toldailytopic: "Soup kitchens": Do they help or hurt the homeless?

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New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 1st, 2010 09:40 AM

toldailytopic: "Soup kitchens": Do they help or hurt the homeless?

Hello :) I think that these things are opened not with bad intentions, but good intentions. Considering that "hoarding" is become legal on a mass level, it does seem as something good to me.

When sitting in the passenger seat of a car, i will often get lost in thought at the sight of the land we pass by ... I wonder, why is it that I can not just go out there and build on this land that is not being used by anyone but just stands there as part of "gov't and/or corporation" private property. Just think how many non-homeless there could be if they were allowed to build their homes and work the land for their own food.

I see little use for all these buildings and "make believe jobs" that we have to be in for the sake of society .... but then, I am always forced to come out of my thoughts, and live in what is called "the real world."


New member
Manners my boy....

Manners my boy....

They should make the people work for it. Then no one would take advantage of it.

As I said there is a bigger problem with your argument, rendering it false.

No, moron. My response is that we should do more for those who are in simply in need.

Read further.

Why do you assume they had done nothing to earn what they received?

The Good Samaritan is irrelevant to this discussion. No one is talking about people who have been beaten nearly to death.:rolleyes:

Apples and oranges.

It is not nice to call TH a "moron".


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for October 1st, 2010 09:40 AM

toldailytopic: "Soup kitchens": Do they help or hurt the homeless?

Hello :) I think that these things are opened not with bad intentions, but good intentions. Considering that "hoarding" is become legal on a mass level, it does seem as something good to me.

When sitting in the passenger seat of a car, i will often get lost in thought at the sight of the land we pass by ... I wonder, why is it that I can not just go out there and build on this land that is not being used by anyone but just stands there as part of "gov't and/or corporation" private property. Just think how many non-homeless there could be if they were allowed to build their homes and work the land for their own food.

I see little use for all these buildings and "make believe jobs" that we have to be in for the sake of society .... but then, I am always forced to come out of my thoughts, and live in what is called "the real world."

You should read Benjamin Tucker. He describes how, through the Four Monopolies (land, money, patent, tariff) the State and the class interests it represents twist a so-called free market into an oligarchy.

It's quite enlightening, and it should be required reading for anyone interested in freedom.

Memento Mori

New member
I think you mistake me, I am for soup kitchens for the very reason you quoted.

However I think people who have need to access such a service should combine it with a service that works in a different remit. Its all about building a strong foundation on a basic need in which to continue improvement.

The kitchens will always be highly valued.

You mean like a school?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You can say anything. Demonstrating it is something else altogether. You narrowed your focus to attempt to support something that really wasn't found in the text. I pointed you to Luke and a little common sense reflection.
I demonstrated it perfectly. It was clearly in the text that the takers were not asking.

No. You didn't say anything like that.
It doesn't matter that I said nothing like that since I didn't say anything in opposition to it. My stance is, and always has been, that we should not just give things to those in need, but that we should help them get what they truly need which is to be able to help themselves.

You answered,

As though the generosity commanded were only related to the thief. Hardly a call for greater.
Generosity? You think this was a command to be generous? You're a moron.

As for that mouth of yours...unless you want me to correct you at every turn, I'd suggest you find a better way to address a brother old enough to be your father. It's time for you to stop acting like a child who wasn't taught manners. It reflects poorly on your maturity and upbringing. Until you figure that out I'll help you out as I did supra.
You're in your fifties?

You know what, I don't care. You're an idiot, clearly. You've proven it.

Because I understand the passage, history of practice, and you've done Butkus to provide any other reading.
First off, it's bupkis, bupkes, bupkus or bubkes. Butkus was a football player and an actor.

And what part of the passage indicates they had done nothing to earn it?

Seriously? I gave you credit for more intelligence. As with Christ (our example) the Samaritan offered help out of the abundance of his heart. What did he owe to the injured man? What did Christ owe you? What do we owe those in need?

Money is no comparison to what Jesus gave us. He gave us something we could not gain for ourselves, no matter how hard we tried. Not at all the same as money.

