toldailytopic: Memorial Day: why is it special to you?


Well-known member
It has become a personal thing for me. My Father-in-law, who passed away a little over a year ago, was a World War II veteran and suffered burns and the loss of his leg, my husband served in Korea, and a number of my friends either lost their lives or were injured in the Vietnam war. I remember the sacrifice of these and all the other men who have served our country.


Well-known member
It's important that we remember and understand that freedom requires sacrifice, and vigilance. It requires not only the sacrifice of establishing and defending our right to live as free human beings, but it also requires that we sacrifice our desire to control and oppress our fellow human beings. Being free isn't just about us, and what we believe, and what we think is good and right. It's about allowing other people to decide for themselves what is good and right, and to live accordingly, even when we don't agree with their choices or their lifestyle.

Once again this holiday we'll see Christians all over America mooning over the heroic soldiers who have sacrificed their lives to establish, protect, and defend our freedom. And yet all the while they will actively seek to destroy the fundamental governing processes of the nation they profess to love so much as they struggle to deny the very freedom they pretend to value, for their fellow citizens.

It's easy to spout off platitudes about freedom, equality, justice, and sacrifice. But for many modern American Christians, it's just a bunch of pretty words and phony idealism. In actual fact they abhor the freedom of others and are actively seeking to undermine it and put a stop to it. They have determined that their own moral imperatives are more important than the freedom of any fellow citizen who dares to disagree with them.
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It has become a personal thing for me. My Father-in-law, who passed away a little over a year ago, was a World War II veteran and suffered burns and the loss of his leg, my husband served in Korea, and a number of my friends either lost their lives or were injured in the Vietnam war. I remember the sacrifice of these and all the other men who have served our country.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
why are such memorials to war dead special to me? they are not.

war is sin, the motivation for it is patriotism which is almost always idolatry. worse than that memorial days are blasphemous as they liken the death of someone in what boils down to a gang war to the death of Christ.

any freedom which can be defended by force of arms, or lost if the arms fail, is not freedom in christ. we will discover this when are we are being martyred imprisoned and massacred during the Great Tribulation and are still free in christ

Memorial day is special because it is reminder of those who fought and gave their lives so that ungrateful malcontents like this :loser: have the freedom to express their distasteful views.


New member
I have never lost a family member in a war although many have served this country. I loved the Patton quote where he said something to the effect that it is not your job to die for this country but rather to make sure the other bastard dies for theirs.
Yes, a great movie line. Brilliant and hilarious.


New member
Memorial Day is a reminder that freedom is not free. It comes at a very high price.
Yes, and those who serve are heroic. But given that, a lot of our soldiers have not fought or died for our freedom.

The Revolution. We could have achieved freedom without breaking from Britain violently, as all other British commonwealth nations have done.

1812. An unnecessary war, poorly waged, brought on by hotheads who wanted to conquer Canada.

Mexican War. A war of conquest, not a war to defend our freedom.

Civil war. Arguably, a war for freedom from slavery. However, it is debatable whether the war was really necessary. The South could have been allowed to secede, and they might have fallen apart anyway and crawled back into the Union.

Spanish-American War. Likewise a war of imperial conquest that had nothing whatever to do with defending our freedom. It was manufactured by the yellow press. The horrible Philippine War that followed was merely a defense of our imperial conquest.

World War I. Our country was not attacked, and was not threatened. Defeating Germany only led to World War Two.

World War II. Once caused by the folly of World War I, it was necessary to fight this war, since fascism was a threat to our civilization.

Korea. Probably not necessary; communism was never an attacking force of conquest, but an ideology bound to fail of its own weight.

Vietnam. Totally unnecessary war of conquest. It had absolutely nothing to do with defending our freedom.

Gulf War. Rolling back Saddam's aggression had a point; but sanctions might have worked, and Kuwait was just one of many authoritarian oil-rich countries that we didn't need to defend, and had nothing to do with our freedom.

Afghanistan. We needed to capture bin Ladin and stop Al Queda, and not allow countries to harbor them. But this could have been done without air attacks. Nation building there is of questionable value in defending our freedom. It may never work.

