toldailytopic: Is President Obama doing a good job handling the oil spill in the gulf

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Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 16th, 2010 10:27 AM

toldailytopic: Is President Obama doing a good job handling the oil spill in the gulf?

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I'm sorry, but what did I miss? As far as I can tell he hasn't done anything meaningful to help.


Well-known member
Apparently he turned down an offer of help from the Dutch to bring their skimmers to help. That's brilliant.


like marbles on glass
That's an interesting aspect to this story, can you elaborate on it.

Obama was able all along to waive the Jones Act, and he didn't until now.
There are now Dutch oil skimmers finally being allowed to help. They first offered their help three days after the disaster began.


Well-known member
I thought the same thing a reporter mentioned last night: it was day 56 of the spill, and this speech had no teeth and was about 50 days late.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's an interesting aspect to this story, can you elaborate on it.
Basically, there is a protectionist act called the Jones Act that does not allow foreign ships in US waters. So when the Dutch offered help, and other countries, their offers fell on deaf ears. The president could have just waved act with no difficulty. Steven Horwitz explains in more detail here..

Nathon Detroit

Basically, there is a protectionist act called the Jones Act that does not allow foreign ships in US waters. So when the Dutch offered help, and other countries, their offers fell on deaf ears. The president could have just waved act with no difficulty. Steven Horwitz explains in more detail here..
From your link....

Interestingly, two days after Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff got approval for a blanket waiver of the Jones Act so that oil and natural gas could be brought into the area on non-approved ships. Meanwhile, President Obama and others continue to insist that such a blanket waiver is "not needed at this time."​

And Bush was the "bad guy"???

Oh and then there is this tidbit...
From the pictures we're seeing of the Gulf, that seems a hard position to defend. However, as an economist, it's always worth asking: cui bono? Who is benefiting from this law's enforcement. One major beneficiary is organized labor. Ships that meet the requirements of the Jones Act are crewed by unionized labor and granting waivers to it (or outright repealing it as it needlessly raises the costs of all kinds of U.S. made goods) would bring lower-wage labor into competition with those nice union jobs, potentially threatening them. One theory is that President Obama does not want to risk alienating the labor vote by waiving the Jones Act even for a short period of time. President Bush had no such concerns as labor wasn't going to vote for him anyway.​
Don't want to offend the Union's do we?? :madmad:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Apparently he turned down an offer of help from the Dutch to bring their skimmers to help. That's brilliant.

And he turned down the Louisianna's governor request to put up barriers. He asked for 24, and was alloted 6. Or something similar.


Well-known member
Remember - there is the president ... then there are Nancy, Harry, and various "others" who influence him. I think they are all either too singularly focused on their liberal agenda at any cost, or stupid, or are actual enemies of the American people and our way of life.


Well-known member
Remember - there is the president ... then there are Nancy, Harry, and various "others" who influence him. I think they are all either too singularly focused on their liberal agenda at any cost, or stupid, or are actual enemies of the American people and our way of life.

I'll take the last one.


Well-known member
That's an interesting aspect to this story, can you elaborate on it.

To touch on what Yorshik said.....

Protectionism Is Making the Oil Spill Much Worse
Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo on June 16, 2010 03:35 PM

According to news reports, corporations from more than a dozen different countries with extensive experience and technological know-how regarding the clean-up of oil spills have offered to help but have been told to get lost by the Obammunists. The reason is a 1920 protectionist piece of legislation called ‘The Jones Act,” which requires shipping to be built by American (i.e., unionized) workers and staffed by American sailors. So as not to ruffle the delicate feathers of unionized dock workers and other protectionist parasites in an election year, the Obammunists have refused all of their help.​

:up: Frankly it is amazing how one can politize an issue as much as Obama politizises issues.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 16th, 2010 10:27 AM

