toldailytopic: What do you think of the Tea Party movement?

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 15th, 2010 09:57 AM

toldailytopic: What do you think of the Tea Party movement?

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Nathon Detroit

The thing I like about the Tea Party is look how mad it makes these establishment Repubs...

Check out Karl Rove bashing Christine O'Connel because she waxed the loser liberal Repub Mike Castle in Delaware. :rotfl:

Karl Rove is furious...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I understand and agree with what Carl Rove said
I am also very pleased with what happened in Delaware

things like this have to happen when you clean house


New member
Hall of Fame
I like the fact that a bunch of people are finally mad about something, but by and large the so-called Tea Party movement's composed of useful idiots.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The thing I like about the Tea Party is look how mad it makes these establishment Repubs...

Check out Karl Rove bashing Christine O'Connel because she waxed the loser liberal Repub Mike Castle in Delaware. :rotfl:

If she somehow wins I hope she changes her Party affiliation. :plain:

Personally, I don't care if she loses....I would rather have a Democrat in that seat than a a liberal with an "R" by his name. I'm so tired of the hypocrisy. :doh:

Nothing would make me giggle more than to see every stinkin' Rino swept from matter who takes their place. As far as I'm concerned it couldn't get any worse anyway.


Well-known member
I think the Tea Party is too "out there" to survive in most general elections. I have a strong suspicion "cleaning house" is going to be "shot ourselves in the foot".

Most Americans do not want what the tea party is actually selling.


New member
Its partisan, insincere, led by hucksters, and has strong elements of ignorance and racism. That being said, I am sure that there are some genuinely concerned people within its ranks who are trying to make things "better" for the right reasons. However, they are somewhat guilty by association (unfortunately for them).

If they do win some significant office(s), we'll see if anything significant changes, which I highly doubt.


New member
I like the fact that they are a gift to the Democratic party since I highly doubt that any of their candidates will win in the general election. (Not that I like the Democratic party either.) They are waaaay too conservative for the American populace at large.


Well-known member
The Tea Party movement seems to be steamrolling across the country.

What are your thoughts on it?

The Tea Party movement opposes the personal income tax and the Federal Reserve Bank. :up: It is part of the building awareness that will lead to a critical mass that will eventually end the credit monopoly in the U.S and restore control of the government back to the People. Provided the movement can stay focused on the controlling issue, the money/credit monopoly, it could do great things.


Well-known member
In a year or so the Tea Party will be forgotten.

Like the Ross Perot movement? :chuckle:

But guess what? It was through the Ross Perot movement that many people became aware of the Federal Reserve bank problem and the bank loan scam.

Maybe the name will be forgotten in a year or three, but the issues will still be with us, and more people will be educated about those issues thanks to the efforts of the Tea Party movement.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I am amused at the liberal repbublicans and demoncrats that insult the common American who is pushing this movement from the ground up calling them racist, idiots, and hucksters. It shows they are under the skin of the godless heathesn and the libs know they are going to lose.

This pretty much sums it up.

Idiot one said:
I think the Tea Party is too "out there" to survive in most general elections. I have a strong suspicion "cleaning house" is going to be "shot ourselves in the foot".

Most Americans do not want what the tea party is actually selling.

Which is why Reagn got 60% of the vote in '84. But then again, look who is talking there, one of the TOL retards who doesn't know that spontaneous generation was proven wrong by the law of biogensis.

Granite said:
but by and large the so-called Tea Party movement's composed of useful idiots.
Today 11:19 AM

But the Tea Party movement has been one of the most derided and minimized and, frankly, most disrespected movements in American history. Yet, despite being systematically ignored, belittled, marginalized, and ostracized by political, academic, and media elites, the Tea Party movement has grown stronger and stronger....

On April 15, 2009, in honor of Tax Day, seemingly spontaneous tax protests sprung up across the country. At the time, no one in the media or in the political elite thought that these protests were important. In fact, many said they were irrelevant. Some, ignoring the obvious, said they did not exist at all....

"[They are] evil-mongers" spreading "lies, innuendo, and rumor," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

When the elite looked, their first reaction was to say: "Well if it was real (which we really don't believe it was), it is a one-time occurrence, it is no big deal, and it is worth neither our time nor attention."

This was evidenced in the findings of an April 2010 study conducted by the Media Research Center, which found that ABC, CBS and NBC aired 61 stories or segments on the anti-spending movement over a 12-month period, and most of that coverage is recent.

"The networks virtually refused to recognize the tea party in 2009 (19 stories), with the level of coverage increasing only after Scott Brown's election in Massachusetts" in January, the report said, referring to the Republican's win of the Senate seat long held by Edward M. Kennedy.

And as liberal re-publicans lose, and a true right winger wins in 2012 (assuming one runs), it will only get worse. The insults, name calling, lies, bearing false witness, story generation will grow out of control. It will be like a Michael Moore "documentary".


New member
The Tea Party had a great start because it only focused on one issue: government spending. It was a great banner for so many people to gather under. Since then, too many people have tried to grab a hold of it and give it a definition other than, add to, or make exceptions to the no government spending position. The more that this happened, the less force it had. The more people that tried to give it another meaning, less people joined and more people left.

They/we should have kept it very simple, and only relied on that one common denominator.

The Berean

Well-known member
Like the Ross Perot movement? :chuckle:
Exacta-mundo! :up:

But guess what? It was through the Ross Perot movement that many people became aware of the Federal Reserve bank problem and the bank loan scam.
And that is a good thing. :up:

Maybe the name will be forgotten in a year or three, but the issues will still be with us, and more people will be educated about those issues thanks to the efforts of the Tea Party movement.
And that is another good thing. :up:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
The Tea Party movement seems to be steamrolling across the country.

What are your thoughts on it?
I believe it to be a grass-roots movement that has a basic objective of returning the United States to Constitutional government. From what I understand, the movement is still in a developmental period. The local meetings I have attended were quite good, very informative.
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