You fail.

Have you ever won a case?

Another declaration in lieu of support. Have you anything like an argument, child?
Do you have an argument? All I see so far is failure.

It is not nice to call TH a "moron".
Whoever said I was nice?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I demonstrated it perfectly. It was clearly in the text that the takers were not asking.
No. You attempted to narrow the focus and I pointed you to Luke then made a larger observation about Christ that you apparently didn't understand.

It doesn't matter that I said nothing like that since I didn't say anything in opposition to it.

My stance is, and always has been, that we should not just give things to those in need, but that we should help them get what they truly need which is to be able to help themselves.
I think that's fine, but at odds with your arguing against my argument for the absolute good of feeding the hungry...or, in other words, pick a side, will you? :squint:

Generosity? You think this was a command to be generous? You're my elder and I will learn to speak respectfully, God willing.
Fixed that for you.

Way to desperately focus to avoid dealing with the actual principle in play.

You're in your fifties?
No. You're out of your teens?! :shocked: :chuckle: Unless you're in your thirties I could be in my forties and have sired you're bad at math too then. :plain:

You know what, I don't care.
Comes through loud and clear. Mostly you don't appear to care about prolonged, substantive analysis...or presenting yourself as a man would.
You're my elder and I'm struggling with maturity issues that make it hard for me to communicate without insult that demeans my walk and insults the honor of my family, clearly. You've proven it.
Helped out again.

First off, it's bupkis, bupkes, bupkus or bubkes. Butkus was a football player and an actor.
Hmm? I did capitalize the proper noun, no? Appreciated though. One of those things I picked up phonetically. And it's still what you have, point wise. :thumb:

And what part of the passage indicates they had done nothing to earn it?
The absence of a negation isn't required. Were it the Bible and most forms of communication would have had to wait on the PC to be portable...The absence of the point you need to have one is sufficient.

Money is no comparison to what Jesus gave us. He gave us something we could not gain for ourselves, no matter how hard we tried. Not at all the same as money.
Good grief child, principle. It's an illustration. Did you visualize Christ looking like an actual lion? :squint:

Have you ever won a case?
Frequently. But I suspect one would still be sufficient to dwarf your success in debate.

Do you have an argument? All I see so far is failure.
Then put the mirror down and concentrate.

Whoever said I was nice?
I give up, who?


New member


I demonstrated it perfectly. It was clearly in the text that the takers were not asking.

It doesn't matter that I said nothing like that since I didn't say anything in opposition to it. My stance is, and always has been, that we should not just give things to those in need, but that we should help them get what they truly need which is to be able to help themselves.

Generosity? You think this was a command to be generous? You're a moron.

You're in your fifties?

You know what, I don't care. You're an idiot, clearly. You've proven it.

First off, it's bupkis, bupkes, bupkus or bubkes. Butkus was a football player and an actor.

And what part of the passage indicates they had done nothing to earn it?


Money is no comparison to what Jesus gave us. He gave us something we could not gain for ourselves, no matter how hard we tried. Not at all the same as money.

You fail.

Have you ever won a case?

Do you have an argument? All I see so far is failure.

Whoever said I was nice?

My statement was generic, it is not nice to call TH a moron. It is not even germaine.
I, myself, am not nice. However, I try very hard to make my epithets fit the numbskull under scrutiny.
I am not referencing any of the persons in this discussion. I happen to be quite fond of all of you.


Well-known member
The thing is, the "poor drunks" are people. I think, "What if that were me?" So I give handouts. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. It helps me. Mainly it shows that I care.

Exactly! we agree, I have no problem it, the corperate hand outs are far worse.
Drunks, liars, theifs, hypocrites, rebulicans, democrates, ignorant, self obsorbed, self righteous, snobs, perverts, sinners, all need help.

Grace, Zeke.
Last edited:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
No. You attempted to narrow the focus and I pointed you to Luke then made a larger observation about Christ that you apparently didn't understand.
I understood it just fine. You're wrong.

