toldailytopic: Santorum shocks everyone and vaults to the front of the race. Thoughts


New member
Hall of Fame
Just to recap:

Santorum won't win the nomination, and this theocrat will do poorly in NH. He may perform well enough in South Carolina to hang on for a little while longer, but he's no frontrunner. The contest is effectively over.

Rick might be a nice enough guy (although plenty of his colleagues would disagree), but he's a stone thrower in a suit, and I'll be happy when and if he fades into obscurity.

some other dude

New member
The Best Example Of How Rejecting Christ Turns You Into A Miserable Discontented Cynical Whiner award? :first:

If he didn't, he should have.


New member
Granite, who are you kidding? You'll never be happy. You're a miserable discontented cynical whiner.

And you'll be that as long as you reject Christ. :(
Seems to me that us christians do most of the whining about other people. Isn't that what most of our objections are all about? We can't even agree with each other much less those who do not hold our values. Granite can't hold a candle to us. He doesn't even show up on the radar.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seems to me that us christians do most of the whining about other people. Isn't that what most of our objections are all about? We can't even agree with each other much less those who do not hold our values. Granite can't hold a candle to us. He doesn't even show up on the radar.

Well put. And thank you. I think.:chuckle: :cheers:

You guys are experts at circling the wagons and then shooting inward. Quite true. You can agree on broad-based ideals, but don't practically execute them. And that's why the evangelical right remains divided--and why (in part) Romney will win the nomination.

Quick question to all: since Bob Enyart bizarrely (if predictably) took credit for derailing Mitt in '08, what will Bob have to say if Romney wins the nomination or even the presidency in '12? Just a thought.


New member
Well put. And thank you. I think.:chuckle: :cheers:
Your not a bad guy. Just irrelevant, like me.:third:

You guys are experts at circling the wagons and then shooting inward. Quite true.
Not quite, but we do like our guns. We just don't believe in shooting people.

We take our gun **** the hammer and hold it to our side just to scare you and then with a nervous twitch pull the trigger and shoot ourselves in the foot. Sounds more plausible.

The Barbarian

That's the problem. Santorum's goals are good, but trying to implement them by the enlargement of Big Brother will only make things worse.


Well-known member
I watched much of the town hall meetings in NH in the early hours this morning. Regretfully dozing off at times... but I watched all of Santorums and was very pleased with the way he handled his questions - especially about:
The separation of church and state
Homosexual marriage
Abortion vs pro-life

He was thorough and uncompromising regarding why he believes the way he does ... but was also very calm and respectful of the persons asking the questions.

Even at the end of the meeting the chants of those supporting homosexual marriage didn't last long, because the rest of the crowd was so satisfied with Santorum's answers and demeanor that they just ignored the ones chanting, which reduced their desire to make thunder.


Well-known member
I really got a chuckle regarding the spin one lady put on her question regarding abortion.

She spoke and gestured with her hands saying something very close to this: I'm pro-life. Look around (meaning look at the crowd of the living people in attendance). Of course, all of us here are pro-life, but I am also pro-choice.

Then she asked for Santorum's views. What a foolish sounding spin she gave to her beliefs. Now, his answer was great.


Well-known member
My impression of the debates was that hardly any of the candidates ever even remotely answered the actual questions they were being asked. They all came in with their memorized list of talking points and no matter what was asked, they just kept spewing out their memorized talking point.

They all claimed to have the most amazing plan for creating jobs and not one of them ever actually said what their amazing jobs plan was. But they all repeated over and over and over again how they had such an incredible and amazing and extraordinary plan for creating jobs, and how they're the only one who could possibly create a job.

I heard the words "growth of government" hundreds of times from every candidate as they all accused each other, and yet when they were each asked about how they were going to change the culture in Washington that causes this 'overgrowth' not one of them had any real answer. All they could do was spout off about how they were a "uniter" and would work with the House and Senate. But so have the last 5 presidents, and we saw how well that worked out.

Mostly what I saw were a bunch of sub-standard political phonies who had no idea how to change anything, or even of what needed changing. They just want to see themselves as president.


Well-known member
Well, PureX
If you get a chance to watch the reruns of some of the recent town hall meetings in NH, I think you will find them interesting. They are guided by the questions of the people and not by the agenda of the TV talking heads. Some candidates answered better than others. I really hate that I fell asleep during parts of some of the meeting during the early morning hours when I was having trouble staying asleep. I may try to catch them again today... and hopefully I will be able to stay awake.

I didn't see the one with Ron Paul at all. That would have been interesting.


Well-known member
Well, PureX
If you get a chance to watch the reruns of some of the recent town hall meetings in NH, I think you will find them interesting. They are guided by the questions of the people and not by the agenda of the TV talking heads. Some candidates answered better than others. I really hate that I fell asleep during parts of some of the meeting during the early morning hours when I was having trouble staying asleep. I may try to catch them again today... and hopefully I will be able to stay awake.

I didn't see the one with Ron Paul at all. That would have been interesting.
I watched some of last night's debate, and that was truly boring. The one this morning had better questions, and the candidates were looking to make up for their boring performance last night. So it was better.

But none of them have any actual plan for the economy. All they do is regurgitate the party BS about "shrinking government", and they have no actual plan for doing that, either. Paul wants to close all military bases outside the borders, which I guess we could call a plan for shrinking government, but not a practical nor achievable one. The rest of them are clueless. And none of them look to me like they'll be able to successfully debate Obama, who has a very thorough grasp of the problems and an excellent command of language. Santorum and Paul are at least able to speak english, instead of government mumbly-talk, but the fact is that Paul is too wierdo-extreme and Santorum is just a pretty lightweight. And Romney is too blue-blood bland and a bit dim-witted, besides. He's going to look like a fool next to Obama in a debate.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Rick Santorum has overtaken Mitt Romney in the race for the GOP primary vote in Michigan

A new poll shows Rick Santorum edging ahead of Mitt Romney in Ohio.

The Quinnipiac University poll out Wednesday finds Santorum jumping to the lead with Ohio voters just three weeks before the Republican presidential primary.

The former Pennsylvania senator leads Romney 36-29 percent among likely primary voters.


If (when) Romney loses Ohio, he loses the election.


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