toldailytopic: Is Islam a peaceful religion?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I love you b but . . .

Absolutely not! Read the history of how Islam was spread by violence and murder.
. . . read the history of how Christianity was spread by violence and murder.

Read the Koran, it justifies violence, murder and deception.
. . . read the Bible, it justifies violence, murder and deception.

The Prophet most assuredly does not advocate turning the other cheek nor does he treat all person's as equals.
. . . Jesus most assuredly does not advocate turning the other cheek (though he is said to have made this statement . . . see also Matthew 10:34) nor does he treat all persons as equals (Matthew 10:5).

Strapping bombs on people and sending them to their death as they slaughter innocent civilians has become a way of war in Islam.
No doubt, many Muslims deplore this behavior but their voices are not heard enough to make a difference.
. . . the modern version of an old system.

red cardinal

New member
It can be argued that true, fundamental, Koranic Islam is not a religion of peace. (see Jesus vs Muhammad book as a base)

This guy taught at their top university in the world. He knows Arabic, the Koran, Islam.

The Muslims who are peaceful are more Westernized, moderate, not fully true to the Koran/Muhammad.

A violent Muslim is being consistent with Islam, but the killings done in the name of Christianity are not consistent with the teachings of Jesus/Christianity (big difference).

Islam is not a religion of peace like Christianity is, but this does not mean that many or most modern Muslims are not peaceful, peace-loving people (so the arguments against them are not valid; they are victims of Islam and compromising its true roots, living a reformed version that is closer to Christianity than Islam).

How can any form of Islam be considered "close" to Christianity? Islam does not even believe that Jesus is the Son of God or the Messiah. Allah is not the Lord God Almighty either.

If a person is a Muslim, they are guaranteed safety because they belong to Islam and support that religion in every way it is carried out. When you "buy into" a religious system, you support it no matter how violent it gets. Their religion teaches that anyone outside of Islam is worthy of death. The "peace lovers" are not "victims", they are willfully/woefully ignorant or pretending.

red cardinal

New member
I love you b but . . .

. . . read the history of how Christianity was spread by violence and murder.

. . . read the Bible, it justifies violence, murder and deception.

. . . Jesus most assuredly does not advocate turning the other cheek (though he is said to have made this statement . . . see also Matthew 10:34) nor does he treat all persons as equals (Matthew 10:5).

. . . the modern version of an old system.

Just because some Christians resort to violence does not mean they are following the "Book". The Bible does not teach such a thing as retaliation and violence. Misapplying the texts does not make it so. The NT, which has replaced the old covenant, definitely shows that we are to live in peace, not strap on bombs and murder people because they have not accepted the Bible or Jesus Christ.

red cardinal

New member
Most humans have no desire for war, and this is the reason that most Muslims are respectful and peaceful people.

So beating one's wife and circumcising daughters, and selling women as sex slaves, and treated as dogs, and have to deal with prolific pedofiles - all in the name of Allah, because their prophet did the same makes them "peaceful"? :shocked:

Most of the people in any religion are not true to the teachings of their religion, and this is the reason that most Muslims are not fully true to the teachings of Islam.

To be a Muslim is to support the true teachings. Most Muslims DO follow the q'uran - especially the violent acts towards women and girls.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Just because some Christians resort to violence does not mean they are following the "Book".
. . . just because some Muslims resort to violence does not mean they are following the "book".

The Bible does not teach such a thing as retaliation and violence.


. . . your version must be newer than mine.


Misapplying the texts does not make it so.
. . . Christians and blinders go together.

The NT, which has replaced the old covenant, . . .
. . . for being a replaced text the OT sure is quoted often by Christians.

. . . definitely shows that we are to live in peace, . . .
Luke 22:36, Luke 22:49 (funny how Jesus did nothing to stop "them" , possibly Peter), Romans 13:4, Revelation 6:4, 8,

. . . not strap on bombs and murder people because they have not accepted the Bible or Jesus Christ.
. . . the modern version of an old system.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Islam is not a religion of peace.

Muslims are quick to point to the violence recorded in the Christian bible and claim that Christianity’s early history was violent, too. But unlike the Bible where some very awful HISTORY is recorded, the violence described in the Qur’an is part of Islamic THEOLOGY. This is a very significant distinction between the two belief systems.

