toldailytopic "Evolutionary theory isn't about the origin of life"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Please demonstrate how the theory of radiometric dating came to be "because of the evidence".

Instead of your constant elephant hurling, start with ONE of those "abundant methods used to determine age": radiometric dating.

Once we destroy that one, we can move on to others.

All the methods are in the link. By all means, please show how you can "destroy" them.

Right Divider

Body part
I've never hurled elephants in my life.
You do it here all the time.

In the secondary definition you could argue that but not the primary.

It helps if you clarify just what you mean by materialist. In common usage it means someone who values material possessions above anything else.
A materialist is someone that believes that only material things exist (i.e., the physical world). Since you seemed to be so well educated in "evolution", I thought that you would know this term. Carl Sagan demonstrates this sort of belief when he said something to the effect, "The cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be". That's materialism.

I'm waiting for you to show how it's been invalidated.
Over and over and over and over we go.

Radiometric data is based on A MINIMUM of three ASSUMPTIONS. Measuring things in science does NOT use assumptions.

Please go learn about radiometric dating so that we can have an intelligent discussion.

Not if you understand how scientific theories come about.
Claiming that something is true because of how many people believe it is a LOGICAL FALLACY.


Active member
Precisely, it makes no sense at all. But that's what Genesis says.

Good question. What sayeth the scriptures? According to Genesis 1:3-5, God created (physical) light and "saw that it was good," and divided it from darkness. This light could not have been a direct emanation from his being because divine light is uncreated and eternal. Also, God would have no need to observe his own illumination and decide that it was "good," as Gen 1:4 states that God did with physical light.

The light referred to in Rev 21:23 is divine light.

Define the perceived difference between "physical light" and spiritual light. The light was good for creation's illumination.

Doesn't both the physical and the non physical emanate from God? How can any emanation occur otherwise?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
False. Not only have you answered none of my questions, you lie by saying that you've answered them. You mistake your nonsensical reactions to my questions, and your stonewalling, as being answers to my questions. You've given no answers to my questions.

Asking Darwin cheerleaders questions that they cannot answer without embarrassing themselves, and against which they opt to stonewall, is always called "playing semantic games" by Darwin cheerleaders. To "play semantic games" is simply to highlight the immense irrationality and stupidity of Darwin cheerleaders' ravings.

Translation: "So here you go ahead and leave me no choice, yet again, but to continue to stonewall against your questions, 7djengo7."

In point of fact, you do not refer to anything, whatsoever, as "evolution"; that's the point. The word, "evolution", is a word that, when written or spoken by Darwin cheerleaders such as yourself, is invariably parroted meaninglessly.

That's why Darwin cheerleaders--as you, yourself, and Arthur Brain, and others--invariably demonstrate that you know you cannot answer questions about the word, "evolution". That's why y'all persistently stonewall against such questions, and then lie by saying you're not stonewalling.

Well, no. You're just smarting because your OP has been absolutely debunked and your ego won't allow you to admit it. I'm guessing you're not very old as you're certainly not very mature.

Here it is again:

Case closed.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You do it here all the time.

No, I really don't. I don't juggle hamsters by the same token.

A materialist is someone that believes that only material things exist (i.e., the physical world). Since you seemed to be so well educated in "evolution", I thought that you would know this term. Carl Sagan demonstrates this sort of belief when he said something to the effect, "The cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be". That's materialism.

In the secondary definition, as I clarified.

Over and over and over and over we go.

Radiometric data is based on A MINIMUM of three ASSUMPTIONS. Measuring things in science does NOT use assumptions.

Please go learn about radiometric dating so that we can have an intelligent discussion.

I've already read up on it and it's more complex than your description of it. How about you get to "destroying" it?

Claiming that something is true because of how many people believe it is a LOGICAL FALLACY.

Which I haven't claimed in any way, shape or form to start with. Theories come into being and are accepted because of the evidence that supports them, otherwise they wouldn't become theories to start with.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Please explain how a theory based on MULTIPLE unprovable ASSUMPTIONS produces anything but nonsense.

Maybe you need to read up on just how the age of the universe has been determined. You don't seem to get how scientific theories come into being as it is given recent posts. It's certainly not through a popular vote.


New member
Evolution is a theory that causes errors in thinking, and assumptions about observable science which leads to erroneous conclusions about the natural world.

Like everybody being taught that Wolves and Dogs are a different species.

They can be interbred, and produce viable offspring; yet, so many ignorant believers in the evolutionary faith have a deep belief they are a different species.

This mistaken belief has been perpetuated by media, and kept in the biology books as a fact; though it's been disproven by observable science.

