toldailytopic: Seize BP: should the government seize the assets and take control over

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like marbles on glass
Ben Stein discusses the country being run increasingly by executive decision:

We live in a Constitutional Republic. The President's job under the Constitution is to enforce the laws made by the elected Congress. His job is not to create new laws and enforce them all by himself. His job is as magistrate under the Constitution, not as Caudillo. He is not the law. He is supposed to enforce what Congress decides...

...This is the [...] problem: serious executive action without legislative authority.


Well-known member
No BP take-over. Retain our FREEDOM at all levels! Individual and business.

So many freedoms are destined to disappear under the trend of the new world order based on godless liberalism and socialism or communism or - what ever the catch word might currently be for big government control over its citizens and the economy.

Nancy, Harry, the Democrats, and Obama are scary to all freedom lovers!

Nathon Detroit

No BP take-over. Retain our FREEDOM at all levels! Individual and business.

So many freedoms are destined to disappear under the trend of the new world order based on godless liberalism and socialism or communism or - what ever the catch word might currently be for big government control over its citizens and the economy.

Nancy, Harry, the Democrats, and Obama are scary to all freedom lovers!
Seems to be the strategy eh?

Oh no! There is a crisis in the banking industry :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the auto industry :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the student loan program :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis with health care :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in manufacturing :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the gulf :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!


Well-known member
Hi Knight,
As Glenn Beck has shown one friend of Obama's saying on a video:
Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste."

Dang it - I've forgotten the name of the person who said it - so duh!
At least they tell the truth when it is to their friends ... many citizens just don't want to or can't comprehend what they are saying.

Does anyone besides me ever wonder whether God is allowing our people to be blind / clueless for his purposes????


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seems to be the strategy eh?

Oh no! There is a crisis in the banking industry :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the auto industry :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the student loan program :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis with health care :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in manufacturing :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Oh no! There is a crisis in the gulf :shocked: better give away some of our freedoms!

Well put, seems many in the USA are just standing in line to give away their freedoms, too much responsibility, you know. Fascism is always an attractive alternative to a big crisis. :sheep:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hi Knight,
As Glenn Beck has shown one friend of Obama's saying on a video:
Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste."

Dang it - I've forgotten the name of the person who said it - so duh!
At least they tell the truth when it is to their friends ... many citizens just don't want to or can't comprehend what they are saying.

Does anyone besides me ever wonder whether God is allowing our people to be blind / clueless for his purposes????

Perhaps, yet I think it is also the result of spoiled citizens of the US more concerned with consumption, rather than the state of the nation.

I bought a fairly high quality bedroom suite and it is made in China! Seems the USA is more than willing to sell their means of production.


Well-known member
Perhaps, yet I think it is also the result of spoiled citizens of the US more concerned with consumption, rather than the state of the nation.

I bought a fairly high quality bedroom suite and it is made in China! Seems the USA is more than willing to sell their means of production.

I agree with you about our citizens being spoiled.

Once upon a time I had great faith in the common sense of the majority of the general public. I even believed that people could elect honest leaders ... but I don't believe in either any more.

So - I call the American citizen clueless and - you add spoiled. Sounds right to me.

I am blessed and fortunate to be living in this country, but I have learned the difference between a want and a need... and have learned not to count on government to take care of me.

Yes, take care of the poor and helpless, but give me the freedom to do this willingly... not as a government mandated redistribution program.

Yes, I'm now drawing Social Security ...for I paid into it for years, but I also made sure I saved for my own future retirement as well. I'm not like the Federal Reserve System, that prints fake money at will. My life bought a finite amount of savings, but they through their shenanigans and the government through their power grabs have put my life savings in jeopardy and have dimmed the future hopes and potential of my children.

They are clueless and selfish - shame on them.


New member
Allowing companies to get away with externalizing their costs with impunity actually harms the entire market system. So it would be good to seize BP's assets make sure it's shareholders pay for the clean up, not to mention the fact that BP seems totally inept and can't stop the spill.

The alternative is thousands of lawsuits by persons that have been harmed by BPs negligence, which of course has huge transaction cost, and which, ironically, conservatives always deplore since it involves "tort lawyers" (i.e., businessmen who protect individuals from the harm caused by large corporations).

So take your pick. Though it appears, based on the comments of Joe Barton and Rand Paul that their vision of America is that those rich enough to harm others should be allowed to do so. A strange vision of America.

Personally, I wish Obama would use this opportunity to impose an excise tax on the top 1% income bracket, of say 3%, to help clean up the mess. The rich benefit from our oil based economy, so they should also share the burden.


New member
Seizing the American division of an international corporation as large as BP would have huge, terrifying political ramifications.

I think the president's current plan to have BP pay out $20 billion over the next few years in damages is a much better alternative. Nationalizing the company would accomplish ... nothing. It may even drive industries out of the United States who are abiding by regulations. Have BP and its associate companies pay the damages, and if the stock folds so be it - they deserved it.


Seizing BP, or any corporation for that matter, sets a precedent that I'd rather not see set.

They should be made accountable for it and have to pay for damages, that's all.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I'm not against corporate structure, having been an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a 40,000 member GE company, and seeing how they operate first-hand. It's ruthless and very profit-oriented; but worker safety needs to be top priority when a company operates any facility, especially one that operates dangerous equipment in the planet's most hostile environments.

:think: Okay.....then lets look at this from another direction:

Aimiel shares this opinion with; Rosie O'Donnell, Pan Dulche, Gamera, The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition...etc...etc..

You beginning to see a trend here Aimiel? :squint:

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Fascism is always an attractive alternative to a big crisis. :sheep:
And now you know exactly what former Presidents George H. W. Bush and William Clinton were referring to when they used the phrase "New World Order." All subsequent Presidents and legislatures have done is accelerate the transition.


New member
Hall of Fame
My faith in BP to handle this situation in a competent and responsible manner is next to nil, but I don't really support seizing BP's assets and take over.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
im suprised that noone has noticed BP isnt an amercian company, so it would be hard for the US goverment to seize control of it.

If we are going to start claiming and bagging companies belonging to other countires, us brits would like to bag AIG, walmart, macdonalds and coca cola please !


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
im suprised that noone has noticed BP isnt an amercian company, so it would be hard for the US goverment to seize control of it.

If we are going to start claiming and bagging companies belonging to other countires, us brits would like to bag AIG, walmart, macdonalds and coca cola please !

They're talking about the U.S. assets owned by B.P. :plain:

....but to be honest it really wouldn't bother me one bit if you bagged those guys. :p
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