toldailytopic: If you were in charge of TOL which members would you ban?


New member
Hall of Fame
First of all, Psalmist. He is a cad and a popinjay, and is constantly making those sarcastic 'Happy Birthday' troll threads and yet is forgiven TIME AFTER TIME by the biased admins.

Knight is another user I'd like to see leave forever as he never contributes anything worthwhile to the forum and, as far as I can see, is just an all-around public nuisance and waste of bandwidth.

MrRadish is a pompous, inane fool who clutters threads with his feeble, laboured attempts at humour. Permabanned.

Bybee is as foul mouthed as she is mean spirited, has no respect for anyone, and constantly makes long, pretentious threads about subjects she knows nothing about then shouts down anyone who disagrees with her. Same with Ktoyou. A ban would teach them both much-needed tolerance and intellectual rigour.

And I think we should bring back CRASH, Just Tom and BillyBob and give them mod powers. Now there were three gentlemen who knew their way around a polite discussion.

EDIT: Kmoney would not only be banned but made to endure three gruelling years of salad boot camp to show him the respect an ancient and honourable vegetable deserves. Teach him to... know his roots. :)Nineveh: YEEEAAAAH)

See, this is a perfect example of why Radishes should be banned! If only.....:Clete:




New member
It all depends on how they reacted. There are times when I am sure I'd ban SoD if I could, but then I think he actually listens when the mods tell him to knock something off. If a warning suffices, that's good enough. aSC, if (s)he goes personal again. Other than that, there's no one I'd want to single out. Anyone who seriously disrupts discussion.


I, for one, like the way things are now.
Many trolls keep the threads alive.
Heretical beliefs give something to argue discuss in the threads.

I disagree with this. Yes, trolls keep threads alive, but they make them less pleasant to read. They fill up the threads with a lot of nonsense and you have to wade through all the crap to get to the good stuff.

Nathon Detroit

I disagree with this. Yes, trolls keep threads alive, but they make them less pleasant to read. They fill up the threads with a lot of nonsense and you have to wade through all the crap to get to the good stuff.
And by "good stuff" I assume you mean embedded death metal videos?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
My feelings are hurt.

Nobody wanted to ban me except me. :(

Reported Post by Letsargue said:
Is the “WAY” of this FORUM to allow someone / KOBAN to do nothing but act as a cursed fool all the time on only one person’s Threads!!! – I am fed up with KOBAN’S constant bullying and harassment!!!!!!
I thought this website was the most interesting one on the WEB, but it’s the MOST TOLERANT OF HARASSING PESTS ON THE WEB!!!!!


Paul – 103111

Post: The Perfect Imbalance:
Forum: The Back Alley
Assigned Moderators: Knight

some other dude said:
Have you ever been checked out by a qualified psychiatrist?

WOULD somebody get that _____ KOBAN PEST off my Threads and keep him off PLEASE!!!!

You said you read all and find nothing wrong, -- WELL READ THEM ALL, because ALL he can do is be a _____ Pest!! --- KOBAN, THAT IS!!! -- Everyone knows it's KOBAN!!

Paul -- 102011