toldailytopic: Is President Obama doing a good job handling the oil spill in the gulf?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.
hEY BRO. HOW MAY I KINDLY PRAY U TO MAYBE BEFRIEND ME? THAT I MIGHT KNOW HOW TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THIS MATRIX OF CONFUSION TO MY ADD MIND! To answer the question, let me tell you! Every time i take a longer look at that fellow , longer than i should! From the very first time i heard his name. Back when he first came onto the "scene", from out of nowhere! Having the "Beautifull" ADD mind that God has both blessed me with, but can my own worst enemy at times!! The very first thought that crossed my mind was this; and i mean instantly, and this was way back when he first started running for President! Was this: (Mark13:14) BUT WHEN YE SHALL "SEE" THE ABOMINATION{this here,where i happen to live is a nation(USA), and the sounding of the name's Obama & Abomi; are far to close for my comfort!!!} DESOLATION(desolation(n):widespread destruction.Synonyms:devastation, laying waste(like all that oil laying waste, this is no joking matter, my friend's!!! Hell is here,and well nigh at hand!!! and the day of humanities visitation from THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY'S JUDGEMENT UPON IT, IS COME!!!)(REV.6:6)AND I HEARD A VOICE IN THE MIDST OF THE FOUR BEASTS SAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE """""""OIL''''''''''''AND THE WINE. We know form the Scripture's in (Ezek.28:11-19) that satan in his unfallen state,was a cherubim(the highest of the angel's in the angelic realm;and not only that, in the (KJV)it say's by Lord God His very Self, that he(satan) was His "anointed" cherub,saying: "Thou art "the" anointed cherub"; Which are also known as the "four" living creatures,which is revealed to Ezekiel later on in the book! (Ezek.1:10)AS FOR THE LIKENESS OF THEIR FACES, THEY FOUR HAD THE FACE OF A (MAN), AND THE FACE OF A LION, ON THE RIGHTSIDE: AND THEY FOUR HAD THE FACE OF AN OX ON THE LEFT SIDE; THEY FOUR ALSO HAD THE FACE OF AN (EAGLE).{so the kingdom's of satan: his four world empire's, known as the "four" "beasts" in Daniel! (REV.4:6,7)AND BEFORE THE THRONE THERE WAS A SEA OF GLASS LIKE UNTO CRYSTAL: AND IN THE MIDST OF THE THRONE, AND ROUND ABOUT THE THRONE, WERE "FOUR" "BEASTS" FULL OF EYES BEFORE AND BEHIND. AND THE "FIRST" "BEAST" WAS LIKE A LION, AND THE "SECOND" BEAST LIKE A CALF, AND THE "THIRD" BEAST HAD A FACE AS A "MAN"{the anti-Christ},AND THE "FOURTH"{and the last} BEAST WAS LIKE A "FLYING EAGLE".{which is the symbol of The United States,and has the most power weapons of war this world has ever known; which say's in the book of Daniel that the beast(nation,or kingdom)\anti-Christ(the man who will have control over it)will worship, and honour the god of "forces".} Sorry for the ADD, RIGHT BRAIN RANDOMNESS!! I always write as the Spirit leads me, i have never even written this down on paper! DESOLATION{desolation(n): "A DISTURBED FEELING"; EVERY TIME i SEE "HIM",THAT DEFFINITION COULD NOT BETTER DESCRIBE HOW i FEEL;AND i MEAN A PROFOUND FEELING OF ERRINESS, LIKE STARING THE "PALE HORSE" RIGHT IN THE EYE'S!!!! Desolation(n):Synonym's:"distress",agony,anguish,angst,"disturbance","misery","WOE", suffering{is a coming such as this world has never seen}we best start hoping, and i mean real fast, that the church isn't going threw it!!! i do hope for it like any sane Christian should;but it's a hope, not a gurantee!! i personally believe that we have already intered into the first 3 & 1/2 years of it,and i have pleny of reason's for believing that as i will soon show u!
Remember the order of the four beasts that suround the throne in,the fourth one being like a "flying eagle" (which are the same kind that satan was/kinda still is by the fact that he can transform hisself into an angel of light(2COR.11:14) NOW YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY THE SUPREMACY OF THE KING JAMES VERSION,AND THE UTTERMOST IMPORTANCE OF EVERY SINGLE WORLD, DOWN TO THE DOT,AND TIDDLE,AND THE ORDER OF THE WORD STRUCTURE GIVEN IN THE CONTEXT, WHEN IT COMES TO BILBLE PROPHECY!!1 (REV.6:1-8)AND I SAW WHEN THE LAMB OPENED ONE OF THE SEALS, AND I HEARD, AS IT WERE THE NOISE OF THUNDER, ONE OF THE "FOUR" BEASTS SAYING, COME AND SEE. AND I SAW, AND BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE: AND (HE) THAT SAT ON HIM HAD (A-B)(O)(W-A)ND{turn the (W)over,and make it(M)and you have the (O) going backwards(O-BA)and from (W)turned(M)you have(M-A)put together gives you the word(OBAMA)} CROWN WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM: AND HE WENT FORTH CONQUERING,AND TO CONQUER. { the "willful" king of Daniel,who comes in peaceably,and obtains the kingdom by{flatteries},but to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom",which will only infuriate his pompous pride even more!!!} AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE SECOND SEAL, I HEARD THE "SECOND" BEAST{like a calf} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND THERE WENT OUT ANOTHER HORSE THAT WAS "RED"{probably Russa,or China, or the Arab descendants' of "Esau":who's name means "red"}: AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM THAT SAT THEREON TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH{war}, AND THAT THEY SHOULD KILL ONE ANOTHER: AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A GREAT SWORD. AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE THIRD SEAL, I HEAR THE "THIRD" BEAST{who"had a face as a man"} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND I BEHELD, AND LO A "BLACK HORSE"{am, thats rather interesting,"a black"horse and the "beast" with the face as a "man" who anounces's him}; AND (HE) THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND.{PROV.6:16,17,18 THESE SIX THINGS DOTH THE LORD HATE: YEA,SEVEN ARE AN (ABOMINATION) UNTO HIM: A (PROUD) LOOK, A LYING TONGUE, AND HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, AN HEART THAT "DEVISETH WICKED IMAGINATIONS", FEET THAT BE SWIFT IN"RUNNING TO MISCHIEF, PROV.11:1 A"FALSE BALANCE" IS (ABOMINATION) TO THE LORD: BUT A JUST WEIGHT IS HIS DELIGHT.{well the" weight" of our economies debt, im most sure isn't "just" in the least degree,and i am even more sure, that our good LORD above is not "delighted" with it either!} REV,6:6 continued: AND I HEARD A VOICE SAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE(OIL){exactly where we're at,are almost near now} AND THE WINE. AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE FOURTH SEAL, I HEARD THE VOICE OF THE "FOURTH" BEAST{"like a flying eagle", hum, i wonder who that might be} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND I LOOKED, AND BEHOLD A"PALE HORSE"{Obama is the palest,scariest looking dude i have ever seen,and i really don't get scared by the looks of anyone,but him!} AND HIS NAME THAT SAT ON HIM WAS"DEATH",AND "HELL" FOLLOWED WITH HIM. AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM OVER THE FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, TO KILL WITH SWORD, AND WITH HUNGER, AND WITH DEATH, AND WITH THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH.
Now i'm going to drop the bomb on ya,so be prepared to begin sounding the alarm, my Christian brethren!!!!!(JER.4:5-7)DECLARE YE IN JUDAH, AND PUBLISH IN JERUSALEM; AND SAY, BLOW YE THE TRUMPET IN THE LAND: CRY, GATHER TOGETHER, AND SAY, ASSEMBLE YOURSELVES, AND LET US GO INTO THE DEFENCED CITIES. SET UP THE STANDARD TOWARD ZION: RETIRE, STAY NOT: FOR I WILL BRING EVIL FROM THE NORTH, AND A GREAT DESTRUCTION. THE"LION" IS COME UP FROM HIS THICKET, AND """"""""""""""THE DESTROY OF THE GENTILES"""""""""""""""" IS ON HIS WAY; HE IS GONE FORTH FROM HIS PLACE TO MAKE""""""""""""""""""THY LAND DESOLATE;"""""""""""""""""""AND """""""""""""""""""THY CITIES SHALL BE LAID WASTE""""""""""""""""""""","""""""""""" WITHOUT AN INHABITANT""""""""""""""""".(REV.13:2)AND THE BEAST WHICH I SAW WAS LIKE UNTO A "LEOPARD"{Obama had a white mother,and a(Ethiopian) father},AND HIS FEET WERE AS THE FEET OF A "BEAR"{like one who came from "Chicago"}, AND HIS MOUTH AS THE MOUTH OF A LION:{like one who has the authority of being the President of the United States,and the power} AND THE DRAGON GAVE HIM HIS POWER, AND HIS SEAT,AND GREAT AUTHORITY.
(JEREMIAH13:23) CAN THE""""""""""""ETHIOPIAN""""""""""""" CHANGE HIS SKIN, OR THE """""""""""""""""""LEOPARD"""""""""""""""""""" HIS SPOTS? THEN MAY YE ALSO DO GOOD, THAT ARE ACCUSTOMED TO DO EVIL. That's all i have the strengh for this evening, with love from your friend, Calvary\Calvin............................................amen!


