toldailytopic: Libya and Gaddafi: How should the world respond to the events happenin

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I identify as a Christian
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This is what my son say about all these Arab countries that harbor and abet terrorists, Libya included. Lets bomb the day lights out of them and convert them into one big parking lot.:nascar: Sounds callous, but it would solve our terrorism problem.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Iran and al-quida are friends with the Lybian rebels? I can believe that.

Of course they are!, they want the same thing, the same reason the Obama Admin. likes them, they are muslum extremists too! All those dictators Gadaffi, Saddom, Mubarik actually keep the crazies from wreaking havock in the region. The press and the left all say " they are just fighting for freedom" nonsense!, they want to build another theocracy with the help of the bleeding hearts in the west. Building a great army to battle with Israel to be sure.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The reason is, since WWII, the US has been privy to a false idealism, to lead the world, set the example; it is exactly opposite with the founders of the US believed to be a rational policy.

Amen to that Sister....

Lazy afternoon

We must understand this or remain blind.

Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 18th, 2011 10:47 AM

toldailytopic: Libya and Gaddafi: How should the world respond to the events happening there?

Not sure how the rest of the world should respond, but we should respond with a major push toward domestic energy production! It's how we should have responded to the energy crisis in the late 70's. It's how we should have responded to 911 and it's how we should respond now!

We need to build shale oil refineries. We need to build a nation wide infrastructure to fill automobiles with natural gas. We need to drill in ANWR 40 years ago! We need to invest in clean coal burning technology.


Well-known member
Up front ... I don't want our country to be involved in the lives of people in the middle east. I already have a son helping in Japan ... I don't want his next assignment to be Libya.

I have no idea whether Gaddafi's enemies are also our enemies; so, it's hard to know which one is the least dangerous to the USA in the end - Gaddafi or the next government to follow him.

BUT all that aside: Gaddafi does not seem to be good to his people and does not believe that his people should have any voice in their government. He is not a friend of our nation... though not a powerful nation. We would be fighting to spread our WAY OF LIFE ... IOW, a more people friendly government... wouldn't want to spread our morals at this time. At least our citizens can openly protest ... with the fear of slander and law suits ... not bullets and rockets.

Bottom line:
I don't think that other countries should sit by and watch a despot murder his own people. Can't believe we are waiting on France to lead the charge. Where are they already?


New member
We must understand this or remain blind.
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:


Along with this:

Rev 13:7
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

So while events in the Muslim world look at times like an Islamic Caliphate is going to be establised from Morocco to Pakistan, how would that fit into the fold of the Antichrist? One theory is that the Antichrist will be Islamic, and there is a best-selling book on that subject now. But it seems to me that, the liberation of these peoples who are yearning for freedom, will only allow them smoother entrance into the world empire of the Antichrist once he appears on the scene. That Libya and Iran would resist the Antichrist to some degree is not surprising, considering that they are on the list of nations in Ezekiel 38 that invade Israel (where they are known as Put and Persia). But if the War of Gog and Magog takes place at the beginning of the Tribulation, then even Libya and Iran will be easy pickings for the Antichrist.

Because of Ezekiel 38, Libya is an important end-times player...


New member
Not sure how the rest of the world should respond, but we should respond with a major push toward domestic energy production! It's how we should have responded to the energy crisis in the late 70's...We need to build shale oil refineries. We need to build a nation wide infrastructure to fill automobiles with natural gas. We need to drill in ANWR 40 years ago! We need to invest in clean coal burning technology.

The first oil shock came in 1973 after the Yom Kippur Arab-Israeli War. I lived in Germany as an army brat, and my Dad was trying to explain to me how the military had to conserve fuel because OPEC wouldn't sell us any. We left to return to the states on a military jet, but other families were given vouchers to use commercial flights. It affected the USA until spring 1974 when the embargo was lifted.

So at age 16, I listened to Ford debate Carter in the 1976 presidential debates. Both men promised to do something to wean us off foreign oil.
Nothing much was done, except eventually the Strategic Oil Reserve was set up. Our politicians have been promising to end our dependence on foreign oil since at least 1976 (35 years now!), and yet nothing much has been done about it!

(Of course, they've been promising to fix Social Security for that long too. We voters have long memories...)

We get about 2% of our oil from Libya. Of course, a supply disruption there would drive up the price of a barrel of oil , affecting all consumer nations. Fortunately for us, the #2 producer (after Saudi Arabia) is Canada. I think we could outproduce then all, if only we were allowed to!

But so much of our energy resources are now located under Federal land. Maybe the Feds will someday sell that land to China, as the only way to pay our debt to them. This is why I changed my location to Calichuria (California, renamed after the Chinese province of Manchuria). :grave:


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
...Our politicians have been promising to end our dependence on foreign oil since at least 1976 (35 years now!), and yet nothing much has been done about it!...
They are doing worse than "nothing much"! They are actively standing in the way of energy independence at every turn!


Well-known member
The globalist puppets are just being re-shuffled for the agenda which is now american policy, with support from the two party misfits and their carnival act that never left town.
Now chant with me, act local think global, act local think global, there your doing good have some tea while your at it.
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Well-known member
This is what my son say about all these Arab countries that harbor and abet terrorists, Libya included. Lets bomb the day lights out of them and convert them into one big parking lot.:nascar: Sounds callous, but it would solve our terrorism problem.
Maybe it's just me but I think genocide isn't the solution . . .

It's hard to believe a Christian would suggest this, even in jest.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Maybe we should just give 'em some Stinger Missiles. :plain:

I was thinking let the CIA contract Blackwater to handle him.

But I don't think letting Lybia go the route of the muslim brotherhood is a great idea. We could be going from frying pan to the fire.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Maybe it's just me but I think genocide isn't the solution . . .

Genocide is trying to eliminate a nation because of malice. Eliminating enemies is a good thing, and God in the Bible condones it. I realize you are atheist and don't like him, so you don't have to respond.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
Obama just gave an address on it. He says we'll work with the UN's resolution and participate in the no-fly zone but will not send any ground troops.

We should forget Afghanistan and Iraq and start helping the Libyans. :think:
Why? What makes Libya different from Afghanistan and Iraq?


New member
This is what my son say about all these Arab countries that harbor and abet terrorists, Libya included. Lets bomb the day lights out of them and convert them into one big parking lot.:nascar: Sounds callous, but it would solve our terrorism problem.

The irony is, I bet your son is staunchly anti-abortion.
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