toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, that's great. More name calling, when the names don't mean anything; more insults, which don't mean what they're intended.

We're still exactly right where They want us.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How can it triumph when the reactionary fascists control the purse strings? At least congratulate yourselves on your partial victory!

Just remember that 50% of the country disagree with you, I guess that would make 50% of Americans "reactionary fascists".

:the_wave: ALL HAIL GRIDLOCK! :the_wave:


New member
Hey, if I can make things more painful for a sourpuss like you, who hates helping others and wants to keep all his money to himself, then I am happy! :cloud9:

You don't know that at all. You are the judgmental type who is dangerous to us all. You believe you have the right to decide what is best for others by force if necessary.


Well-known member
I love this description of people, in what used to be the wealthiest country in the world, in need of medical attention who cannot afford it.

very, very compassionate post.

The medical industry is the single largest growing industry in America, now let's set those facts aside for a moment and worry about how people who can't afford to pay them effect the US economy or pockets of the wealthy (when I say wealthy I mean people who can afford the high rising and ridiculous cost of healthcare).

rather than complaining about the poor and their effect on the rich, how about this for a solution, let's make healthcare affordable and reasonably priced and make charging $10-25 in an ER for a tylenol a crime, along with the ridiculous prices for "medications" that treat symptoms instead of diseases like $800 dollars for a month supply or Percocet, that is what is putting an unessary burden on tax payers and the health industry.

I don't agree socialism or Canada's approach to health care is right for the US, but I do beleive we are not doing all we can to stop the gap between price gouging and reasonable care for all.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:

The FDA is a joke as well, and is bought and paid for by the so called legal drug industry, and the people are lab rats they use for those so called approved drugs by the good ole FDA, side effects :rip: don't let that little matter concern you.

A lawyers paradise I might add.


New member
While you probably make more than me and don't pay any tax yourself. :loser:

I wish other people didn't have your sorry attitude back in the day to make you such a sourpuss that you feel the need to cause pain on other people. :loser:

The ones who want the "rich" to pay more taxes are usually not paying any taxes themselves, and probably make more in income than most republicans who are against higher taxes.


New member
jeremysdemo said:
I love this description of people, in what used to be the wealthiest country in the world, in need of medical attention who cannot afford it.

very, very compassionate post.

The medical industry is the single largest growing industry in America, now let's set those facts aside for a moment and worry about how people who can't afford to pay them effect the US economy or pockets of the wealthy (when I say wealthy I mean people who can afford the high rising and ridiculous cost of healthcare).

rather than complaining about the poor and their effect on the rich, how about this for a solution, let's make healthcare affordable and reasonably priced and make charging $10-25 in an ER for a Tylenol a crime, along with the ridiculous prices for "medications" that treat symptoms instead of diseases like $800 dollars for a month supply or Percocet, that is what is putting an unnecessary burden on tax payers and the health industry.

I don't agree socialism or Canada's approach to health care is right for the US, but I do beleive we are not doing all we can to stop the gap between price gouging and reasonable care for all.

keep shinin

The FDA is a joke as well, and is bought and paid for by the so called legal drug industry, and the people are lab rats they use for those so called approved drugs by the good ole FDA, side effects :rip: don't let that little matter concern you.

A lawyers paradise I might add.

that little matter does concern me, that is why I am a MJ advocate and armature Shaman locally.

I don't understand why you would say such a thing...unless you are not talking to me but speaking to other readers in the thread generally....

I don't agree with the medical industries use of barbiturates and opioid analgesics, but I also cannot sit idly by while they make me and others pay for it out of our taxes and health insurance premiums while they make billions, I figure if we can put a legal cap on the profit it will reduce the availability and use.

I agree with your assessment of the FDA, a very evil and vile agency, approving lethal drugs as medicine while classifying every seed bearing plant and root used for healing as "dietary supplements" (which we pay out of pocket for), Europe does not have this problem, doctors are allowed to give the patients their choice of either type of remedy BOTH covered by insurance.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


Well-known member
that little matter does concern me, that is why I am a MJ advocate and armature Shaman locally.

I don't understand why you would say such a thing...unless you are not talking to me but speaking to other readers in the thread generally....

I don't agree with the medical industries use of barbiturates and opioid analgesics, but I also cannot sit idly by while they make me and others pay for it out of our taxes and health insurance premiums while they make billions, I figure if we can put a legal cap on the profit it will reduce the availability and use.

I agree with your assessment of the FDA, a very evil and vile agency, approving lethal drugs as medicine while classifying every seed bearing plant and root used for healing as "dietary supplements" (which we pay out of pocket for), Europe does not have this problem, doctors are allowed to give the patients their choice of either type of remedy BOTH covered by insurance.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:

I was in agreement with your post Jerm, just added another component to the overall problem, I also agree the natural is a viable option that should be allowed.

Blessings, Zeke.


