toldailytopic: If Ron Paul were President of the USA...


New member
If for whatever cause he's allowed to do what he's promising, and if he succeeds, the U.S. could be improved in the ways poster Wiz suggested at least.

Judging by the fate of past U.S. Presidents, who coincidently were assassinated when they opposed the plutocracy, I don't think Ron Paul will be allowed to succeed even if he's elected.
The planets are not in position for an assassination this term. Possibly never again.

I think if Paul were president, we probably wouldn't go to war unless attacked, maybe not even then. Important needed changes would be vetoed; what else is new. We would muddle along doing nothing, continuing on our current road to disaster and decline. Poverty would increase and the rich would keep getting richer.


New member
"...marijuana is a gate way drug, it's a fact. I don't care what anyone says..." Good job Baldwin; thats a reasonable "fact" to bring to the argument. Paul owned Baldwin, let's be real, he's not promoting pot, he's saying that it is unconstitutional for the government to mandate what is moral and unmoral, not to mention that our prison system is full of men and women who committed no violent crime. If you want more government power, and you allow the Feds to tell you what is right and wrong, then you must have obviously taken the blue pill, which is fine, if you are inclined to deny reality and subjugate yourself to mindlessly following your government. By all means continue to do so, but remain absent from the debates where in, free thinkers, and people who deny a forced status quo, congregate to discuss bringing our freedoms back to this country. Wake up or perish at your governments hand.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 20th, 2012 10:55 AM

toldailytopic: If Ron Paul were President of the USA...

America will continue to circle the toilet bowl..:comeout: The libertarian solution is like putting a band aid on cancer.

The planets are not in position for an assassination this term. Possibly never again.



Well-known member
The planets are not in position for an assassination this term. Possibly never again.

Are you claiming that there were planetary alignments during all the previous U.S. presidential assassinations? What exactly was, would or could be aligned? And how do you prove causation between the two events?

I think if Paul were president, we probably wouldn't go to war unless attacked, maybe not even then.

I think it's fairly obvious that Ron Paul would defend the nation.

Important needed changes would be vetoed; what else is new.

They're always "important needed changes," right?

We would muddle along doing nothing, continuing on our current road to disaster and decline. Poverty would increase and the rich would keep getting richer.

The plutocracy controls via deposit expansion and contraction. Ron Paul is claiming he will put an end to it.


But were you a 220-yard high school state champion like Ron Paul was? :think:

No, I was a long distance runner.

He won the 220 state championship with a time of 23.5, but he once ran the 220 in 22.2

He was also the state championship runner up in the 440 with a time of 53.3

And, he ran the 100 yard dash in 9.7 seconds, at a time when the national high school record was 9.4 seconds.


"...marijuana is a gate way drug, it's a fact. I don't care what anyone says..." Good job Baldwin; thats a reasonable "fact" to bring to the argument. Paul owned Baldwin, let's be real, he's not promoting pot, he's saying that it is unconstitutional for the government to mandate what is moral and unmoral, not to mention that our prison system is full of men and women who committed no violent crime. If you want more government power, and you allow the Feds to tell you what is right and wrong, then you must have obviously taken the blue pill, which is fine, if you are inclined to deny reality and subjugate yourself to mindlessly following your government. By all means continue to do so, but remain absent from the debates where in, free thinkers, and people who deny a forced status quo, congregate to discuss bringing our freedoms back to this country. Wake up or perish at your governments hand.

Spoken like a true Loonatarian.

I noticed that Ron Paul didn't reply to the question about whether he has used marijuana. What's wrong, is he ashamed of being a dope smoker, or maybe he has that typical Libertarian mentality which is: "I don't use it, or encourage my family it use it, but it's good enough for other people to use."

I also noticed that Congressman Paul made a statement as to no one being arrested for DUI while high on marijuana. He truly is out of touch with reality.

"Marijuana has adverse effects on many of the skills required for driving a car. Driving while high can lead to car accidents.

How does marijuana affect driving?

Marijuana affects many skills required for safe driving: alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. Marijuana use can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road.

There are data showing that marijuana can play a role in motor vehicle crashes. Studies show that approximately 4–14 percent of drivers who sustained injury or died in traffic accidents tested positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol was detected as well. When users combine marijuana with alcohol, as they often do, the hazards of driving can be more severe than with either drug alone. In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; however, the effects of even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than those of either drug alone.

In one study conducted in Memphis, Tennessee, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine. Data also show that while smoking marijuana, people display the same lack of coordination on standard “drunk driver” tests as do people who have had too much to drink."


Well-known member
I probably will sound silly due to some fearful exaggeration ... but nationally I think if he were president and was able to set up things among the states the way he wants it to work, then there would be a civil unrest. States against states and neighbors against neighbors ... We could never have a civil war with this situation ... I don't think ... but I can't imagine what it would be like for people to become hostile and states to stop working together in one accord.