I think that's fine, but at odds with your arguing against my argument for the absolute good of feeding the hungry...or, in other words, pick a side, will you? :squint:
I do not believe we should just feed them and let them go on their merry way. We should help them get on their feet.

Fixed that for you.
Go bite an onion.

Way to desperately focus to avoid dealing with the actual principle in play.
You wouldn't know the principle if it kicked your butt, which I'm sure it could.

No. You're out of your teens?! :shocked: :chuckle: Unless you're in your thirties I could be in my forties and have sired you're bad at math too then. :plain:

Care to guess which of my birthday's that was?

Comes through loud and clear. Mostly you don't appear to care about prolonged, substantive analysis...or presenting yourself as a man would.

What I don't care about is your age, etc.

Helped out again.
Trust me, my dad would think you're a moron, too.

Hmm? I did capitalize the proper noun, no? Appreciated though. One of those things I picked up phonetically. And it's still what you have, point wise. :thumb:
There's no 't' in the word you meant to use, so how did you pick that up phonetically?

The absence of a negation isn't required. Were it the Bible and most forms of communication would have had to wait on the PC to be portable...The absence of the point you need to have one is sufficient.
Is that supposed to be legalese?

Good grief child, principle. It's an illustration. Did you visualize Christ looking like an actual lion? :squint:
The principle was in regard to people either suing us for something, or stealing it from us. Not about someone in need asking for it.:dunce::duh:

Frequently. But I suspect one would still be sufficient to dwarf your success in debate.
Your opposition must have been a moron, clinically speaking.

Then put the mirror down and concentrate.
It would have been much more clever to tell me to stop looking at my reflection in the monitor. But I don't suspect cleverness from you. Not after this debacle.

I give up, who?
I'm pretty sure no one on TOL ever has.

My statement was generic, it is not nice to call TH a moron. It is not even germaine.
I, myself, am not nice. However, I try very hard to make my epithets fit the numbskull under scrutiny.
I am not referencing any of the persons in this discussion. I happen to be quite fond of all of you.
He's a lawyer. He deserves worse.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I understood it just fine. You're wrong.
Nope, to match your effort. :plain:
I do not believe we should just feed them and let them go on their merry way. We should help them get on their feet.
I didn't suggest, let alone declare, that the absolute good I noted should be the end-all of the matter. So what you seem to be saying is you went off half cocked instead of asking a simple enough question, settling for an errant assumption and the old adage that goes with it.

Go bite an onion. Which is my way of saying that I lack the necessary maturity to correct myself. Sorry about that. Time will either knock the edges off my dog and pony act or, God forbid, one day I'll say something like this in the flesh and someone will knock them off for me. :D
Happy to help.

Care to guess which of my birthday's that was?
Going by your manner and methodology I'd suppose you somewhere between eighteen and twenty, but in need of an engaging undergraduate experience and/or a switch.


What I don't care about is your age, etc.
I'll add it to the list of things you don't appear to care about, just after "being perceived as someone who should be taken seriously." :thumb:

Trust me, my dad would think you're a moron, too.
Then you come by it honestly, but that's no excuse.

There's no 't' in the word you meant to use, so how did you pick that up phonetically?
By ear. That's how "phonetically" works. I suspect your obsession with minutia came about because it gave you a sense of authority and control that your intellectual development couldn't. You need to put a little more effort into that...find a good school, develop a breadth of understanding, that sort of thing. It would do you a world of good.

Is that supposed to be legalese?
No. Maybe if you diagram it. :poly:

The principle was in regard to people either suing us for something, or stealing it from us. Not about someone in need asking for it.:dunce::duh:
No, kid. You entered into a conversation about my remarks. The principle concerned the absurd idea of applying merit to charitable acts. You still aren't seeing it, but that's your headache.

Your opposition must have been licensed attorneys from good schools with more proven ability and education than I can appreciate at this point in my life, clinically speaking.
That's true. And you're welcome.

