toldailytopic: Liberals want to outlaw large soft drinks and other large sugary drink


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I don't think you should joke like that. I used to weight 115lbs and now I am close to 300lbs because I am forced to take medication that causes weight gain so no I don't think what you said was funny.
Well, Delmar already explained that he was commenting on the absurdity of this legislation, but I just wanted to defend my friend and explain that he is not the kind of person to make fun of people who are overweight.


New member
Hall of Fame
The government has no business regulating soda IMO. If they are going to outlaw soda for being unhealthy, they might as well outlaw cake, candy, desserts, etc.

Mars Inc. drops king-sized Snickers bar as concession to Michelle Obama’s campaign against obesity

Read more:

Brownie Ban: Is Massachusetts’ Ban on Bake Sales Overstepping Government’s Bounds?

‘Bake Sale Ban’ Rhetoric Swells Over Obama School Snacks Rules

Too late.. and these are only some of tons like it, cities, counties, etc.. have banned food items, bake sales, soda machines, etc.. already and there is even school lunch police...

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I love it. Libs are so funny, on the one hand they don't want to be told how to live their lives, but then they want to tell everyone else how to live theirs.

They will also gladly give you the shirt off somebody else's back.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
This issue has nothing to do with liberalism.

I will guess that those that favor outlawing large soda's, also favor gay marriage, gun control, and sodomy being accepted to normal society.


Hall of Fame
I will guess that those that favor outlawing large soda's, also favor gay marriage, gun control, and sodomy being accepted to normal society.

And once again, your guess would be wrong ...


New member
I haven't drank soda since the last time I went into a McDonald's back in 2006. It was simple, I looked around and saw 6 out of 10 people in there were morbidly obese. Once it dawned on me fast food is one thing ruining people it was easy to give it up. It would be easy to just ban everything people do that is detrimental but that's not liberty. You can't treat every bad choice as a crime. It's their choice, let them suffer for it. Some folks will wise up, some won't.


Well-known member
I haven't drank soda since the last time I went into a McDonald's back in 2006. It was simple, I looked around and saw 6 out of 10 people in there were morbidly obese. Once it dawned on me fast food is one thing ruining people it was easy to give it up. It would be easy to just ban everything people do that is detrimental but that's not liberty. You can't treat every bad choice as a crime. It's their choice, let them suffer for it. Some folks will wise up, some won't.
Let's all please keep in mind that this discussion is not about banning adults from eating or drinking anything. It's about a proposal to stop selling giant sized portions of sugar water to children, who will by their nature want to drink more of this crap than is healthy.

When an adult drinks this stuff, we expect them to know the consequences, and to be making a deliberate decision to accept those consequences. But that has nothing to do with children drinking too much sugar water. Children don't really understand the consequences, and can't be expected to make reasoned and informed decisions about such things. Their parents are supposed to be making those decision for them, but clearly many are not doing so, or are deliberately ignoring the consequences that will befall their own children as a result.

So all these arguments based on "infringing our freedom" aren't especially applicable in this case, because we aren't talking about an adult's freedom of to abuse themselves with bad food. We're talking about adults choosing to harm their kids by allowing them to ingest bad food.


Well-known member
Also: to all you folks who are anti-abortion, why is it OK in your mind for the government to deny the freedom of a woman to choose an abortion, so as to protect the life of the fetus, but then be so outrageous to you that the government would deny the freedom of a parent to feed their kids massive doses of sugar water, so as to protect the health of the kids?

The claim is being thrown around that this is a "liberal" proposal, but it seems to me to be very similar to conservatives proposing a ban on abortion. Both of these proposed bans seek to limit the freedom of adults so as to protect the health of children.
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New member
Under doctor's supervisor obviously. :dizzy: Your doctor sounds like a quack.

You have a lot of pride. You make too many assumptions and your usage of scripture is incorrect. I don't drink alcohol and I am not going to an enemy's house to eat.

I do feel a lot of times I am in enemy territory on this website though.
Much of my enemies seem to be arrogant Christians who think that throwing inappropriate Bible verses at people who are in pain is love.