New member
I was in agreement with your post Jerm, just added another component to the overall problem, I also agree the natural is a viable option that should be allowed.

Blessings, Zeke.

I gathered that we were in agreement, but rambled on anyhow....:)

to tie it back into the topic, Obama sat idly by and did nothing while medical marijuana clinics were invaded by federal agents and all their assets confiscated in states it was already legal, showing he and his administration has no respect for states and their rights.

under him we might as well not even have state laws, it's all controlled by big brother in Washington, democracy gone. (can you hear all the ignorant fundies on here cheering for him)

History is going to look back at him as a historic figure, but not for being the first black president which would have been great, but for being a tyrant and enemy of the constitution which is not the job description.

keep shinin

jerm :cool:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Gridlock is better than circling the toilet bowl. :comeout:
Don't knock the Toilet Bowl (tm)

I believe the Electoral College has an automatic bid for that one. :plain:

I don't know the opponent is though...probably Auburn this year.

I hear the seats are crappy no matter where you sit.


Well-known member
Again, maybe you haven't seen your credit file for some time.
So you have been implying I have unpaid medical bills. I have something called insurance, which is bad and doesn't pay very much but better than nothing.

Here is how it works. A man comes into the hospital and gets treated. A bill incurs. When that bill is not payed, it goes to a bill collector. It is then reported to the credit agencies. If that doesn't work, it gets sold, just like a mortgage. And it stays on your report till payed. That means you will have a harder time getting a loan. That is called a writeoff. Even though it isn't. The hospitals holds the note and gets paid till they sell it. The hospitals will make their money on the note. Maybe not as much as if the man just paid it outright, but they still profit.
Not true. My spouse is a nurse and has been to the revenue meetings at the hospital. They lose about 50% of their revenue to people who do not pay. Yes they can get a fraction of it back through the process you describe but it is a pittance and unpaid bills hurt the hospital so they have to jack up their prices to account for it. It's a bad system, Obamacare fixes at least some of that problem.

Healthcare is a good, not a right!
So, you do believe, ultimately, "let them die" is the order of the day. You can claim this till you're blue in the face. But Reagan already essentially made it a right, albeit a right to an absolute bare minimum of care. The way it's done also makes this type of care very expensive, hence something we need to fix.


Well-known member
Not true. My spouse is a nurse and has been to the revenue meetings at the hospital. They lose about 50% of their revenue to people who do not pay. Yes they can get a fraction of it back through the process you describe but it is a pittance and unpaid bills hurt the hospital so they have to jack up their prices to account for it. It's a bad system, Obamacare fixes at least some of that problem.

Okkkkkkkkkkk, first it's untrue, then you admit it is true albeit a pittance. Make up your mind. Also, maybe if the hospitals wouldn't jack up their prices 50% they might not have this issue. Instead of charging $150.00 for a mucous recovery system.

So, you do believe, ultimately, "let them die" is the order of the day. You can claim this till you're blue in the face. But Reagan already essentially made it a right, albeit a right to an absolute bare minimum of care. The way it's done also makes this type of care very expensive, hence something we need to fix.

No I don't believe in "letting them die." Your one sorry excuse for a human being for implying that.


Well-known member
Okkkkkkkkkkk, first it's untrue, then you admit it is true albeit a pittance. Make up your mind. Also, maybe if the hospitals wouldn't jack up their prices 50% they might not have this issue. Instead of charging $150.00 for a mucous recovery system.
The way you said it, it's as if hospitals don't lose anything, which is utterly false. The fact that a pittance can be recovered is immaterial to my point, the non-payers still hurt the bottom line of the hospital, a LOT.

It's not going to make a whole lot of difference if the hospitals charge 300,000 for heart surgery or 150,000. Most people can't afford either. Besides, don't you believe in that supply and demand thing? Why would hospitals be so stupid as to charge extra and get less revenue? They have to make ends meet, even if they are non-profit. This is the model that works under the current system. That's not to say the system itself isn't broken. It will be less broken when Obamacare fully kicks in.

No I don't believe in "letting them die." Your one sorry excuse for a human being for implying that.
If health care isn't a right, and someone doesn't have a personal or societal safety net (sans government) to pay for the "good" that you call healthcare, what do you think is going to happen to said people?

What other "good" is there that you can show up to the provider of said good and demand to be given it, regardless of whether you can pay for it or not?


Well-known member
He and his socialist cronies will have transformed America ... Yet the sun still shines even when one lives in a socialist country. I plan to gaze at the sun more often.

By the end of his four years it will prove that all the American soldiers, who have died fighting for our freedoms and way of life, from the Revolutionary War up to our wars in the Middle east will have died in vane, because over half of our American citizens gave away all they fought for just by walking into a polling place in 2012.


New member
Hall of Fame
What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?
Misery and woe, 10.00 a gallon gas, stoners who rely on the government to support them, food stamps a way of life, and free abortions and obama phones.