It would have been much more clever to tell me to stop looking at my reflection in the monitor.
The clever is in turning the remark on you. But if it makes you feel as though the breath of wit has passed through or by you to find an alternate reflective surface, go to. :D

But I don't suspect cleverness from you.
I don't care, kid. At this point I'm just deciding on how much of your hide I plan to tan and how often. That you'll stand there bleeding, declaring victory or hurling epithets in lieu of wit is a given and not even a part of my calculation.

Re: people with something good to say about your manner.
I'm pretty sure no one on TOL ever has.
That's been your choice. It's your conduct that leads to the general impression, one that no reasoned human being should desire. I don't know what's at the root of it, but one day you'll either recognize that people aren't built to do that and be happy or you'll have become so narcissistic that you won't notice anyone else or care.

He's a lawyer. He deserves worse.
A profoundly ignorant statement laced with the predictable hostility and the utterly unmerited inference of some vague sense of superiority.

Oh, and soup kitchens? Still a fine idea.



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I didn't suggest, let alone declare, that the absolute good I noted should be the end-all of the matter. So what you seem to be saying is you went off half cocked instead of asking a simple enough question, settling for an errant assumption and the old adage that goes with it.
Now I get to call you a hypocrite, as well.

Happy to help.
Do you smell vinegar?

Going by your manner and methodology I'd suppose you somewhere between eighteen and twenty, but in need of an engaging undergraduate experience and/or a switch.
And you'd be sorely mistaken. My age appeared next to my name on the Birthday list, and is on my profile. Let's see if you're any good at math; I was born in 1980.

I'll add it to the list of things you don't appear to care about, just after "being perceived as someone who should be taken seriously." :thumb:

Then you come by it honestly, but that's no excuse.
There's no excuse for your ignorance.

By ear. That's how "phonetically" works. I suspect your obsession with minutia came about because it gave you a sense of authority and control that your intellectual development couldn't. You need to put a little more effort into that...find a good school, develop a breadth of understanding, that sort of thing. It would do you a world of good.
Clearly you misheard. Or maybe they misspoke, I guess. But I assume the former based on your ability to listen.

My obsession with minutia is a symptom of my condition, which is something I was born with.

No. Maybe if you diagram it. :poly:
How about you rephrase it? Or at least put in the proper punctuation. And maybe you can explain why communication would have had to wait on the PC to be portable...

No, kid. You entered into a conversation about my remarks. The principle concerned the absurd idea of applying merit to charitable acts. You still aren't seeing it, but that's your headache.
The principle in the verses in question, twit.

That's true. And you're welcome.

The clever is in turning the remark on you. But if it makes you feel as though the breath of wit has passed through or by you to find an alternate reflective surface, go to. :D{/quote]
Claiming cleverness when your remarks are a tired cliche is tantamount to lying.

I don't care, kid. At this point I'm just deciding on how much of your hide I plan to tan and how often. That you'll stand there bleeding, declaring victory or hurling epithets in lieu of wit is a given and not even a part of my calculation.
Wishing upon a star are we?

Re: people with something good to say about your manner.

That's been your choice. It's your conduct that leads to the general impression, one that no reasoned human being should desire. I don't know what's at the root of it, but one day you'll either recognize that people aren't built to do that and be happy or you'll have become so narcissistic that you won't notice anyone else or care.
I've never seen the point of narcissism. Regarding how nice I am, I am better at being honest.

A profoundly ignorant statement laced with the predictable hostility and the utterly unmerited inference of some vague sense of superiority.

