorably shallow regard for what the Lord did for us. What has caused your heart to become so dull?

It's obvious the crucifiction is not about retributive justice.
Retributive justice is the punishment of the transgressor. The Lord's atonement was a substitute for (instead of) retributive justice. Retributive justice has been justifiably set aside when people repent because of the atonement.

It's also not about maintaining law and order as would be the case when a civil magistrate doesn't just give everybody a get out of jail free card.
"to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past"
"To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just"

Nobody ever uses Jesus as an example to keep people in line.
It's a given. You're a straight up blasphemer if you think God would put His son through that without it being absolutely necessary. Eye for an eye. God wouldn't command that unless it was absolutely necessary either. If you don't believe Moses then you won't believe the Lord either. People think the atonement was magic or something. They're taught it was to cure Augustinian original sin.

"If ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot"

"He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"

Nobody in the bible ever says "Remember Jesus suffering on the cross? That's going to be your sad state of affairs if you don't repent and obey God's law." Neither do they say, "Remeber Jesus suffering on the cross? That's just a small, finite example of your sad state of affairs for all eternity if you don't repent and obey God's law."
It's a given. Eye for an eye. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge.

The bible teaches the wages of sin is death. Not torture. Not eternal suffering.
You're a liberal! Eye for an eye.

Not a day of torture for someone else so we don't have to be either tortured for a time in this life or suffer for all eternity.
You think Jesus Christ was just some guy. "For God so loved the world that whatever he apparently gave some guy that whoever is a liberal can decorate their numb presumptuousness with some creative doctrine even though it wasn't necessary" - thanks some guy, now not fearing God feels more religious and special.

You're amazing, you say the atonement was just "so what" "big deal" "everyone has bad days" when we're talking about our perfect innocent humble Creator suffering for His evil enemies, but if it's wicked sinners then "oh my!" "oh no! hell is much too harsh!" "we wouldn't want them to suffer too much!" - whose side are you on then?

Liberals always pity the guilty and disregard the innocent.

God's mercy is not for you until you admit you are a hell-deserving sinner (unless you never sinned, but I'd say your stance in this thread proves otherwise).


New member

Ya know Bro., for a Lone Stranger you sure come up with some gems. :)

I love how the parables just cut through all the legalistic, pharisaical, lawyeristic rationalizations and show the heart of our heavenly Father.

Thank you sir.

Heterodoxy rules.

Just ask Jesus or Paul.

Ever notice Heterodoxy is declared by MAN?

Anyway, stop this silliness. I'm supposed to fight with you. You take all the fun out of things doing this crap.
My spiritual gift of agitation doesn't doesn't work if I'm not agitating something. :|


New member

Yeah. No one forces God.

Even when I say "God had to" such and such, I don't mean anyone else made Him do it, I just mean God knew it was the right thing to do and no one will stop Him from doing the right thing.

Well, see? Then we probably agree on most of this then. That phrase sets me off because MOST folks really think Jesus' Blood forced God's Hand.

It cheapens His death and is insulting to me.


New member
If He fully explained it to us then it would make perfect sense to us.

1 + 1 always = 2 before and after creation, no matter who you are.

A valid categorical syllogism is valid regardless of whose mind processes it, or even a computer. and a contradiction is always a contradiction. Are you familiar with the difference between the truth of a logical argument and the logical validity of an argument? I think the difference might be causing a misunderstanding here.

What one is capable of realizing is limited by one's experience. Iron boats won't float is logical as Iron sinks and wood floats. However it's not right.

Picture a 2 dimensional pair of entites, we'll name them 1 and 2.


They can't imagine up, down, left or right. It's beyond their experiential comprehensive abilities. God existed in a reality as far beyond our comprehension as our existance is from 1 or 2 comprehending it.

1 can walk up to 2, but not pass 2. Same with 2 to 1. Their reality is defined within what is in front of them, and behind them.


New member
It is not a matter of power. When Jesus said "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me", He did not mean that it might actually be physically impossible or something. Jesus even said "do you think that I couldn’t ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?" The only thing that made it impossible was God's commitment to redeem us. It was God's choice to offer forgiveness that made it so the only right thing for Him to do was to go to such an extreme.

Jesus sacrifice was by His own consent ("do you think that I couldn’t ask my Father, and he would even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?"). A good king would not murder an innocent person. But a good person has permission to give their life for others.

I think we are good on this, the above pretty well took care of it for me.