toldailytopic: What did you think of Obama's jobs speech?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 8th, 2011 07:42 PM

toldailytopic: What did you think of Obama's jobs speech?

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I thought it was more of the same, lame Obama. He just wants more money from anywhere he can get it. He continues to deny the unemployment problem. His speech was not about jobs it was about money.


Well-known member
Proudly continuing his successful presidency..............gutting this nation to bring it to its' knees. Same old Marxist/Globalist plan.

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 8th, 2011 07:42 PM

toldailytopic: What did you think of Obama's jobs speech?

I missed it, rather on purpose. Pretty much, all speeches right now will be about long-term 2012 campaigning. I'll read the commentaries later tonight. When the business sector gets off its rear, jobs will appear. Unless Obama has job openings on his staff, he cannot do anything by himself.


Well-known member
Excellent speech with specifics and fire. The Obama of 2008 and 2004 is back. Unfortunately very few of his proposals can be implemented without congressional approval. Republican obstructionism may derail all or most of it. But then Obama's going to run against them.


New member
Hall of Fame
I missed it. I heard some clips on the radio though. Tax breaks. Infrastructure spending.
I'm just not sure it is anything other than a band-aid. Will it produce long term effects? :idunno:


New member
Hall of Fame
I thought enough of the man and his sure-to-be-stupefying speech to spend my night productively: watching a great football game.


Well-known member
It's a speech he should have given right after the legislative elections, when the dems lost their majority. Now it's too little too late. For such a supposedly smart guy it's taken him a very long time to realize that the republicans will not support him on anything for any reason regardless of the consequences. So now, finally, he decides to put them on the spot for it. OK ... But like I said, he should have been doing this all along so that the voters could clearly see and understand who's been causing the inertia, and why.

He'll be hammering on this now and until the elections. But the rest of us will still be wondering why he did nothing about it until it was way too late.

Ted L Glines

New member
Excellent speech with specifics and fire. The Obama of 2008 and 2004 is back. Unfortunately very few of his proposals can be implemented without congressional approval. Republican obstructionism may derail all or most of it. But then Obama's going to run against them.

Finally did see the CNN reruns of Obama's speech. The infrastructure spending sound promising. That's what FDR did following the Great Depression. But it is BIG BUCKS and will be a hard sell in Congress. Maybe.

At this point, and up through Thanksgiving, we should be seeing the pre-campaign posturing. This is when Obama should be laying claim to specific solutions, thus neutralizing them so that republican nominees will have to find other things to push. It is a tried and true tactic to weaken the opposition's forcefulness as they vie against each other. We will have to wait and see if Obama's speech was more than political positioning.

Next July or August (my guess) is when the DNC will roll out Obama's ace card. Look for DNC rallies with crowds chanting "Obama Led ... Osama's Dead" or something similar. The only thing which could stop this wild propaganda spree -- would be if someone came forth and proved that it was not really Osama bin Laden who was killed in Pakistan (as many scholars believe). But, I suspect that anyone who attempts such a revelation will ... disappear. After all, the Navy Seals who killed "Osama" were killed recently in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Coincidence?
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New member
Hall of Fame
It's a speech he should have given right after the legislative elections, when the dems lost their majority. Now it's too little too late. For such a supposedly smart guy it's taken him a very long time to realize that the republicans will not support him on anything for any reason regardless of the consequences. So now, finally, he decides to put them on the spot for it. OK ... But like I said, he should have been doing this all along so that the voters could clearly see and understand who's been causing the inertia, and why.

He'll be hammering on this now and until the elections. But the rest of us will still be wondering why he did nothing about it until it was way too late.

He is doing it now because it is campaign season.


Well-known member
Yep, another government spending spree to get us from all these problems. Same ole, same ole.
Right, and we LIKE having all these problems, so we aren't going to help him get us away from any of them! No sireee!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I felt he was asking everyone to help him fix a problem, without ever mentioning that he was a big cause of the problem.

It was like he was rallying everyone to help him fill in a pit, without admitting that he was the one who dug out the pit to begin with!

I don't trust him with a shovel!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I felt he was asking everyone to help him fix a problem, without ever mentioning that he was a big cause of the problem.

It was like he was rallying everyone to help him fill in a pit, without admitting that he was the one who dug out the pit to begin with!

I don't trust him with a shovel!!!!!!!!
How do you figure that he caused the problem? The crash happened before he even took office, and it happened because the previous administration (Bush) had gutted government oversight of Wall Street business practices. As a result, they got up to no good, as they will always do, and caused an economic disaster.
I admit that I believe the Wall Street Bail Out (also a Bush policy) was a bad idea, that Obama should not have continued. But this hardly makes him responsible for the economic stagnation we are experiencing today. It would be exceedingly unfair to expect Obama to fix in 3 years what the Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. administrations have taken 30 years to wreck. I know the republicans would LOVE to have us all blame Obama, now, and forget who was really the cause of this economic disaster, but we aren't really that stupid, are we?

I'm sure some of us are, but I can't imagine that the majority of us would fall for such wildly biased nonsense.


I felt he was asking everyone to help him fix a problem, without ever mentioning that he was a big cause of the problem.

It was like he was rallying everyone to help him fill in a pit, without admitting that he was the one who dug out the pit to begin with!

I don't trust him with a shovel!!!!!!!!

He doesn't do anything except "declare" what he is going to do.

The emperor has no clothes.

He is beginning to look like a second term Prezzy to me...but I am an outsider

The Bible says that God puts rulers in charge.

Dn 2: 20-22

If Obama gets elected again I will believe that the new millennium is being ushered in.