Oh, and soup kitchens? Still a fine idea.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now I get to call you a hypocrite, as well.
Tourette's? Else, I'll add it to the list of things you apparently haven't given much thought.
Do you smell vinegar?
No, why? New cologne?
And you'd be sorely mistaken.
A fact which should mostly embarrass you if you understood me.
My age appeared next to my name on the Birthday list,
Which I never pay attention to...I saw your birthday thread in passing.
and is on my profile.
And I'd go there and look for what reason?
Let's see if you're any good at math; I was born in 1980.
That's tragic then (both your lack of progress and the fact you think of that as a math problem). Well, the good news is that it's never too late if you're willing to do the work.
Sadly, as close as you've yet come to a clever riposte.
There's no excuse for your ignorance.
And even less proof.
Clearly you misheard. Or maybe they misspoke, I guess. But I assume the former based on your ability to listen.
You're really invested in this, aren't you. :think:
My obsession with minutia is a symptom of my condition, which is something I was born with.
Good to know. And your attitude, manners?
How about you rephrase it? Or at least put in the proper punctuation.
This isn't a formal paper and I will, if infrequently, misspell this or that and/or omit a breath mark. It isn't a source of concern for me so long as it doesn't impact the intelligibility of the effort. Now if you understand the absence of that breath mark then you know where it falls and it posed no difficulty for you. The rest and greater portion of your problem rests with your reading comprehension and not the lack of a comma.
And maybe you can explain why communication would have had to wait on the PC to be portable...
The principle in the verses in question, I'm a twit.
In order--nope and you're certainly acting like one, but it needn't be permanent.
It was funnier the first time, but if it's the best you can do then it will have to suffice.
Claiming cleverness when your remarks are a tired cliche is tantamount to lying.
Actually, you said it was clever.
It would have been much more clever to tell me...
So you must be a liar...or maybe you need to explain what you mean to yourself. :plain:
Wishing upon a star are we?
Nah, just contemplating a black hole. That's the only thing that would account for your density.
I've never seen the point of narcissism. Regarding how nice I am, I am better at being honest.
Someone who picks their nose at the dinner table because that's what they feel like doing is being honest. They're also eating alone.
About what I expect and encounter from people of no appreciable accomplishment. Of course, as I said, you're young enough to change all that.
Just when I thought you'd hit rock bottom on the "wrong call" scale. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
Regarding how nice I am, I am better at being honest.

You really think that honesty demands you call people names? Why? It's not like people as asking you if you think they are morons. You can easily just correct what you think is wrong. Or use language that is less harsh in getting across that you think what they said is stupid.

And if you are concerned about those people not being morons anymore, I'd say you are doing a poor job of it. Because for most people, if someone is convinced of your arguments it will be in spite of your name-calling, not because of it. So you could be more effective and keep your honesty. I'd say that's a win-win. But I suspect you just enjoy name-calling due to immaturity and hide behind your "honesty". With a little bit of the "nicer than God" idea mixed in.

Ya know what I just thought of, I bet Lighthouse didn't have birthday cupcakes in school as a kid. Everything is coming together now. :plain:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Tourette's? Else, I'll add it to the list of things you apparently haven't given much thought.
You really don't see that this whole thing started between us because you did the exact thing of which you accuse me?

No, why? New cologne?
Do you know what smells like vinegar other than a jar of vinegar?

A fact which should mostly embarrass you if you understood me.
Why? Am I supposed to care what you think?

Which I never pay attention to...I saw your birthday thread in passing.

And I'd go there and look for what reason?

That's tragic then (both your lack of progress and the fact you think of that as a math problem). Well, the good news is that it's never too late if you're willing to do the work.
How much of an idiot are you?

2010-1980=x is the math problem, moron. Can you solve for x?

Sadly, as close as you've yet come to a clever riposte.
I'm not trying to be clever.

And even less proof.
A degree tells me that you took classes, and nothing more.

Good to know. And your attitude, manners?

This isn't a formal paper and I will, if infrequently, misspell this or that and/or omit a breath mark. It isn't a source of concern for me so long as it doesn't impact the intelligibility of the effort. Now if you understand the absence of that breath mark then you know where it falls and it posed no difficulty for you. The rest and greater portion of your problem rests with your reading comprehension and not the lack of a comma.
Do you want proof of my reading comprehension level? Hint: It's well above where one would expect it to be for someone of my age and education level [combined]. If my education level were higher then that distance would be less, even with my age being the same.

Well, I never said "absence of a negation" was necessary, so, what's your point?

I know what I was talking about. I was talking about the principles in the verses.