The famous Muslim scholar and “father of modern history” Ibn Khaldun states the dichotomy between jihad and defensive warfare thus:
In the Muslim community, the holy war [i.e. jihad] is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force... The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense... They are merely required to establish their religion among their own people. That is why the Israeilites after Moses and Joshua remained unconcerned with royal authority [e.g. a “caliphate”]. Their only concern was to establish their religion [not spread it to the nations]… But Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations (The Muqudimmah, vol. 1 pg. 473).
The violence of the Sharia, Muhammad’s Sunna (4:24, 4:92, 8:69, 24:33, 33:21, 33:50), and the sword and anti-Christian verses of the Qur’an (e.g., 4:74, 4:91, 8:12, 9:5, 9:29, 33:35-36, 59:2) are clear evidence.



New member
. . . read the history of how Christianity was spread by violence and murder.
I did, fascinating reading:
"Some," we are told, "were slain with the sword; some burned with fire; some scourged with whips; some stabbed with forks of iron; some fastened to the cross or gibbet; some drowned in the sea; some had their skins plucked off; some were stoned to death; some killed with cold; some starved with hunger; some, with their hands cut off or otherwise disabled, were left naked, to the open shame of the world. Yet, notwithstanding the sharpness of their torments, such was the constancy of those who suffered--or rather, such was the power of the Lord in his saints--that they generally remained faithful to the end."​

The real spread of Christianity always happens when the Christians are the target of violence and murder, yet will not turn from their faith.
Islam is inherently peaceful, and if you talk to the vast majority of Muslims you would find them to be very respectful and peaceful people. The minority of extremists is what gives it a bad name, but those people take the intent of the Qu'Ran out of context, just like the Westboro Baptist Church uses the Bible out of context to motivate hate.

in the Koran it says to kill those who refuse to convert..

yeah, real peaceful

The Catholic Church, contrary to distorted histories so called has never advocated FORCING peple to convert

The Catholic rulers (kings/queens) may have insisted on those of their kingdom converting but the Church itself nevr taught they shold be forced. And if someone didn't want to convert to ctholicism, he was exiled or chose to leave, not murdered

so its not like the Koran teaches one thing and its so- called adherents do another, as in the Catholic Church...

Their literature actually teaches violence
I believe Islam is the second beast of Revelation

i dont know about the 2nd beast but i do believe it is an antiChrist system... definitely a false religion

Jesus said when He was on EArth that even in that day, there were many antiChrists in the wolrd

an antiChrist, obviously, is anyone or any institution that denys that Jesus is the savior

Islam claims to believe in Jesus, but they dont think he was any more than a prophet. Some prophet...

He said that if we have seen him we have seen the Father..

So... you have to make up your mind whether he was the Son of God or just a prophet.

If he was a prophet (only), he was a false one for claiming to be the Son of God

As (i think ) CS Lewis (?) said something like... he was either a liar and a lunatic or he was (is) who He says He is...

i made my decision on this years ago..

some things you believe.. some things you KNOW :patrol:


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I did, fascinating reading:
"Some," we are told, "were slain with the sword; some burned with fire; some scourged with whips; some stabbed with forks of iron; some fastened to the cross or gibbet; some drowned in the sea; some had their skins plucked off; some were stoned to death; some killed with cold; some starved with hunger; some, with their hands cut off or otherwise disabled, were left naked, to the open shame of the world. Yet, notwithstanding the sharpness of their torments, such was the constancy of those who suffered--or rather, such was the power of the Lord in his saints--that they generally remained faithful to the end."​

The real spread of Christianity always happens when the Christians are the target of violence and murder, yet will not turn from their faith.



. . . the bigger the lie . . . the more readily it is believed.



New member
Don't mean to hijack the topic but here's a question.
How would you deal with or approach an Islamic family that moved in next door to you?
My wife & I had to endure less than ideal neighbors for many years and in the fall of 2009 a Hindu family from India moved in. I know, an apples and oranges comparison there but they've been great neighbors.
I'm not sure how I would approach an Islamic household. Any thoughts?

Might be better than what I've got now.


Well-known member
Well, it's either that the religion that inspires its followers to do evil ... or ... it's the people's own nature... ???

Either way - they seem to hate us ... and our freedoms.

I wouldn't blame them for hating our sins ... if I didn't already know that they have their own sins to consider first.

It is sort of like men living in glass houses that are throwing rocks ... or men shooting live ammunition into the air over their own heads.
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Well-known member
Don't mean to hijack the topic but here's a question.
How would you deal with or approach an Islamic family that moved in next door to you?
My wife & I had to endure less than ideal neighbors for many years and in the fall of 2009 a Hindu family from India moved in. I know, an apples and oranges comparison there but they've been great neighbors.
I'm not sure how I would approach an Islamic household. Any thoughts?
Treat them like any other neighbor who might believe something different from you . . . just don't give them alcohol or pork as a welcoming gift. :p
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