toldailytopic: What one thing could everyone on TOL agree on?

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That this is a great place to find and combat our religious and ideological enemies without anyone getting physically harmed?


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Actually, not everyone agrees with it. Another popular theory is that since the laws of time are contained within the universe, but do not govern it's existence (time being relative and whatnot), that the universe has always been with neither a beginning or end, and that all points in time exist simultaneously and only appear as linear in our 3rd dimensional world.

Who on TOL believes that?


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 20th, 2010 08:43 AM

toldailytopic: What one thing could everyone on TOL agree on?

I think a good place to start is with some humility.

For those of us who argue with people with whom we used to identify with, we should try to remember, that either we were wrong then, or we are wrong now.

For instance, for a brief time i was an atheist, and completely rejected the God of the Bible, with whom I now place my trust and hope.

So for any believers who have become atheists, or atheists who have become believers.......instead of arguing by belitteling....... we can all admit we have been wrong, at some point in our lives.

Liberals turned conservative, and visa versa.

Protestants, turned Catholics, and visa versa.

Every single one of us should be able to agree, that reason dictates, we are either wrong NOW, or we were wrong BEFORE.

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.


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That we each are alive at the moment we type our response,
and that life is a great miracle and mystery.


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Who on TOL believes that?

I don't necessarily believe it, but I'm not willing to discredit it as a popular theory, especially considering all the research going into quantum mechanics these days.

Although, I do like how you phrase your question in a way that makes the notion of such a thing seem absurd, when in actuality the same law applies to your God.


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toldailytopic: What one thing could everyone on TOL agree on?




Well-known member
How about?

No typical mortal human being (male or female) is perfect nor lives a perfect life.

Of course, Christians would add that this statement refers to descendants of Adam and excludes Christ, who came from God.


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Hall of Fame
That TOL is a pretty cool place. :)

That we are on TOL

That the earth is round! :)

I hope. :noid:

Somewhere, somehow, Newman is laughing. :)

Breathing is good.

That stuff happens.
Any more specific and we'll start arguing.

Perhaps we might agree that there is not a single topic on which we all shall agree? A philosophical conundrum of sorts.

toldailytopic: What one thing could everyone on TOL agree on?


Yes TOL is great, TOL is cool! A bit more profound, there is not anything of subject, we shall have absolute and perfect agreement.

That 2 is unusual because 2+2=4, and (2)(2)=4, and 2^2=4, can you dig that?

Now dig this: In audio amplification, all the pros measure power with single numbers, such as 6, 7, 8, 9 and so on; the reason is that these numbers are the exponent of log base 2; therefore, it is and easy way to determined needed power. For example: suppose a JBL speaker has a sensitivity of 94 db or decibels (log base 10) at one meter; the loudness needed is 109 decibels, each double in loudness, perceived by the average human ear is about 3 decibels, therefore the customer wants 109-94=15 decibels more to in loudness. Now, each 3 DB will demand doubling the power, so, it 1 watt = 94 DB then 2 watts =97 DB, thus every 3 DB increase, the wattage doubles and this is why power is measured on log base 2; however; it is the exponent which is used to measure power, not the base. Now this seems complex, yet once understood, it is very simple; the sound installer is told that he needs to use a 6 power amplifier, because 15/3=5 and 3DB more headroom would equal 6, which is 64 watts, see that 2^6=64. Ok, most amplifiers for this application are 100 watts RMS and the is the one chosen for this application.

Now in home audio, most speakers are less sensitive, say 87 DB at one watt at one meter and the listener does not need anything close to 109 DB, so, say 94 dB is enough, then 97-87=10 and 10/3=3.n, meaning the costumer would choose 4 power, if played conservative or a 5 power to hedge bets; therefore, the customer is shown receivers or amplifiers from 30RMS watts to about 60RMS watts. Now all this is basic audio physics and you know it now.

With box stores, the sensitivity of the speaker is often unknown and the sales person does not know anything, or not much about audio engineering and pairs the customer with speakers based on look and apparent sound, along with an amplifier that is not measures in watts RMS. Just look at Best BUY 5.1 receivers said to provide 100 watts into five channels, then turn the receiver around and look at its watt consumption at the plug; it might say about 300 watts, so where the heck are these 100(5) watts coming from!


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We could all "agree to disagree" but then there would be no point to a discussion board and Knight would have to go back to selling real estate or being a Mississippi mud flat farmer, or whatever he was doing before TOL.
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