Actually, you said it was clever.
No I didn't. Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read.

So you must be a liar...or maybe you need to explain what you mean to yourself. :plain:
I don't see how that means what you said was actually clever. All I see is me being sarcastic.

Nah, just contemplating a black hole. That's the only thing that would account for your density.
It might also explain why you haven't shut up and moved one, you can't escape...

Someone who picks their nose at the dinner table because that's what they feel like doing is being honest. They're also eating alone.

About what I expect and encounter from people of no appreciable accomplishment. Of course, as I said, you're young enough to change all that.
I've accomplished much more on my own than many people my age. Most of them take classes to learn to do most of the stuff I learned alone.

Just when I thought you'd hit rock bottom on the "wrong call" scale. :chuckle:
I changed that already. Maybe you should go look at it again. I thought of something much more insulting.

You really think that honesty demands you call people names? Why? It's not like people as asking you if you think they are morons. You can easily just correct what you think is wrong. Or use language that is less harsh in getting across that you think what they said is stupid.
If they are a moron, yes. Especially if I have corrected them several times and they still don't get it.

And if you are concerned about those people not being morons anymore, I'd say you are doing a poor job of it. Because for most people, if someone is convinced of your arguments it will be in spite of your name-calling, not because of it. So you could be more effective and keep your honesty. I'd say that's a win-win. But I suspect you just enjoy name-calling due to immaturity and hide behind your "honesty". With a little bit of the "nicer than God" idea mixed in.
But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.
-1 Corinthians 14:38

Ya know what I just thought of, I bet Lighthouse didn't have birthday cupcakes in school as a kid. Everything is coming together now. :plain:
Actually the cupcakes exacerbated my condition, apparently.


New member


You really don't see that this whole thing started between us because you did the exact thing of which you accuse me?

Do you know what smells like vinegar other than a jar of vinegar?

Why? Am I supposed to care what you think?


How much of an idiot are you?

2010-1980=x is the math problem, moron. Can you solve for x?

I'm not trying to be clever.

A degree tells me that you took classes, and nothing more.


Do you want proof of my reading comprehension level? Hint: It's well above where one would expect it to be for someone of my age and education level [combined]. If my education level were higher then that distance would be less, even with my age being the same.

Well, I never said "absence of a negation" was necessary, so, what's your point?

I know what I was talking about. I was talking about the principles in the verses.

No I didn't. Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read.

I don't see how that means what you said was actually clever. All I see is me being sarcastic.

It might also explain why you haven't shut up and moved one, you can't escape...


I've accomplished much more on my own than many people my age. Most of them take classes to learn to do most of the stuff I learned alone.

I changed that already. Maybe you should go look at it again. I thought of something much more insulting.

If they are a moron, yes. Especially if I have corrected them several times and they still don't get it.

But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.
-1 Corinthians 14:38

Actually the cupcakes exacerbated my condition, apparently.

It is mildly painful for me to read this type of post. As a child, when my mother decided to verbally chastise me, she would make an incredibly mean and insulting remark. It would make me cry and erode my confidence. I finally asked her "Why are you so mean to me?" (I loved her dearly). Her reply? "I'm not mean. I'm just stating the truth." If I had allowed her truth to define me I would not have survived.
I do hope, if you are a parent, that you do not call your children names?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You really don't see that this whole thing started between us because you did the exact thing of which you accuse me?
Actually it started because you made a mistaken assumption. When I call for charity and you attack the notion (for whatever hidden, larger motive) I have no particular reason to assume you don't appear to mean what you say, while your idea of my limit on assistance couldn't be rationally said to spring from my position.

Why? Am I supposed to care what you think?
You should care (by which I mean consider for your own benefit) what anyone with years of experience and a wider vista of understanding has to say about you and your offerings here, even if you ultimately reject the critique. That's the learning/growing process in a nutshell.

There's an idea in there, I suppose. So that's progress.

How much of an idiot are you?
As I've noted prior, I'm trying to help you (at least a little) so that question is certainly up for grabs.