The belief in evolution causes people to come to false conclusions about the living things on this planet. This is why it's a bad idea to believe an obvious lie.

The theory of evolution is created or arranged in a way that seems artificial and unrealistic.

Just like sports at a university uses funds that should be invested in their education and art departments; evolution theory, and the funds used on trying to make a dead horse live, could be better spent on real observable science.



Active member
Maybe you need to read up on just how the age of the universe has been determined. You don't seem to get how scientific theories come into being as it is given recent posts. It's certainly not through a popular vote.

Tell me how scientific theories came into being or anything did.


New member
Oh, sorry; didn’t mean to double post: just thought it didn’t get posted originally for some reason, and wanted arthur to see it.

Why do you believe in evolution Arthur?

Do you find it odd that evolution theory has man descending from a different species with different functional anatomy in 3.5 million years, while all the other species on earth are believed to have remained anatomically indifferent; not gaining any new functional anatomy for tens and in some cases hundreds of millions of years?

I mean, do you explain that by believing man was manipulated by aliens, or fell into the same few the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did?

Just wondering about what you really believe... To see what form of crazy Evol logic we are working with here...




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Well, no. You're just smarting because your OP has been absolutely debunked and your ego won't allow you to admit it. I'm guessing you're not very old as you're certainly not very mature.

Here it is again:

Case closed.

Why did you close your case of Kleenex though you're still crying so pitifully?

In your link, you say that

Evolution, in fact, is not the study of origins at all.…Evolution studies the pathways and mechanisms of organic change following the origin of life.”

If something is not about origins at all, then it is not about the origins of species. So, you're admitting that evolution is not about the origins of species.

Evolution, quite simply, is the study of the origin and development of species insofar as that can be determined based on various fields of study, not about the origin of life itself.
Yup, absolutely.

You geniuses feel no shame in flat out contradicting, out of one side of your mouth, what you just got done saying out of the other. "Evolution is about the origin of species; evolution is not about origins at all.":)


Active member
Oh, sorry; didn’t mean to double post: just thought it didn’t get posted originally for some reason, and wanted arthur to see it.

Why do you believe in evolution Arthur?

Do you find it odd that evolution theory has man descending from a different species with different functional anatomy in 3.5 million years, while all the other species on earth are believed to have remained anatomically indifferent; not gaining any new functional anatomy for tens and in some cases hundreds of millions of years?

I mean, do you explain that by believing man was manipulated by aliens, or fell into the same few the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did?

Just wondering about what you really believe... To see what form of crazy Evol logic we are working with here...



Yep, it was the shinning ones....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell me how scientific theories came into being or anything did.

Scientific theories come into being because of evidence. It's really not that difficult to understand. They don't come about through some personal whim but through stringent and continual testing that supports the data. If the evidence didn't support the theory of evolution then it wouldn't have become such. The theory of gravity exists by that same token.

Oh, sorry; didn’t mean to double post: just thought it didn’t get posted originally for some reason, and wanted arthur to see it.

Why do you believe in evolution Arthur?

Do you find it odd that evolution theory has man descending from a different species with different functional anatomy in 3.5 million years, while all the other species on earth are believed to have remained anatomically indifferent; not gaining any new functional anatomy for tens and in some cases hundreds of millions of years?

I mean, do you explain that by believing man was manipulated by aliens, or fell into the same few the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did?

Just wondering about what you really believe... To see what form of crazy Evol logic we are working with here...



What I find odd is that there's still people who are so set in their doctrinal belief systems whereby science is considered a threat to faith or belief. To rational people there's no actual dissonance between the two. Attempting to mock science from a YEC perspective is pretty ironic.


New member
Oh, sorry; didn’t mean to double post: just thought it didn’t get posted originally for some reason, and wanted arthur to see it.

Why do you believe in evolution Arthur?

Do you find it odd that evolution theory has man descending from a different species with different functional anatomy in 3.5 million years, while all the other species on earth are believed to have remained anatomically indifferent; not gaining any new functional anatomy for tens and in some cases hundreds of millions of years?

I mean, do you explain that theory by believing man was manipulated by aliens, or fell into the same gew the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did?

Just wondering about what you really believe... To see what form of crazy Evol logic we are working with here...

That’s “Gew”, not “Few”:
Sorry for errors; it’s hard to type all this up on an iPhone.


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Maybe you need to read up on just how the age of the universe has been determined. You don't seem to get how scientific theories come into being as it is given recent posts. It's certainly not through a popular vote.

What you have agreed upon through popular vote is to call the cloud of pompous nonsense you call "the theory of evolution", "the theory of evolution". And, you call that vote, "science".