Internationally, I think our enemies would celebrate for MANY reason... but the first thing I see is that they would celebrate their time to re-organize in peace until the next attack upon our society.

Maybe, I'm jumping to conclusions??? But it's the way I FEEL.


New member
It would serve the rest of the world right to have Paul running the show for a term or two. Then they'd find out what it's like to be entirely on their own, protecting their own sea and air lanes, digging themselves out of their own earthquakes, getting invaded and nuked by hostile powers, having their computers hacked by terrorists and buying oil from the new Islamic caliphate. After eight years of President Paul, it would be generations before we'd hear a peep of anti-American sentiment again.

I think it's actually an interesting point, albeit a little heavy on the hyperbolic. However, the anti-Americanism driven (or perhaps rationalized) by our presence would likely be replaced by a new anti-Americanism driven by our absence.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, I was a long distance runner.

He won the 220 state championship with a time of 23.5, but he once ran the 220 in 22.2

He was also the state championship runner up in the 440 with a time of 53.3

And, he ran the 100 yard dash in 9.7 seconds, at a time when the national high school record was 9.4 seconds.

Up close and personal he is in remarkably good shape for his age.


New member
Are you claiming that there were planetary alignments during all the previous U.S. presidential assassinations? What exactly was, would or could be aligned? And how do you prove causation between the two events?
The type of causation is different than the supposed Newtonian explanations; having to do with synchonicity, quantum entanglement, and the principle that the above is like the below (aka holography, fractile math). There were indeed alignments during all previous assassinations, and one that almost succeeded. To this extent: whoever between 1841 and 1961 was inaugurated as president, every 20 years, did not survive in office. Plus one in 1850. And ONLY these. This coincided with Jupiter alignment with Saturn every 20 years, plus Jupiter opposition Saturn after the first such alignment (1850). Lucky Ronald Reagan escaped "by inches," it is said, because the previous conjunctions happened in earth signs and the 1981 conjunction happened in an air sign. 1841 was the first in a continuous series of such conjunctions in earth signs; 1961 was the last.

In 1861, 1881, 1901 and 1961, that president was assassinated. In the other cases, it was illness.

They're always "important needed changes," right?
Always. The nation always has needs, and we decline if we do not progress.

The plutocracy controls via deposit expansion and contraction. Ron Paul is claiming he will put an end to it.
The plutocracy controls via trickle-down economics. Obama promised to put an end to it, but did not fully deliver largely because of Republican obstruction (and his own concessions to the system).

The Fed has little to do with the problem. Any nation benefits from a central bank to dispense money when needed, or tighten money when needed. The problem is the big bankers and other big CEOs and financial gamblers, who keep wages low on their workers, raise the national debt and enrich themselves through massive tax cuts, send us into unneeded wars, allow massive consolidation of capital and markets, outsource jobs, buy-out companies, buy our government with lobbies and campaign spending, fool our government into giving themselves bailouts which they use for huge bonuses for themselves..... it's like almost, what do they NOT do-- and on top of that they get any help they want for their financial games from the Fed, the Treasury or the taxpayers.

Paul's alleged solutions are silly non-solutions, and would create MORE of the SAME!!
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New member
Spoken like a true Loonatarian.

I noticed that Ron Paul didn't reply to the question about whether he has used marijuana. What's wrong, is he ashamed of being a dope smoker, or maybe he has that typical Libertarian mentality which is: "I don't use it, or encourage my family it use it, but it's good enough for other people to use."

I also noticed that Congressman Paul made a statement as to no one being arrested for DUI while high on marijuana. He truly is out of touch with reality.

"Marijuana has adverse effects on many of the skills required for driving a car. Driving while high can lead to car accidents.

How does marijuana affect driving?

Marijuana affects many skills required for safe driving: alertness, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. Marijuana use can make it difficult to judge distances and react to signals and sounds on the road.

There are data showing that marijuana can play a role in motor vehicle crashes. Studies show that approximately 4–14 percent of drivers who sustained injury or died in traffic accidents tested positive for THC. In many of these cases, alcohol was detected as well. When users combine marijuana with alcohol, as they often do, the hazards of driving can be more severe than with either drug alone. In a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a moderate dose of marijuana alone was shown to impair driving performance; however, the effects of even a low dose of marijuana combined with alcohol were markedly greater than those of either drug alone.

In one study conducted in Memphis, Tennessee, researchers found that, of 150 reckless drivers who were tested for drugs at the arrest scene, 33 percent tested positive for marijuana, and 12 percent tested positive for both marijuana and cocaine. Data also show that while smoking marijuana, people display the same lack of coordination on standard “drunk driver” tests as do people who have had too much to drink."

I completely agree that marijuana impairs you to some degree, but alcohol impairs you to the same degree if not more. So why is it that alcohol is legal and marijuana is not? My view on constitutionalism holds true %344 here. The government shouldn't determine right or wrong when it comes to an individual, when the individual is the only one affected by his or her choices.