toldailytopic: What role does a politician's religion play in your support or lack of


Active member
Why is that a deal breaker?

Christians should be social conservatives, politically, in that it is not the government's job to take care of the needy; that is the job of the people. This way the truly needy are differentiated from the just plain greedy, and the needy get the help they actually need.

but that's the thing Lighthouse i'm a Social Liberal and i completely agree that what you suggest is how it should be.

what i was meaning was that i won't vote for someone who thinks that the Gov't should enforce a certain code of ethics or morality on the people, Biblical or not.

i'm a libertarian. i believe in Economic and Social liberty. im also very Anti-Authoritarian. Social Conservatism is Authoritarian by nature.


New member
I found this fairly interesting. It's about Romney's Mormonism and whether it is important.

Mitt's Mormonism, I suspect, is of the third mode. He's a modernist Mormon. So does his Mormonism matter? I don't think it matters any more than George Bush's Episcopalianism or Barack Obama's Church of Christ membership or JFK's Catholicism. For Mitt, as for most politicians, religion is window dressing. It's the suit and tie they put on to be acceptable to the voters. Modernist Mormonism, like modernist religion in all its forms, is utilitarian. It serves a purpose--the politician's purpose.

So does Mitt's Modernist Mormon religion matter? In one sense it doesn't matter at all because it's not really a religion. It's a set of table manners. It's a part of a respectable facade. When American politicians declare that their religion will not affect their policies they're usually being very honest because their religion also doesn't affect their life much at all.

In one sense Mitt's Mormonism doesn't matter, but what does matter is that, because of their modernism, our politicians are increasingly cut off from the wisdom, the truth and the spiritual insights that true religion has to offer. A modernist religion that is not much more than a lightweight self-help creed will not provide our politicians with the vision, faith and courage to make the tough moral decisions, and if they can't do that - they will not be able to lead their people into the real promised land.

Hilaire Belloc, in contrast:

I am a Catholic. As far as possible I go to Mass every day. This is a rosary. As far as possible, I kneel down and tell these beads every day. If you reject me on account of my religion, I shall thank God that He has spared me the indignity of being your representative!



New member
They need to have some sort of a moral compass (religious or otherwise) - just plainly visible, consistent, and a benefit to society - not a detriment.

If they're vacuous, appear to be only political, as in to win a powerful position, ignoring the representation aspect - I'll ignore them.

Do they need to believe exactly as I do, no, but they need to be on board with issues that matter to me.


I identify as a Christian
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It depends on the religion. There are some religions I would not want occupying the highest office in the land--Satanism, Wicca, Islam. Jehovah's Witness or any other religion that is openly hostile to Christians. JW's are very hostile. That is why they are on my list. I don't like Mormonism, but I have not found them to be hostile to Christians. I would certainly choose a Christian over a Mormon if there was one to be had.


The Dark Knight
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I'll vote for a Muslim
he or she is a republican
We know you would.

You'd vote for a democrat if he was a republican.

but that's the thing Lighthouse i'm a Social Liberal and i completely agree that what you suggest is how it should be.

what i was meaning was that i won't vote for someone who thinks that the Gov't should enforce a certain code of ethics or morality on the people, Biblical or not.

i'm a libertarian. i believe in Economic and Social liberty. im also very Anti-Authoritarian. Social Conservatism is Authoritarian by nature.
So, what are the specific issues, then?

Frank Ernest

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I don't really care what religion politicians foillow as long as they are not fanantics and don't allow their religious beliefs to influence them to the point where it would cloud their judgement .
This is why I am so utterly opposed to idealogues and theocrats like Santorum, Bachmann, Perry and others . They are rigidly dogmatic, narrow-minded intolerant and self-righteous because of their religious views, and this is why they are so dangerous .



toldailytopic: What role does a politician's religion play in your support or lack of support for his candidacy?

As long as that religion is Christianity and the politician does his or her best to legislate accordingly, everything.

Without a good moral foundation and knowledge of Scripture, you'd end up with someone like Teddy Kennedy, or even worse, Ron Paul.


New member

toldailytopic: What role does a politician's religion play in your support or lack of support for his candidacy?

As long as that religion is Christianity and the politician does his or her best to legislate accordingly, everything.

Without a good moral foundation and knowledge of Scripture, you'd end up with someone like Teddy Kennedy, or even worse, Ron Paul.

Or, :shocked: Jimmy Carter!


New member
Given that there is literally NOTHING preventing a politician from SAYING he/she worships a particular god in a particular way, regardless of the statement's authenticity or lack thereof.....

None whatsoever.

I'm more interested in whether or not he/she can DO THE JOB, and HAS MY BEST INTEREST AT HEART.

Of course, he/she could just as easily lie about both of those as well.
That's the problem. How can you tell when a politician is lying? Answer: His lips are moving.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 2nd, 2012 07:15 AM

toldailytopic: What role does a politician's religion play in your support or lack of support for his candidacy?

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I don't like any kind of zealot, so I'd oppose one no matter what particular religion they claimed.

This of course assumes they're not pandering and or lying...