New member
I think the question might better be, is the world UNDER-populated? Given the number of people already on the earth, the number of children we are giving birth to and raising is inadequate for our need.
We might note, too, that God has never rescinded the command to "multiply and replenish" the earth. The Savior said that when he came again, it would be as it was in the days of Noah. Interestingly, here is one of the big (BAD) practices of the days of Noah as found in the apocryphal Book of Jasher—
19. For in those days the sons of men began to trespass against God, and to transgress the commandments which he had commanded to Adam, to be fruitful and multiply in the earth.
20. And some of the sons of men caused their wives to drink a draught that would render them barren, in order that they might retain their figures and whereby their beautiful appearance might not fade.
—Jasher 2:19-20
The more things change, the more they stay the same. The "draught" (or drink) was undoubtedly a herb or concoction to cause a fetus to die, at whatever stage it was at. These would be some of the "unwanted children" of that day and age.
Besides the 50 million PLUS babies aborted in the US since Roe v Wade, there have been countless other millions "prevented" from ever becoming "viable". The "haves" (those who have had their birth) versus the "have nots" (those who will not likely see, alive, the light of day, or take the breath of life), is a war that continues.
Jesus told us to follow his example. He also said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me(/us)!" Babies are little children, are they not? Do "we" suffer them to "come unto us"?
Our nation is in trouble with the "baby boomers" retiring now and soon. The "baby boom" is as much defined by the BIRTH DEARTHS that preceded & followed it. The one that preceded it was caused by WWI, a flu pandemic, a decrease in marriage and morality in the 1920's, and the economic depression of the 1930's, and WWII.
The BIRTH DEARTH following the "boom" was caused by "the pill", an "anything goes" 'sexual revolution', abortion (Roe v Wade legalizing it), and continued iniquity, greed, covetousness, "careerism" (young people postponing or failing to marry, and/or to have children early enough and in sufficient numbers, if at all)!
Certainly, this SIN of denying children birth WON'T bring us the blessing of "inheriting the earth". Remember, Jesus promised those who were meek that they would inherit the earth. None are more meek than babies or "little children". Since we don't generally have veery many any more, this promise will not, cannot, come to us!!!
Repent and REPRODUCE!!!
Yes, let's reproduce our way out of resource shortages, what fantastic logic and use of reason.
I guess you must be the President of the Have Sex For Chastity Society.