toldailytopic: How old is the earth?

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Gen 1:1 says God created the Heaven and the earth. YEC's see this as day 1.

In Job 38:7 we see that all the angels rejoiced when God created earth.

So, if there was nothing before day 1, and then all the angels rejoiced when earth was created, wouldn’t that mean the angels had to be created in the 6 days also?

It would mean that Lucifer was created with the other angels during the six days, rebelled against God during the six days, took a third of the angels with him during the six days, but before God rested on the seventh day.

It doesn’t make any sense.

There is no mention of Lucifer or angels being created during the six days. If they existed before the six days then where did they exist at since God created the Heaven and earth on day 1 (according to YEC’s)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, not completely. There's far more to Persephone66 than all that.

Persephone66's character came into question when he rejected AIG as an acceptable source because it in turn assumes the bible to be a reliable source. Knight then argued that Persephone66's opinion on that points is itself completely unreliable. Presumably because he can't seem to figure out which clothing to wear, what gender his boyfriend is and has every personal reason in the world to reject both God and the bible.

It's a fair point, I think. Can we take Persephone66's assessment of AIG as objective or are we safe in assuming he rejects it as a reliable source because the bible condemns him? :idunno:

Not to mention the scatter effect. Do you see my point here Mary?

The Barbarian

Sozo writes:
In how many days did God create the heavens and the earth? If you say anything other than six literal days, then it is proof that you do not believe God, and call Him a liar.

It is also proof that you are going to hell. What you believe is what reveals where you are going.

Sozo's conception of God seems to be of a big buddy who will beat up anyone who disagrees with Sozo's odd ideas.

For Sozo, God is a sort of cosmic shtarker.
Sozo's conception of God seems to be of a big buddy who will beat up anyone who disagrees with Sozo's odd ideas.

For Sozo, God is a sort of cosmic shtarker.
My idea is to believe God.

Yours is to climb in bed with whichever scientist agrees with you. I look forward to the day the God of the Bible tosses your worthless pathetic life in hell for calling Him a liar. The sooner the better. :loser:


This isn't even really a genuine issue. Anyone who genuinely believes the earth is only six thousand years old does not deserve to be taken seriously.

That sounds about right.

Hold on, I need to put on a labcoat so people think I'm a authority on the subject.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yes...but assuming that the rate is constant, will get you in trouble. It would have been just outside the Roche limit about a billion years ago, which is consistent with other evidence. The error is to assume that the rate has been constant. But since it's been driven by tidal forces that vary with the shape of the continents, that's not the case. A good discussion of the physics, with lots of documentation and sources, can be found here:

I don't know why you post links. Nobody will ever read them.

The Barbarian

Sozo displays his take on Christianity:
My idea is to believe God.

Yours is to climb in bed with whichever scientist agrees with you. I look forward to the day the God of the Bible tosses your worthless pathetic life in hell for calling Him a liar. The sooner the better.

Since God is unwilling that any be lost, I will hope and pray that you will be saved. That is what He expects of us.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The answer to this question is not a number, rather it is a way you understand scripture. If you believe scripture is correct word for word, then you do not need any of the Greek and Hebrew because it is all there in English, The King James being the best, in my opinion. Nowhere in scripture does it say how old the earth is and nowhere does it instruct one to try to add up numbers, so that is not necessary. The answer to the question is another question, do you believe in scripture?

Anyone have a problem with this?

The Barbarian

I don't know why you post links. Nobody will ever read them.

Some people don't have any trouble understanding them. Tim Thompson is a first-rate scientist, and one capable of making technical subjects accessible to all.

Your loss. Don't speak for others.


The answer to this question is not a number, rather it is a way you understand scripture. If you believe scripture is correct word for word, then you do not need any of the Greek and Hebrew because it is all there in English, The King James being the best, in my opinion. Nowhere in scripture does it say how old the earth is and nowhere does it instruct one to try to add up numbers, so that is not necessary. The answer to the question is another question, do you believe in scripture?

Anyone have a problem with this?

Now I am saying this as one who does not believe, but is the age of the Earth really an important part of what the Bible is about?

Even if the exact date of the Earth forming and how it formed could be pinpointed, would that change what you believe? Would it change what is right and what is wrong? Would it change anything?


Well-known member
Now I am saying this as one who does not believe, but is the age of the Earth really an important part of what the Bible is about?

Even if the exact date of the Earth forming and how it formed could be pinpointed, would that change what you believe? Would it change what is right and what is wrong? Would it change anything?

No to all. Which is why a larger proportion of Christians are either OEC, gap theorists, theistic evolutionists or other variations. In my view these will eventually drive out YEC, just like geocentrism in the church eventually died out.

People like Sozo are the ones in the minority. They just make the most noise and demand everyone agree with them or they must be Hell-bound.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Now I am saying this as one who does not believe, but is the age of the Earth really an important part of what the Bible is about?

Even if the exact date of the Earth forming and how it formed could be pinpointed, would that change what you believe? Would it change what is right and what is wrong? Would it change anything?

Not important and no need to ramble on. All you need to say is you do not believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. Actually all you need to say is, “I do not believe."


Well-known member
Yep, I'm in the minority with Jesus and Paul. You clearly have chosen the broad way.
The rest of us are gonna have to tiptoe around your room in heaven, cause you think you're going to be the only one there. :p

Go to hell monkey man.

Hope your doctrine is perfect . . .

For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.

You might end up there yourself.
The rest of us are gonna have to tiptoe around your room in heaven, cause you think you're going to be the only one there.
I'll be there with all those who do not call God a liar, like you do.

Hope your doctrine is perfect . . .
My faith is. You have no faith.

For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.

I judge according to what someone says they believe, which is how we are to judge. I have no problem being judged by what I believe. I believe God, you believe man. You WILL go to hell. Count on it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My idea is to believe God.

Yours is to climb in bed with whichever scientist agrees with you. I look forward to the day the God of the Bible tosses your worthless pathetic life in hell for calling Him a liar. The sooner the better. :loser:

Are you so much better than all those Christians who actually just have a differing approach to one part of the bible than yourself? You actually would wish this hell on someone and bile away with insults on top? Where are the fruits from Galatians? Patience, kindness, self control? :idunno:

Even if Genesis is actually completely literal in conveying the account of creation there's just no need for it. Or do you just take the fruits as 'metaphor'?

It's hardly "whichever" scientist agrees with him. It's established across the spectrum that the earth is way older than 6-10000 years old. Why you and other folk make such a big issue of this is anyone's guess.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'll be there with all those who do not call God a liar, like you do.

My faith is. You have no faith.

I judge according to what someone says they believe, which is how we are to judge. I have no problem being judged by what I believe. I believe God, you believe man. You WILL go to hell. Count on it.

Considering that "hell" is the grave you're absolutely right. So will you and everyone else. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust...


New member
All I can say is that it is at least 22 years old, so if anyone thought it was less than that, you can feel confident bumping your estimate up to 22! :)
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