toldailytopic: Why did God create pests such as mosquitoes and flies?

red cardinal

New member
The response, "ecosystem" is no response at all in my view.

Was it beyond the creative power and imagination of God to create an ecosystem with creatures more pleasant? Of course not!

So that brings us back to the original question...........

Perhaps these creatures are not unpleasant to God ... outside of the fact that they deal with the more sordid part of life, these "pests" are uniquely and wonderfully made and serve a purpose as all creatures do. Sometimes you should watch some the programs on TV that deal with such creatures. You would be amazed .... well, maybe not if it grosses you out :chuckle:

The Horn

Each animal has its niche in the ecosystem. Flies and mosquitoes may be extremely bothersome to humans, but they are also the food supply of many other creatures,such as bats etc.
Bats are very important, because they keep insect populations down by eating enormous numbers of them. For some reason, bat population shave been declining worldwide, and this is an ominous sign.


Well-known member
Such questions may seem silly to those well educated, but to biblical literal'ists , I'm sure these types of questions seem very serious and plague the mind daily. I pity those who are forced to contemplate such things, theologically. What a burden.
Ah, the sheer impotence of the arrogant agnostic king of his castle....
...enlighten us poor uneducated saps....

You should be reported, imho, for agendizing a thread, of no fleeting fascination whatsoever to your astute mind, for derailment attempt.


Well-known member
These things were never created by God in the forms we see; they are the result of distortion of the Divine design by the collective human consciousness.

I agree that these things were likely not originally created in the form that we now experience. I believe that nature is distorted but as a result of the rebellion/sin of man, rather than a glitch in the collective human consciousness. All things over which man was originally given dominion have been subjected to a distortion and futility. Rom 8:20


Patron Saint of SMACK
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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 17th, 2011 08:50 AM

toldailytopic: Why did God create pests such as mosquitoes and flies?

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Chicken feed?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Bird food? The birds in my backyard really enjoy the critters.


Get used to it.
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To ensure that the front of my car is never reallly clean. Lest I become proud, stiffnecked, & haughty. :plain:

...and to irritate people who read my posts. :)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
One word: ecosystem.


Same as viruses. They have a function. It just seemed hard to figure out after the flood and fall. We now know some can attack cancer.

They get rid of waste. And he gave us spiders, frogs, and birds to control the population.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame

Same as viruses. They have a function. It just seemed hard to figure out after the flood and fall. We now know some can attack cancer.

They get rid of waste. And he gave us spiders, frogs, and birds to control the population.
Don't forget the praying mantis! One of my favs.


New member
If there is ever a candidate who vows to rid this country of mosquitoes and poison ivy they will get my vote.


New member
Hall of Fame
Such questions may seem silly to those well educated, but to biblical literal'ists , I'm sure these types of questions seem very serious and plague the mind daily. I pity those who are forced to contemplate such things, theologically. What a burden.

Wow mister! R u reellee smart? tell us abowt teh edjukashuns plees?

wut duz contemplate meen?


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New member
Hall of Fame
I should have elaborated, I guess.

When an animal dies, flies land on the carcass and in time maggots clean up the mess and help return the carcass to the earth to fertilize plants, showing that the fly is essential to the ecosystem.

Seemed self-evident to me. :idunno:

JM said:
Was it beyond the creative power and imagination of God to create an ecosystem with creatures more pleasant? Of course not!


New member
Isn't the underlying question, "Why did God allow evolution?"
I remember seeing M Scott Peck reference "natural evil"
(as opposed to human evil)
and CS Lewis write of the inevitability of pain in a physical world.
I never understood either well.

I think the answer is "for soul nurturing"