toldailytopic: Who is to blame when we do hurtful things to each other? Ourself? God?

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
But where does that fall in the blame game?

Does God toss a depressed teen who OD'ed on pills because daddy hit her into hell?

No I would say not. Plenty will say otherwise or maintain that she 'chose' to go to hell but that's as callous as it is illogical. People who reach the brink of suicide are so emotionally and mentally damaged for a myriad reasons and factors so it's not 'clear cut'.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I've found blame to be a fruitless endeavor. When you start looking for people to place blame upon, your list grows and grows... as does anger, a feeling of injustice, self-pity etc etc. A self perpetuating cycle that leads nowhere.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
It's almost like they think the Devil is micromanaging their lives.

With some, maybe he is. And while the devil made some do it, they are going to join him at the Great White Throne Judgement, as they have not already been crucified and raised up.

I don't mean your friends.


New member
:plain: Reality is cut and dry....the problem is that our eysight is so clouded by the Sin which pervades this world that we have a hard time seeing anything but shades of grey by ourselves.

:think: It most certainly does contain all possible situations.....we are indeed responsible for our actions and will be judged according to them (unless another has already taken our penalty; therein lies another Judgement).
Where you run afoul and stumble is in that you are not taking into account that the Righteous Judge takes all circumstances into account.....including the very depths of our own hearts.

You state you are a Christian, and I have no reason to doubt this; but I ask you: How can you Trust HIS Salvation if you will not Trust HIS Judgement? :confused:

I trust His judgment, but the God I worship is not the one Knight and co. seem to worship.

Knight, etc. seem to worship a giant talking rulebook, a set of prescriptive laws blind to the actual lives we live, to our actual circumstances, to the struggles we actually face.

Their god seems to say "I don't care what you're going through, it's still all your fault if you can't handle it."

Arthur Brain said:
No I would say not. Plenty will say otherwise or maintain that she 'chose' to go to hell but that's as callous as it is illogical. People who reach the brink of suicide are so emotionally and mentally damaged for a myriad reasons and factors so it's not 'clear cut'.

C.S. Lewis said we search for a higher reality that is simple, and don't find it because we have a flawed concept of a simple lower reality.

I think he used the example of the act of looking at a table.
On the surface, we simply look at the table and see it.

But science is able to show us how complex an action it really is, light hitting the table's surface, being reflected along a particular wavelength to our eye, reacting with the nerves in our eyes as they transmit to the brain, and somewhere in there link with our mental definition of "table," "brown," etc. in order to allow the mind to understand "I am looking at a table."

Even that seemingly simple, mundane action is revealed to be incredibly complex.

Why, then, do we expect a God who is higher in nature than our complex reality to be simple?
If His ways are far beyond ours, then they're ANYTHING but simple.

I've found blame to be a fruitless endeavor. When you start looking for people to place blame upon, your list grows and grows... as does anger, a feeling of injustice, self-pity etc etc. A self perpetuating cycle that leads nowhere.

Exactly. Thank you.

Christianity is not about blame.
It is about being changed into a mirror of Christ's example, in how we relate to ourselves, to each other, to God, and to God's created universe.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 15th, 2010 08:39 AM

toldailytopic: Who is to blame when we do hurtful things to each other? Ourself? God? The Devil? (generally speaking of course)

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I take responsibility, and the blame, for the hurtful things I do to others. I do not blame God or the devil. As a white Anglo-Saxon American male, Messianic Christian believer, who is a Conservative, and a Father and a husband.........I take the blame for racism, The destruction of the formerly pristine native American culture and continent, the unequal treatment of women, the Jewish conspiracy, to rule the world, the Crusades, all poverty and injustice in America, including any harm that any homosexual has ever suffered, all the mistakes that my children have made, and anything else that I may have left out, just ask my wife....she'll gladly explain.

I do not blame God or the devil for any of it. It is pretty much all me.:eek:

Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the devil-serpent. The devil serpent did not get a chance to blame anyone else.


Well-known member
This is apparently an answer too complex for Knight and co. who seem to be reduced to bleating soundbites, rather than recognizing that reality isn't so cut and dry it can be boiled down to a series of simple cliches.

It shows that the OP question is not adequate to contain all possible situations, because it implies that every time a person does something hurtful there is a single entity who is finally and most definitely to blame, instead of recognizing that there are always many factors which influence our actions.
Who do you blame for the inadequacies of the OP?
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