toldailytopic: What was the first job you ever had?

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Well-known member
Well, I carried newspapers and mowed lawns from when I was twelve, until I got my first 'real' job at fourteen: I was a jerk. A Soda Jerk, in a drugstore. I made sodas, sundaes, shake and phosphates, delivering prescriptions to those within about ten blocks, until I got my license, when I either drove my 1968 Beetle or the boss' 1956 Chevy to deliver them. It was a powerless straight six with three on the tree. My bug would outrace it. I started there at $1.00 per hour, after school and Saturdays (I've never worked a Sunday in my life) and when I left two years later, after two annual raises, I was making $1.10 per hour. I left for a job at K-mart pushing carts and stocking shelves, where I made $2.35 an hour to start. Good money in those days.

King cobra

I think I would literally die. My 24-year old heart would seize up and I'd die.

Yeah, I was definitely fitting Krsto's pattern - Stupid!

We had some stupid fun too at the 'ol MickeyD's. When I saw a bus pulling in, knowing the ensuing rush, I would throw pickle slices up to the ceiling. They would stick for about five or ten minutes then fall on the crowd. Can't believe I didn't get fired.

Once, a lady saw a grill scraping in her hamburger and, thinking it was a bug, came in to complain. My buddy, knowing it wasn't a bug, asked her, "Maam, did we charge you for the extra meat?" The manager fired him in front of the lady, then told him to be back to work the next day.

Punks we were!


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My first job was Mcdonald's. Age 15, for 2 weeks. Then I went to work at Brookshire's (grocery store) for several years. I have some great stories from Brookshires, but here are a couple of highlights:

1) Found a dead man in the bathroom.
2) A woman pooped all over herself (no clue how) in the bathroom, then dropped clumps of it all down aisle 5 (baking aisle), in front of the registers, and in front of the fish cove.

Details available upon request.



Well-known member
What did you do for money before you graduated school?

My first job was bagging groceries. I didn't like it. The second was McDonalds flipping burgers. I did like that more. Faster pace and 80 hour paychecks.

Hi Nick,
Well, I guess I was pretty spoiled (in a good way). I was the baby girl of the family ... so I just asked Daddy for money. My dad farmed and owned a grocery store. I would hang out at the store and help (just a little bit sometimes), but never got paid. Neither my sister or I had to work, but my dad made my brother work as a teenager ... but his extra reward for being dependable was a trip to the beach with his buddies each summer.

Small town U.S.A. ... I tell people I grew up in heaven, but I knew that I was expected to go to college, and my dad told each of us what we would be when we grew up - a doctor, and two teachers... so that's what we each accomplished. I've always found that amazing. I wish that had worked with my two kids. They have turned out okay, but they had to do everything their way and at their timing. That was hard to watch. Well, I went to school; became a teacher; and life has been good.


New member
My first job was Mcdonald's. Age 15, for 2 weeks. Then I went to work at Brookshire's (grocery store) for several years. I have some great stories from Brookshires, but here are a couple of highlights:

1) Found a dead man in the bathroom.
2) A woman pooped all over herself (no clue how) in the bathroom, then dropped clumps of it all down aisle 5 (baking aisle), in front of the registers, and in front of the fish cove.

Details available upon request.



My first real job was at PetSmart. I was 16, and the job entailed catering for (not to) about 100 dogs and cats while their masters were away. I bathed them, took them on walks, supervised their fun time, cleaned up their daily gifts, fed them, trimmed their nails, and best of all - prevented them from anal pumping each other. Apparently it's taboo for customers to see dogs frisk each other.

I made about $7.00/hour. Then my pay dipped to $6.75 as a cashier at Kroger. Now I'm making $14/hour as a special ed supervisor.
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