toldailytopic: The election is finally upon us. What do you think will be the outcome


Well-known member
Yeah, ... the sacred "job creators" ...


Yeah, it's all the fault of the rich. ;)

Most job creators are small businesses...who are being "buried" by the hundreds of new regulations put forth under this administration. The man is still a community organizer...pointing the folks to food stamps and government handouts.


Well-known member
Yeah, it's all the fault of the rich. ;)

Most job creators are small businesses...who are being "buried" by the hundreds of new regulations put forth under this administration.
Well, you're half right. Most jobs are produced by small businesses, but what's hurting them more than anything is the cost of health insurance, and local taxes. Not over-regulation. I have several friends with successful small businesses in Chicago, and they all say the same thing. They are being crushed by the cost of health insurance for their employees, and by the local taxes.

I was being sarcastic in my use of the term "job creators", because that's the sacred totem the wealthy elite and their toadies in Washington are using to hide their greed and bribery behind.

Junius Gallio

New member
For every rich person there are ten that think they are entited to other people's money. The "gimme" generation is alive and well.

Keep saying that.

Your problem, glorydaz, is you live within a worldview of your own making, relatively untrammeled by fact. If I were a betting man, I'd be willing to wager that if Romeny won by .1%, you'd say "landslide." And if Obama wins, by any margin, you'll cry "fraud."

You don't care about facts--all you care about is your worldview.

Well, here are a few facts to think about--assuming they get past your reality filter. Neither candidate will win by a landslide. Right now, Obama is in front, and it's pretty good odd that he will win. If he does, he's going to have an uphill slog, because this election has been dirty--both sides have been slinging mud and lies for all their worth.

In the mean time, however, we're definitely going to have one winner and one loser in this election. Somebody's going home very disappointed Nov 7th. In one respect, I don't care who wins--I will support the President of the United States, no matter who is elected. In one respect, I care very much--I do not agree with Romney's policies.

But one thing I refuse to do--which evidently you revel in--I refuse to put party above country. I refuse to despise the President just because he's not the person I voted for.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the momentum for Romney started with the first debate
will continue through tomorrow

I do not think it will be that close
as I have said earlier we will win ohio
we will not need it


New member
nothing will change.. the republicans may pick up some seats in the house, but the presidency and senate will remain in democrat hands.


New member
Hall of Fame
For every rich person there are ten that think they are entited to other people's money. The "gimme" generation is alive and well.

This old chestnut's been beaten into the ground ever since the wealthy first used it to justify Social Darwinism.


New member
Toughest call I've seen since Truman vs. Dewey. I'll say Obama by the skin of his teeth.

We've had a whole lot of close, tough calls. This one will be easier than some. Here's a list of tough calls:

Bush-Kerry 2004
Bush-Gore 2000
Ford-Carter 1976
Nixon-Humphrey 1968
Nixon-Kennedy 1960
Dewey-Truman 1948
Hughes-Wilson 1916
Harrison-Cleveland 1888
Blaine-Cleveland 1884
Hayes-Tilden 1876


New member
For every rich person there are ten that think they are entited to other people's money. The "gimme" generation is alive and well.

The state owns a small portion of your money. It does not belong to you. Our democracy decides how it is spent. It is in fact wise to decide to use some of that tax money to help others in need. It is social insurance in case something happens to you, and it helps the economy far more than giving the money to missile defense contractors.


New member
I refuse to despise the President just because he's not the person I voted for.

Why not? You may be putting "country over party", but what about "principles over politicians"?

Remember the president is just a politician and a politician is just a person who is good at lying.

Junius Gallio

New member
Why not? You may be putting "country over party", but what about "principles over politicians"?

Remember the president is just a politician and a politician is just a person who is good at lying.

I've yet to met a politician that wasn't good at lying. However, regardless of what I think of the person in office, the office is due my respect.


New member
chrysostom said:
the momentum for Romney started with the first debate
will continue through tomorrow

I love how Faux News got all happy when Romney did well in the first election, but after Obama stomped him in the second and third, all they could talk about was "the magic of that first debate".

Like the others didn't even happen.

Oh wait, Faux News...:dizzy: