toldailytopic: Home remedies: what are you favorite home remedies for common ailments


Wow. I will do some research into that. Thanks!

We use honey exclusively, however, if you have to buy sweetened products, look for those sweetened with Stevia. Stay away from sucralose and especially saccharin (sweet n low) and aspartame (splenda) :dead:


New member

We use honey exclusively, however, if you have to buy sweetened products, look for those sweetened with Stevia. Stay away from sucralose and especially saccharin (sweet n low) and aspartame (splenda) :dead:
I love sweets. Somedays I would like to roll around in a tub full of sugar. :D

But I do try to keep them to a minimum.


New member
Hall of Fame
We have found one that really works.... at the first sign of a cold or flu coming on lie on your side and pour several drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. Stay on your side and let the peroxide bubble for about 10 minutes. Then drain out the peroxide and do the same thing in the other ear.

Do this every couple hours (if possible) and you will completely avoid the sickness or at very least lesson the strength of the sickness dramatically.

However, this only works if you start the treatment at the first sign of sickness.

And of course, don't do this if you have any condition that doesn't allow you to have liquid in your ear drums.

Going to try that, Thanks!

The Barbarian

1 1/2 (or two...or three...) oz Jameson Irish whiskey
1/4 oz lemon juice
3/4 oz pure cane sugar
1 slice lemon
1 clove
4 oz hot water

That would make me feel better if I didn't have the flu.

My practice is to get under lots of quilts until I'm uncomfortably hot, and then sleep like that. Viruses can't tolerate fevers well, and I figured that inducing one might be a good tactic.

I asked a doctor about that once (Jewish, BTW), and he said it probably did some good, but chicken soup was even better.


Well-known member

We use honey exclusively, however, if you have to buy sweetened products, look for those sweetened with Stevia. Stay away from sucralose and especially saccharin (sweet n low) and aspartame (splenda) :dead:


splenda = sucralose (a chlorinated sugar)

aspartame = nutrasweet (a pair of amino acids plus a methyl group)

Stevia is a natural plant product apparently one of the better sweeteners.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I remember visiting a history site that said in days of old, they would use an onion cut in half on a table next to the bed. The next morning, the onion will be black and your sickness gone. Something about the onion absorbing bacteria or something.


New member
We have used hot green tea with honey and whole wheat toast with a little butter to treat respiratory illnesses to good effect.
Chicken soup with soda crackers when tolerated is soothing.
I think it is mother's TLC that makes a huge difference in the healing process.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Have you heard of the finger and thumb remedy for zits and pimples?

You place thumb and finger on either side of said zit or pimple and SQUEEZE

Be sure to have a disinfectant spray handy