toldailytopic: What did you think of Obama's jobs speech?


Hall of Fame
How do you figure that he caused the problem? The crash happened before he even took office, and it happened because the previous administration (Bush) had gutted government oversight of Wall Street business practices. As a result, they got up to no good, as they will always do, and caused an economic disaster.
I admit that I believe the Wall Street Bail Out (also a Bush policy) was a bad idea, that Obama should not have continued. But this hardly makes him responsible for the economic stagnation we are experiencing today. It would be exceedingly unfair to expect Obama to fix in 3 years what the Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. administrations have taken 30 years to wreck. I know the republicans would LOVE to have us all blame Obama, now, and forget who was really the cause of this economic disaster, but we aren't really that stupid, are we?

I'm sure some of us are, but I can't imagine that the majority of us would fall for such wildly biased nonsense.

Well said! :thumb:

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
He doesn't do anything except "declare" what he is going to do.

The emperor has no clothes.

The Bible says that God puts rulers in charge.

Dn 2: 20-22

If Obama gets elected again I will believe that the new millennium is being ushered in.

I predicted he would win 3 years ago and so many American christians responded like that, I think that there are too many poor Americans and the Reps just are not listening, poverty is a MAJOR factor in abortions [I am pro life not pro choice]

As an outsider looking in, Obama is doing a good job in villifying the Reps. And actually I believe Obama DOES care about the unjustness of poverty. The Reps may get a shock come the election.


How do you figure that he caused the problem? The crash happened before he even took office, and it happened because the previous administration (Bush) had gutted government oversight of Wall Street business practices. As a result, they got up to no good, as they will always do, and caused an economic disaster.
I admit that I believe the Wall Street Bail Out (also a Bush policy) was a bad idea, that Obama should not have continued. But this hardly makes him responsible for the economic stagnation we are experiencing today. It would be exceedingly unfair to expect Obama to fix in 3 years what the Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. administrations have taken 30 years to wreck. I know the republicans would LOVE to have us all blame Obama, now, and forget who was really the cause of this economic disaster, but we aren't really that stupid, are we?

I'm sure some of us are, but I can't imagine that the majority of us would fall for such wildly biased nonsense.

And this is the kind of stuff that people who don't look at the whole picture parrott. Do your homework. The housing crash was because fanny mae and freddie mac were gutting it. Bush tried to regulate it but the dems stopped him.


According to, between 1988 and 2008 Dodd received $133,900, Kerry $111,000, Clinton $75,550, and Obama — in only 143 days in the Senate — received a whopping $105,849 from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Pennsylvania Democrat representative Paul Kanjorksi, who also opposed new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac regulations, was given more than any other member of the House of Representatives. He was paid $65,500 by representatives of these entities.

And, in case you were wondering, John McCain co-sponsored a bill requiring greater Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac regulation in 2005. It was also blocked procedurally by Democrats.


Well-known member
He doesn't do anything except "declare" what he is going to do.

The emperor has no clothes.
Psssst! Sky!

He isn't an emperor.

He isn't even a legislator.

He doesn't have the power to write or enact laws. All he CAN do is make proposals. The Congress and Senate have to actually write the laws and enact them. So you're blaming him for not doing something that he CAN'T do. He isn't allowed to do.

some other dude

New member
Psssst! Sky!

He isn't an emperor.

He isn't even a legislator.

He doesn't have the power to write or enact laws. All he CAN do is make proposals. The Congress and Senate have to actually write the laws and enact them. So you're blaming him for not doing something that he CAN'T do. He isn't allowed to do.

So, by the same token you don't blame George Bush for the Patriot Act?


Well-known member
And this is the kind of stuff that people who don't look at the whole picture parrott. Do your homework. The housing crash was because fanny mae and freddie mac were gutting it. Bush tried to regulate it but the dems stopped him.

This is what people say who listen to too much Rush Limbaugh and his ridiculously biased radio drivel. The economic disaster is the result of the banking industry deliberately writing bad loans, bundling them together with good loans, and then magically declaring them all "assets" rather than the liabilities they really were. In effect, they were selling debt as an asset, which it is not. They all knew that it was not, but they were all making big money doing it. They all knew that eventually the reality of the scheme would cause a crash, but they didn't care. They all figured they'd get out in time.

But their greed got the best of them, and they didn't get out in time. When the illusion popped, and it became apparent that these loans were not "assets" many of the biggest banks in the country got caught holding billions of dollars worth of these bad loans (that weren't really worth anything all along, which they all knew). So they tried to blame their getting caught holding their own bag of worthless loans on everyone else, while the republicans tried to blame their lack of government oversight on the democrats. But the sad truth is, every time the republicans get into office, they gut government oversight of big business, and there is a corporate feeding frenzy based on some scheme that would have been illegal if the republicans hadn't gutted the laws governing these things.

Under Reagan and Bush Sr. it was Enron and the savings and loan fiascoes that cost the nation many billions of dollars. Under Bush Jr. it was this selling of bad loans on the open market as false assets. (And yes, Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved, and yes the democrats deserve their share of blame for protecting them.) What actually happened to the housing market and all those people losing their homes was the collateral damage caused by the greed of the big corporate banks that came up with the scheme in the first place, and who ran up the price of their phony "assets" deliberately.

Then the Bush administration wildly compounded the crime by using the American people's money to bail out the very banks that had invented the scheme and caused the economic collapse in the first place. (And yes, Obama deserves to be blamed for this as well, as he continued this insane policy of rewarding the criminals with our money after he took office.)

Perhaps you should stop parroting Rush and do a little homework, yourself.


Well-known member
So, by the same token you don't blame George Bush for the Patriot Act?
No, I blame the Bush administration for proposing it, and the republican majority (along with the democratic sissies who were afraid to oppose it) for writing and enacting it.

That said, not all of the Patriot Act is flawed. Some of it was/is necessary to deal with modern terrorism. If the democrats weren't such a bunch of sissies, the proposal would have been properly debated, and we probably would have had a much better result. That's how the system is supposed to work.

But we can't have proper and intelligent debate in the Legislature, anymore, because the republicans have become a bunch of extremist thugs, and the democrats have become a bunch of sissies. And they are all being bought off by the big corporate lobbies.


New member
We don't have cable so we can't watch anything but DVD's. I was wondering if there is a place online I can watch the entire speech? I'm sure I can find clips on youtube or something.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 8th, 2011 07:42 PM

toldailytopic: What did you think of Obama's jobs speech?

He showed urgency and concern and made substantial proposals. They were not all that I want, but since he was making proposals that have been supported "by both Democrats and Republicans," he couldn't have done so.