toldailytopic: How do you feel about Obama's handling of the economy?

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
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I personally, like others, think Obama is controlled, but that's not to say he is a bad president. I think that he is being controlled in a way that prevents him from accomplishing many of the goals he set out to accomplish,

Like what? He said he would redistribute wealth. He spent a trillion dollars of tax payer money. Check.

He said he would socialize health care. Check.

You need to study economic history to see this isn't the first time. We had a right wing government in the 20's. That was the roaring 20's. And the RINO Hoover raised taxes and did all the same things Obama is doing, bringing in economic collapes. Then FDR extened it by his spending bills and even higher taxes.
I agree generally here, though I think if the Republicans in congress got their way, things would be much worse.

I do think the stimulus did help (since that's what nearly all economists say), and really we could use another stimulus. I think .

the stimulus did NOT work..

there are less jobs now t han b4 the stimulus

he is ruining our economy..

can't say Bush was much better, but this guy..

Bush was better... because he is not a communist


New member
Obama handled the economy? I thought he only knew how to talk about it. I think Joe Biden is the one who handled it like Dan Quayle handled his "potatoe."


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toldailytopic: How do you feel about Obama's handling of the economy?

I think he has no qualification to balance a budget.

I think Obama has continued with what he has always done ..... further his agendas by spending others folks money.
That's what community organizers do.
They never budget their own money for a project. They always rally to collect the money of others.


New member
Obama is an idealogue and wants to force everyone to sign on to his idealogy, but he and his czars are wrong to try to force people to accept this.


New member
It went to catastrophe before Obama was elected. It just happened to totally crash on his watch.

not true

Sat Aug 06, 2011

We are making the same exact mistakes we made during FDR's second term. His stimulus worked. Then they started to panic. FDR gave into the fear mongering about spending, and contracted many New Deal initiatives. The economy had been rising, but it dipped under the austerity programs of the conservatives. Same thing today.

At the end of Bush's second term we were plummeting. The massive tax cuts for the wealthy didn't create enough jobs and de-regulation allowed the financial markets to collapse. We were a patient bleeding out fast.

Once Obama stepped in the bleeding slowed, and then stopped. We saved the patient. Now the patient is in intensive care recovery. What's the solution? Kick the patient out of the hospital and let them fend for themselves. The patient isn't fully recovered yet you say? Too bad. Time to be tough. It's going to cost us dearly to re-admit the patient later, you say? We can't think long term like that. We're spending too much on the patient.
That is what is happening now. The United States survived the emergency room. The United States was in recovery. Now we have a get tough, austerity, anti-growth doctor who doesn't want to help the patient. Job killing cuts. Job killing austerity. Inequality widening tax cuts for the wealthy.

Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Updated 8/30/2010 5:12 PM

June 11, 2010, 11:06 am

Based on its economic models, the Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that between 1.4 million and 3.4 million workers who have jobs would be unemployed if the stimulus hadn’t been enacted. Three of the best-known private economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s — have come up with similar estimates. The average estimated effect on employment is about 2.5 million jobs.
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