2010-1980=x is the math problem, moron. Can you solve for x?
This just keeps getting funnier. Commas and subtraction, eh? There's a commentary in there you know (optional breath mark omitted).

I'm not trying to be clever.
Then you're succeeding beyond your wildest dreams. :thumb:

A degree tells me that you took classes, and nothing more.
Then you must not possess one or undervalue it... An undergraduate degree at even a state college makes a statement that the person possessing it has been reasonably exposed to contrary opinion and a host of new ideas, evidences sufficient ability and determination to have matriculated the course, so to speak, and has earned a measure of respect in accord with a still rare enough accomplishment when measured against the history of man (cumulative and recent). An advanced degree, earned from a reputable school, is another animal. There, the best of that undergraduate class vies for a limited number of seats and the requirements for acceptance are elevated. Many a determined, bright and willing participant is refused admission.

For instance, my entrance into law school was the result of a sufficiently distinguished academic record to set me apart from other applicants and a top ten percentile score on the LSAT (designed to weed among the academically gifted applying, as you might or should surmise). And that's just the ticket for the right to then compete among a rather driven, capable pool. Half my L1 class perished on the vine. Those that survived were particularly noteworthy and thrived in the pressure cooker demands of advanced academics. Taking honors in that group was an honor within an honor.

And then, if you manage to gain entrance and then survive the process, there's the bar. A fellow from Yale law sat across from me for three days of mind numbing inquiry (we had to let the poor fellow sit somewhere :D), the end of which saw a great number of those present no closer to the practice than they were before they entered the building. Many never make a second attempt.

So if all you gleaned was that I took classes, your consideration is grotesquely inadequate to the task...something of a habit with you.

Re: your nature.
Again, I'm sorry to hear it, but you're old enough to recognize poor conduct and do something about it. People are born to and with worse to work with and manage nicely enough. Get on with it for your own sake.

Do you want proof of my reading comprehension level?
Not particularly, though you've struggled with things (especially inference) that you shouldn't unless you're confusing it with memory, which is only part of the picture.

Hint: It's well above where one would expect it to be for someone of my age and education level [combined].
Do you know the average reading level for an adult American? Aspire to more, if you're capable (which you certainly appear to be). But you aren't competing or discussing with the average American here. Writers tend to be readers and both tend to be toward the top end of that comprehension pool.

Well, I never said "absence of a negation" was necessary, so, what's your point?
I'm not going to hold your hand through the error of your assertion or the logical necessity of my counter. Again, you haven't earned it. You had the more amiable, helpful me a bit earlier. Now you can work through it and counter or not as you can (or can't, depending).

I know what I was talking about. I was talking about the principles in the verses.
The verses in question were that narrowing I noted which is why I pointed you to Luke and a broader consideration, which you then were either too invested to attempt or incapable of seeing for God knows what reason.

No I didn't. Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read.
I know this is difficult for you, but I set out your quotes. A thing cannot be "more clever" absent the second leg of that construction. That's part of what I meant by reading comprehension and your pronounced need of further academic instruction. It's logic. You substitute declaration and epithet for it.

I don't see how that means what you said was actually clever.
:rolleyes: What you don't see isn't in question. What you should is another matter altogether.

All I see is me being sarcastic.
No, this is you trying to rewrite to avoid looking foolish. Sarcasm isn't found in attempting to better a practice. That's condescension, which is in your case an air without support.

It might also explain why you haven't shut up and moved one, you can't escape...
Oh, I intend to stick around and continue to instruct you until you learn a better practice or are driven to a more impressive reach by necessity. I can't force maturity or consideration upon you, but I can exact the consequence for their absence and hope it eventually motivates you.

See? That's part of what vocabulary and memory aren't indicative of that I alluded to prior. A grasp of nuance, inference and argument not set out like a child's toy is part of the package. Oh, all right. Wrapping your conduct in the honesty gambit is an attempt to raise immaturity to virtue. It can't be done. A racist might be honest about his bigotry, but it's still reprehensible thought that leads to lamentable action for anyone not crippled by it. I think you're capable of more. Aspire to it.

