toldailytopic: What is the issue(s) that you must agree with in a political candidate

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The Horn

It makes absolutely no difference whether a politician or candidate is pro-choice or opposed to abortion. Abortions will still happen.
The politicians have absolutely no power to either stop it or to increase the number of abortions.
Anti-choice politicians can fulminate against abortion until they are blue in the face but this still won't prevent a single woman from having an abortion.
And it's also idiotic to call pro-choice polticians "baby-killers" because they're not responsible for abortions happening either and also have no power to stop any woman from having an abortion.
Even if Barak Obama were to suddenly decide to oppose abortion and issued an official proclamation making abortion illegal ,it would not prevent a single woman from having an abortion(maybe some, but they would still be giving birth to desperately poor children at risk of being the victims of malnutrition,poor education and becoming the victims of violence).
This would be totally unconstitutional anyway, any make him deserving of impeachement. But fortunately,that's not very likely to happen.
And the ironic thing is that under the supposed "baby-killer" Obama,the abortion rate in America could very well decrease markedly because of increased government help for poor pregnant women and the poor in general,something which conservative anti-choice politicians have consistently failed to do because of their unwillingness to do more to help the poor.
The conservative republican politicians who are so opposed to abortion and have blocked democratic moves to do more to help the poor are actually responsible for the high abortion rate in America,not the democracts.
This is hypocrisy in excelsis.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Well, lets see which one he said first.

18 He said to Him, “Which ones?” Jesus said, “ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ 19 ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

It is incosequential to worry about all the money the government steals, if you are dead.
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