toldailytopic: Is human cloning immoral?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Is cloning immoral? I don't know, why would you want to clone people? To come with a perfect army of 7 footers? to clone geniuses? that stuff could lead to trouble.

I kind of like the fact we are all different because then we can actually celebrate differences. 1 of me is truly enough.

Right, I'm not sure that cloning is immoral, but I suspect that most of the motives, to do so in spite of the risks, might well be.
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Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Jeremiah 1:5 states, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

Clearly, we are told that God forms us, that He chooses how we are made.
I think it is possible that you are infering more than that verse is implying.
The traits we inherit aren't random, but chosen by God Himself.
Did good choose who you married (or will marry)?
In the case of twins, He chooses for that to happen.
I am not sure that I agree.
With a clone, we would be choosing instead, and for that reason alone, it's wrong. Cloning is, in effect, trying to play at being God, which is what Satan has been trying to do from the beginning.
I do see this point to a degree.


Well-known member
I dont think its immoral. Its the speculative ideas floating around about how clones could be used that is immoral. Treating them as anything less than a person would be immoral. And I think that without the use (like harvesting organs for replacements) then cloning humans would have a lot less interest.


New member
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I dont think its immoral. Its the speculative ideas floating around about how clones could be used that is immoral. Treating them as anything less than a person would be immoral. And I think that without the use (like harvesting organs for replacements) then cloning humans would have a lot less interest.

The whole organ harvesting bit is good for science fiction but there are better ways to create organs for this use...


Well-known member
That's the part that creeps me out. Spiritually, how would that work?

I think she's asking about the status of a soul.

Does anyone honestly think identical twins share a soul?

Why would a clone be any different?

When I say an exact copy of a person, I mean only their physical form and even then it wouldn't necessarily be exactly identical since even physical structure is affected by environmental exposure and experience.


I identify as a Christian
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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 6th, 2012 09:40 AM

toldailytopic: Is human cloning immoral?

Before I answer that question lets look at what cloning is.

A. Identical twins are a natural form of cloning. When the cells inside the fertilized egg try to divide and multiply the egg splits creating two separate individuals. This can be artificially done to create twins triplets etc to be implanted into a mother that cannot otherwise have kids the normal way. The moral delemma arises when the lab ends up with throw away embryos, a waste of newly created human life.

B. The second type is Somatic Nuclear Cell Transfer. In natural reproduction the dividing ball of cells results from the union of the father's sperm and the mothers egg. In SNCT the egg cell's single set of chromosomes is removed and replaced with two sets of chromosomes from a somatic cell from the donor. The end result is a new individual the will grow into a exact genetic copy of the donor.

Is cloning itself immoral. Probably not. Bugs still need to be worked out of SNCT before it is used on humans. The ethical issues arise when new human life resulting from the procedures is discarded.


Well-known member
Jeremiah 1:5 states, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."

Clearly, we are told that God forms us, that He chooses how we are made. The traits we inherit aren't random, but chosen by God Himself. In the case of twins, He chooses for that to happen. With a clone, we would be choosing instead, and for that reason alone, it's wrong. Cloning is, in effect, trying to play at being God, which is what Satan has been trying to do from the beginning.

Read it again LadyGreen, it only say that Jeremiah was known. I do not think that applies to all.
Man is playing with fire when we clone. We do not want baby factories. We do not understand all God's ways, most likely never will. When it comes to human life, he is the creator, not us.