I've accomplished much more on my own than many people my age. Most of them take classes to learn to do most of the stuff I learned alone.
And that's admirable, but insufficient if you understand the real point of education, which isn't the intellectual equivalent of a trade school. I have a good friend who is remarkably intelligent and who has never had a great deal of formal education. As a result he has an impressive grasp of the things that interest him and a want for much more. It hobbles him in larger argument and reflection because a great deal of what he either isn't interested in or hasn't been exposed to influences and relates to what he knows and/or thinks.

It's a serious limitation and no man of intellectual substance would wish it on another.

I changed that already. Maybe you should go look at it again. I thought of something much more insulting.
I'll go back and note your alteration....who knows, given enough time you might one day look much better here. :chuckle:

Edit: It was a funnier answer, though no more or less insulting.


Hall of Fame
You really think that honesty demands you call people names? Why? It's not like people as asking you if you think they are morons. You can easily just correct what you think is wrong. Or use language that is less harsh in getting across that you think what they said is stupid.

And if you are concerned about those people not being morons anymore, I'd say you are doing a poor job of it. Because for most people, if someone is convinced of your arguments it will be in spite of your name-calling, not because of it. So you could be more effective and keep your honesty. I'd say that's a win-win. But I suspect you just enjoy name-calling due to immaturity and hide behind your "honesty". With a little bit of the "nicer than God" idea mixed in.

Ya know what I just thought of, I bet Lighthouse didn't have birthday cupcakes in school as a kid. Everything is coming together now. :plain:

And once again, LH's immaturity rears it's ugly head.


New member
You really don't see that this whole thing started between us because you did the exact thing of which you accuse me?

Do you know what smells like vinegar other than a jar of vinegar?

Why? Am I supposed to care what you think?


How much of an idiot are you?

2010-1980=x is the math problem, moron. Can you solve for x?

I'm not trying to be clever.

A degree tells me that you took classes, and nothing more.


Do you want proof of my reading comprehension level? Hint: It's well above where one would expect it to be for someone of my age and education level [combined]. If my education level were higher then that distance would be less, even with my age being the same.

Well, I never said "absence of a negation" was necessary, so, what's your point?

I know what I was talking about. I was talking about the principles in the verses.

No I didn't. Maybe you should go back to school and learn to read.

I don't see how that means what you said was actually clever. All I see is me being sarcastic.

It might also explain why you haven't shut up and moved one, you can't escape...


I've accomplished much more on my own than many people my age. Most of them take classes to learn to do most of the stuff I learned alone.

I changed that already. Maybe you should go look at it again. I thought of something much more insulting.

If they are a moron, yes. Especially if I have corrected them several times and they still don't get it.

But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant.
-1 Corinthians 14:38

Actually the cupcakes exacerbated my condition, apparently.

Good gravy, LH! What a mess you have made all because of one simple oversight on your part - that TH is not stupid, nor is he uneducated, nor stubborn.

Consider: since we know that our Heretic is no simpleton, we can assume that when he "fails to get" an implication, it isn't because he doesn't understand it, or that he misses it, but rather because he's not buying it. So instead of trying to lead him along with clues and whatnot, realize that you are going to have to make the argument rather than making an implication of an argument - vinegar? Really, LH, I've seen you lay out an argument quite well when you take the time to do so. Stop all the dancing about, quit smirking, lay out your arguments in good, plain English the way I know you can, and you will do well.

One more thing: if you would get off your high horse ("Let's see if you're any good at math" :rolleyes:), you would be taken more seriously. I mean, what do you have against answering a question simply? Doesn't it give you indigestion to be so prickly?


New member
Soup kitchens are bad. Soup kitchens help to remove motivation and therefore enable homeless folks to remain homeless.

A sure-fire way to create a homeless problem in your city is build a soup kitchen. If you build it... they will come.

Right - better to let the lazy so-and-sos starve in the streets. Christ would have wanted it that way, especially if they are not born again.
Why don't they just get jobs like everyone else?
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