Well-known member
hEY BRO. HOW MAY I KINDLY PRAY U TO MAYBE BEFRIEND ME? THAT I MIGHT KNOW HOW TO NAVIGATE THROUGH THIS MATRIX OF CONFUSION TO MY ADD MIND! To answer the question, let me tell you! Every time i take a longer look at that fellow , longer than i should! From the very first time i heard his name. Back when he first came onto the "scene", from out of nowhere! Having the "Beautifull" ADD mind that God has both blessed me with, but can my own worst enemy at times!! The very first thought that crossed my mind was this; and i mean instantly, and this was way back when he first started running for President! Was this: (Mark13:14) BUT WHEN YE SHALL "SEE" THE ABOMINATION{this here,where i happen to live is a nation(USA), and the sounding of the name's Obama & Abomi; are far to close for my comfort!!!} DESOLATION(desolation(n):widespread destruction.Synonyms:devastation, laying waste(like all that oil laying waste, this is no joking matter, my friend's!!! Hell is here,and well nigh at hand!!! and the day of humanities visitation from THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY'S JUDGEMENT UPON IT, IS COME!!!)(REV.6:6)AND I HEARD A VOICE IN THE MIDST OF THE FOUR BEASTS SAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE """""""OIL''''''''''''AND THE WINE. We know form the Scripture's in (Ezek.28:11-19) that satan in his unfallen state,was a cherubim(the highest of the angel's in the angelic realm;and not only that, in the (KJV)it say's by Lord God His very Self, that he(satan) was His "anointed" cherub,saying: "Thou art "the" anointed cherub"; Which are also known as the "four" living creatures,which is revealed to Ezekiel later on in the book! (Ezek.1:10)AS FOR THE LIKENESS OF THEIR FACES, THEY FOUR HAD THE FACE OF A (MAN), AND THE FACE OF A LION, ON THE RIGHTSIDE: AND THEY FOUR HAD THE FACE OF AN OX ON THE LEFT SIDE; THEY FOUR ALSO HAD THE FACE OF AN (EAGLE).{so the kingdom's of satan: his four world empire's, known as the "four" "beasts" in Daniel! (REV.4:6,7)AND BEFORE THE THRONE THERE WAS A SEA OF GLASS LIKE UNTO CRYSTAL: AND IN THE MIDST OF THE THRONE, AND ROUND ABOUT THE THRONE, WERE "FOUR" "BEASTS" FULL OF EYES BEFORE AND BEHIND. AND THE "FIRST" "BEAST" WAS LIKE A LION, AND THE "SECOND" BEAST LIKE A CALF, AND THE "THIRD" BEAST HAD A FACE AS A "MAN"{the anti-Christ},AND THE "FOURTH"{and the last} BEAST WAS LIKE A "FLYING EAGLE".{which is the symbol of The United States,and has the most power weapons of war this world has ever known; which say's in the book of Daniel that the beast(nation,or kingdom)\anti-Christ(the man who will have control over it)will worship, and honour the god of "forces".} Sorry for the ADD, RIGHT BRAIN RANDOMNESS!! I always write as the Spirit leads me, i have never even written this down on paper! DESOLATION{desolation(n): "A DISTURBED FEELING"; EVERY TIME i SEE "HIM",THAT DEFFINITION COULD NOT BETTER DESCRIBE HOW i FEEL;AND i MEAN A PROFOUND FEELING OF ERRINESS, LIKE STARING THE "PALE HORSE" RIGHT IN THE EYE'S!!!! Desolation(n):Synonym's:"distress",agony,anguish,angst,"disturbance","misery","WOE", suffering{is a coming such as this world has never seen}we best start hoping, and i mean real fast, that the church isn't going threw it!!! i do hope for it like any sane Christian should;but it's a hope, not a gurantee!! i personally believe that we have already intered into the first 3 & 1/2 years of it,and i have pleny of reason's for believing that as i will soon show u!
Remember the order of the four beasts that suround the throne in,the fourth one being like a "flying eagle" (which are the same kind that satan was/kinda still is by the fact that he can transform hisself into an angel of light(2COR.11:14) NOW YOU WILL SEE CLEARLY THE SUPREMACY OF THE KING JAMES VERSION,AND THE UTTERMOST IMPORTANCE OF EVERY SINGLE WORLD, DOWN TO THE DOT,AND TIDDLE,AND THE ORDER OF THE WORD STRUCTURE GIVEN IN THE CONTEXT, WHEN IT COMES TO BILBLE PROPHECY!!1 (REV.6:1-8)AND I SAW WHEN THE LAMB OPENED ONE OF THE SEALS, AND I HEARD, AS IT WERE THE NOISE OF THUNDER, ONE OF THE "FOUR" BEASTS SAYING, COME AND SEE. AND I SAW, AND BEHOLD A WHITE HORSE: AND (HE) THAT SAT ON HIM HAD (A-B)(O)(W-A)ND{turn the (W)over,and make it(M)and you have the (O) going backwards(O-BA)and from (W)turned(M)you have(M-A)put together gives you the word(OBAMA)} CROWN WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM: AND HE WENT FORTH CONQUERING,AND TO CONQUER. { the "willful" king of Daniel,who comes in peaceably,and obtains the kingdom by{flatteries},but to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom",which will only infuriate his pompous pride even more!!!} AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE SECOND SEAL, I HEARD THE "SECOND" BEAST{like a calf} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND THERE WENT OUT ANOTHER HORSE THAT WAS "RED"{probably Russa,or China, or the Arab descendants' of "Esau":who's name means "red"}: AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM THAT SAT THEREON TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH{war}, AND THAT THEY SHOULD KILL ONE ANOTHER: AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A GREAT SWORD. AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE THIRD SEAL, I HEAR THE "THIRD" BEAST{who"had a face as a man"} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND I BEHELD, AND LO A "BLACK HORSE"{am, thats rather interesting,"a black"horse and the "beast" with the face as a "man" who anounces's him}; AND (HE) THAT SAT ON HIM HAD A PAIR OF BALANCES IN HIS HAND.{PROV.6:16,17,18 THESE SIX THINGS DOTH THE LORD HATE: YEA,SEVEN ARE AN (ABOMINATION) UNTO HIM: A (PROUD) LOOK, A LYING TONGUE, AND HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, AN HEART THAT "DEVISETH WICKED IMAGINATIONS", FEET THAT BE SWIFT IN"RUNNING TO MISCHIEF, PROV.11:1 A"FALSE BALANCE" IS (ABOMINATION) TO THE LORD: BUT A JUST WEIGHT IS HIS DELIGHT.{well the" weight" of our economies debt, im most sure isn't "just" in the least degree,and i am even more sure, that our good LORD above is not "delighted" with it either!} REV,6:6 continued: AND I HEARD A VOICE SAY, A MEASURE OF WHEAT FOR A PENNY, AND THREE MEASURES OF BARLEY FOR A PENNY; AND SEE THOU HURT NOT THE(OIL){exactly where we're at,are almost near now} AND THE WINE. AND WHEN HE HAD OPENED THE FOURTH SEAL, I HEARD THE VOICE OF THE "FOURTH" BEAST{"like a flying eagle", hum, i wonder who that might be} SAY, COME AND SEE. AND I LOOKED, AND BEHOLD A"PALE HORSE"{Obama is the palest,scariest looking dude i have ever seen,and i really don't get scared by the looks of anyone,but him!} AND HIS NAME THAT SAT ON HIM WAS"DEATH",AND "HELL" FOLLOWED WITH HIM. AND POWER WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM OVER THE FOURTH PART OF THE EARTH, TO KILL WITH SWORD, AND WITH HUNGER, AND WITH DEATH, AND WITH THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH.
Now i'm going to drop the bomb on ya,so be prepared to begin sounding the alarm, my Christian brethren!!!!!(JER.4:5-7)DECLARE YE IN JUDAH, AND PUBLISH IN JERUSALEM; AND SAY, BLOW YE THE TRUMPET IN THE LAND: CRY, GATHER TOGETHER, AND SAY, ASSEMBLE YOURSELVES, AND LET US GO INTO THE DEFENCED CITIES. SET UP THE STANDARD TOWARD ZION: RETIRE, STAY NOT: FOR I WILL BRING EVIL FROM THE NORTH, AND A GREAT DESTRUCTION. THE"LION" IS COME UP FROM HIS THICKET, AND """"""""""""""THE DESTROY OF THE GENTILES"""""""""""""""" IS ON HIS WAY; HE IS GONE FORTH FROM HIS PLACE TO MAKE""""""""""""""""""THY LAND DESOLATE;"""""""""""""""""""AND """""""""""""""""""THY CITIES SHALL BE LAID WASTE""""""""""""""""""""","""""""""""" WITHOUT AN INHABITANT""""""""""""""""".(REV.13:2)AND THE BEAST WHICH I SAW WAS LIKE UNTO A "LEOPARD"{Obama had a white mother,and a(Ethiopian) father},AND HIS FEET WERE AS THE FEET OF A "BEAR"{like one who came from "Chicago"}, AND HIS MOUTH AS THE MOUTH OF A LION:{like one who has the authority of being the President of the United States,and the power} AND THE DRAGON GAVE HIM HIS POWER, AND HIS SEAT,AND GREAT AUTHORITY.
(JEREMIAH13:23) CAN THE""""""""""""ETHIOPIAN""""""""""""" CHANGE HIS SKIN, OR THE """""""""""""""""""LEOPARD"""""""""""""""""""" HIS SPOTS? THEN MAY YE ALSO DO GOOD, THAT ARE ACCUSTOMED TO DO EVIL. That's all i have the strengh for this evening, with love from your friend, Calvary\Calvin............................................amen!

Way to derail the thread bro
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