toldailytopic: Liberal vs. Conservative. Where and why do you stand?

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New member
Well I'm from England as well. ASC obviously doesn't yet know about our 'wicker man' celebrations and tortoise sacrifices as standard national practice so.....(ssshhhhh) :D

Schtum! The Queen specifically warned me over high tea not to let crusading paragons of righteousness (pure enough of spirit to legitimately refer to atheists and agnostics as subhumans) find out about those, lest they bring crucifixy doom on us all!

Forsooth! Arm the defensive Morris dancers!


Schtum! The Queen specifically warned me over high tea not to let crusading paragons of righteousness (pure enough of spirit to legitimately refer to atheists and agnostics as subhumans) find out about those, lest they bring crucifixy doom on us all!

Forsooth! Arm the defensive Morris dancers!

That sounded oh too "gay" Radish.:peach:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
LOL. I've been wasting my time on a couple of atheists from a country that makes a homosexual singer a "Sir"? (I call him "Dame Elton").

As I mentioned to another blogger from England: "Your country will be under Sharia law in no time."

Meet your new boss fellas:
Well, for a start I'm not an atheist, so yet again your penchant for unsubstantiated garbage and lack of observational skills comes to the fore....

Secondly I happen to think that Elton John should be publicly flogged and executed, although this is my own subjective opinion based on what I consider to be 'crimes against music'....:plain:

Thirdly you have the IQ of a coconut if you think England would succomb to the atrocities of a draconian regime perpetuated by the likes of Iran and Saudi Arabia. You really are a clueless berk aren't you? Sharia law has more in common with you than what the West in general would tolerate.

What. A. Goofball.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Schtum! The Queen specifically warned me over high tea not to let crusading paragons of righteousness (pure enough of spirit to legitimately refer to atheists and agnostics as subhumans) find out about those, lest they bring crucifixy doom on us all!

Forsooth! Arm the defensive Morris dancers!

Noooooooooo! Morris dancing is a universal evil designed for the purposes of bamboozlement only!

Oh, and I know you're lying. The Queen has mid afternoon tea with a side order of chilli sauce kofteh kebab. So get your facts straight.....



Well, for a start I'm not an atheist, so yet again your penchant for unsubstantiated garbage and lack of observational skills comes to the fore....

You hide your Christian beliefs quite well Arthur.

Secondly I happen to think that Elton John should be publicly flogged and executed, although this is my own subjective opinion based on what I consider to be 'crimes against music'....:plain:

And here I thought you'd enjoy his song "Don't let your son go down on me".

Dame Elton is against homosexual marriage as well. Grounds for floggery in any London bathhouse (not that they need an excuse); a city where ONE IN SEVEN homosexual men in the London "gay scene" is afflicted with AIDS.

Thirdly you have the IQ of a coconut if you think England would succomb to the atrocities of a draconian regime perpetuated by the likes of Iran and Saudi Arabia. You really are a clueless berk aren't you? Sharia law has more in common with you than what the West in general would tolerate.

I really shouldn't be sharing this information with you (as I do love "the element of surprise")


"A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court’s decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of ’smaller’ criminal cases in future."


New member
Oh, and I know you're lying. The Queen has mid afternoon tea with a side order of chilli sauce kofteh kebab. So get your facts straight.....


See, ASC's right! The Islamic Turkish kebab shop owners have infiltrated the highest echelons of our society! This proves once and for all that the Queen is, in fact a Muslim. After all... have you ever seen her birth certificate??

Phillip's incessant racism is all just a big front, you see.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You hide your Christian beliefs quite well Arthur.

The irony....

And here I thought you'd enjoy his song "Don't let your son go down on me".

Why? Still keeping with your stupid gay innuendo are you? Why do you lie so much?

Dame Elton is against homosexual marriage as well. Grounds for floggery in any London bathhouse (not that they need an excuse); a city where ONE IN SEVEN homosexual men in the London "gay scene" is afflicted with AIDS.

Ooooh. Well wouldn't that mean you agree with him on that ASC? Could it be you share common ground with a "fag"? :shocked:

And spare us your poxy links as if it's truth verbatim. Next thing you'll be linking to WND. :plain:

I really shouldn't be sharing this information with you (as I do love "the element of surprise")

Really? Good! Say something sensible then :thumb:


"A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court’s decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.

Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of ’smaller’ criminal cases in future."

Even if that were the case it wouldn't apply to anyone besides those who wish to be tried under such so what on earth's your point? There'll be no stonings in England ASC. Get a grip doofus. :dunce:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
See, ASC's right! The Islamic Turkish kebab shop owners have infiltrated the highest echelons of our society! This proves once and for all that the Queen is, in fact a Muslim. After all... have you ever seen her birth certificate??

Phillip's incessant racism is all just a big front, you see.

Great Scott! :shocked: How could I have been so remiss? The signs have been there for decades! Quick, contact the international line dancing committee and divulge all! This is a national emergency. Oh no.....bearded morris dancers are heading up the drive.....Aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!


New member
Hello Newman.

Ummmm...because you put it in one of your posts?

"Today, 08:57 AM

I win!

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 100%


According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...
Libertarians support maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters."

Life is tough for Ron Paul libertarians like yourself Newman; trying to hang out with the bad boys in the school restroom smoking cigarettes, all the while trying to be good little Christians at home."

Block away.

"Maximum liberty in both personal and economic matters" is a very different thing than whatever "maximum freedom under God's law" might mean for that guy you referenced one of your slops of drool.

I don't smoke cigarettes. I smoke fine cigars and my wonderful pipe. Which bad boys are you talking about? The only jerk I see in the surrounding conversations is you and your incessant bullying, (unfunny) jokes, and tomfoolery while the rest of us try to smack some sense into you (unsuccessfully).

And you ignored everything in my post. Again.


TOL Subscriber
Great Scott! :shocked: How could I have been so remiss? The signs have been there for decades! Quick, contact the international line dancing committee and divulge all! This is a national emergency. Oh no.....bearded morris dancers are heading up the drive.....Aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Authur, I'm sorry to have to tell you this and I'm not quite sure exactly what it is've lost it man!

The Barbarian

I smoke fine cigars and my wonderful pipe.

It's now about 20 years since I stopped smoking a pipe. Still miss it. I had this wonderful blend of Latikia, cube-cut burley, and honey Cavendish.

I'm envious.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Authur, I'm sorry to have to tell you this and I'm not quite sure exactly what it is've lost it man!

Well, you can't lose what you never had so don't be too sorry LB old bean :D

What I'm referring to I also have no idea. It's either sanity or a pipe I wager....



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You're still not getting the concept behind libertarianism, liberty, or freedom in itself are you?
You wouldn't know freedom if God Himself emptied Himself of His divinity to die, shedding His blood to the point of exsanguination, in order to give it to you.

1 Corinthians 5:12-13
What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.
It is our business to tell them God has judged them, for many of them ignore it.


New member
You wouldn't no freedom if God Himself emptied Himself of His divinity to die, shedding His blood to the point of exsanguination, in order to give it to you.
Still waiting for your explanation of freedom and how my support for personal liberty is some sort of misunderstanding of it.
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