Iraq War. A totally unnecessary war of imperial conquest. It had absolutely nothing to with defending our freedom. It diverted us from Afghanistan, which resulted in the latter becoming the longest war in our history.

Those who really defend our freedom, are those who fight against threats against it here in America, like the draft and the patriot act, the drug war, and discrimination against ethnic groups; and especially those peace-activists here who try to stop the USA from engaging in all these unnecessary and destructive wars. They are the truest heroes, and activism at home is the real "price" of freedom. At least one of them, Martin Luther King Jr., has a holiday in his honor. So that holiday means a lot more to me than Memorial Day.
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New member
eameece - America's freedom allows you to move a country where you would like it better.

It also allows me to work for more freedom here in America, as long as Americans safeguard this freedom-- without which it is NOT America, and certainly not worth serving or dying for.


New member
Hall of Fame
It also allows me to work for more freedom here in America, as long as Americans safeguard this freedom-- without which it is NOT America, and certainly not worth serving or dying for.

Is it freedom to have what you earn taken and given to someone else?

You have a screwed up view of freedom.

Now back to the regularly scheduled thread.

Praise God for the men and women who were brave enough and loved this country enough to sacrifice themselves for our freedom.



TOL Subscriber
Those who really defend our freedom, are those who fight against threats against it here in America, like the draft and the patriot act, the drug war, and discrimination against ethnic groups; and especially those peace-activists here who try to stop the USA from engaging in all these unnecessary and destructive wars. They are the truest heroes, and activism at home is the real "price" of freedom. At least one of them, Martin Luther King Jr., has a holiday in his honor. So that holiday means a lot more to me than Memorial Day.

And so much safer for you!:chuckle:

A man will show his true colors in his actions defending that which he holds dear.

It is good that you would not endanger yourself in order any one else may enjoy freedom, many have sacrificed so that you may be able to set back and disrespect their actions.

Well done young American!


New member
And so much safer for you!:chuckle:

A man will show his true colors in his actions defending that which he holds dear.

It is good that you would not endanger yourself in order any one else may enjoy freedom, many have sacrificed so that you may be able to set back and disrespect their actions.

Well done young American!

Well said. May God save us! This is an example of "entitlement sit-in and suck off of society" mentality.
American freedom has been a beacon around the world throughout history because our heroes have paid the price to maintain it.


New member
This country has turned into something that is not worth dying for anymore, the only reason alot of people are here anymore is because its so difficult to leave to somewhere better. Try getting into switzerland, australia, norway, sweeden, etc and see how far you get ....


New member
Then be careful and don't let the door hit you on the way out!

You sound unintellegent, why dont you try quoting my entire post? Its not so easy for people to get out of the USA and when people leave the USA gets pissed (look at that facebook guy that left, the USA is not too happy about it so unlike you they are not taking a "dont let the door hit you approch", they want to keep people here along with their skills and money). So maybe you should work to allow people to get out since you like to make unintellegent rude remarks.

Sure if you dont have any skills that the govt is interested in for national defense or you dont have any money then so what but it will be nice to hear them cry when the skilled engineers and scientists start leave. People like you like to make your hard comments until it bites you in the rear.

Maybe the federal, state and local governments should stop treating the middle class like an ATM machine and the courts should stop interfering in family affairs and you would not have expats that feel the need to renounce their citizenship. The USA is becomming a liability nation.


TOL Subscriber
You sound unintellegent, why dont you try quoting my entire post? Its not so easy for people to get out of the USA and when people leave the USA gets pissed (look at that facebook guy that left, the USA is not too happy about it so unlike you they are not taking a "dont let the door hit you approch", they want to keep people here along with their skills and money). So maybe you should work to allow people to get out since you like to make unintellegent rude remarks.

Sure if you dont have any skills that the govt is interested in for national defense or you dont have any money then so what but it will be nice to hear them cry when the skilled engineers and scientists start leave. People like you like to make your hard comments until it bites you in the rear.

Maybe the federal, state and local governments should stop treating the middle class like an ATM machine and the courts should stop interfering in family affairs and you would not have expats that feel the need to renounce their citizenship. The USA is becomming a liability nation.

You have been sooo mistreated, I'm sure you'll enjoy your next home....if you can find one that will listen to your whining.