Love is patient and kind and it is not rude or arrogant which is what I find a lot of the time on this website which is why I rarely post or visit here.


Hall of Fame
Also: to all you folks who are anti-abortion, why is it OK in your mind for the government to deny the freedom of a woman to choose an abortion, so as to protect the life of the fetus, but then be so outrageous to you that the government would deny the freedom of a parent to feed their kids massive doses of sugar water, so as to protect the health of the kids?

The two are not comparable. Abortion *intentionally* kills one's own children whereas allowing a child to have a pudding cup (or two) is not done with sole intention of wanting to kill/harm the child.

Should a parent be responsible for the health and welfare of their BORN children? Of course. I would even say it would be negligent of a parent to allow their preteen/teen child to reach a level of morbid obesity with no intervention.

The claim is being thrown around that this is a "liberal" proposal, but it seems to me to be very similar to conservatives proposing a ban on abortion. Both of these proposed bans seek to limit the freedom of adults to protect the heath of children.

Letting a child have a candy bar or chocolate shake is in no way similar to abortion. There is nothing wrong with occasionally eating junk food ...

Occasional junk food does not end in death on every occasion ... whereas, abortion ALWAYS ends the life of the unborn baby.


TOL Subscriber
? McDonald's is the only burger joint that I can remember off hand that serves their drinks across the counter?

Toco Bell, Burger King, What-A-Bruger, Wendy's, KFC and others hand you the cup and you self serve, which means you can drink as much as you wish regardless of the size of the cup? What has been accomplished by banning 16 oz. cups?

How about grocery stores? Should all sugary drinks (most fruit drinks are very high in sugar) contained in bulk containers (all those over 15 oz.) be banned as well? So much for trying to save a few cents by buying in bulk...silly!

Nanny laws are useless, you will never govern what the people do, unless of course you are willing to incarcerate them and the producer of the drinks, then all you accomplish is to increase the size of your tax bills to facilitate more jails!

But! The more taxes you pay leaves less for the food your family needs, so in a round about way you have reduced obesity for all tax payers....well done!!!

Nanny's should be banned! :angrymob:


Well-known member
? McDonald's is the only burger joint that I can remember off hand that serves their drinks across the counter?

Toco Bell, Burger King, What-A-Bruger, Wendy's, KFC and others hand you the cup and you self serve, which means you can drink as much as you wish regardless of the size of the cup? What has been accomplished by banning 16 oz. cups?
But no one has proposed banning the big cups, have they? I thought the ban being proposed was that we don't sell sugar water to children in giant sized cups. And just because these fast food places let you serve yourself, now, doesn't mean this can't possibly be changed.
How about grocery stores? Should all sugary drinks (most fruit drinks are very high in sugar) contained in bulk containers (all those over 15 oz.) be banned as well? So much for trying to save a few cents by buying in bulk...silly!
Is being able to buy sugar water in bulk more important than the health of our children?
Nanny laws are useless, you will never govern what the people do, unless of course you are willing to incarcerate them and the producer of the drinks, then all you accomplish is to increase the size of your tax bills to facilitate more jails!
Are laws against children drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes or driving motor vehicles useless? Are you recommending that we eliminate these "nanny laws" as well?
But! The more taxes you pay leaves less for the food your family needs, so in a round about way you have reduced obesity for all tax payers....well done!!!
Yeah, because EVERYTHING is about you having to pay taxes. It couldn't possibly be about the huge increase in the instances of childhood obesity and diabetes.


New member
Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub of Harvest Bible Denver has just completed an in depth study on this subject. I suggest you become informed about exactly what you are putting into your body.

:yawn: Ad hominem

I know full well what I am putting in my body. I was the one that spoke out against it on tv. I tried to get off of the medication and I ended up in a hospital. The hospital betrayed my trust and stuck a camera in my face on national tv then they poisoned me and I ended up in the emergency room because I collapsed on the floor and couldn't get up. Strangers talk to me on the street about the things I said and did at that hospital. You don't think I know how poisonous this stuff is?

You're a jerk. You don't have a clue what other people have to go thru.